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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Judge Nap: Settlement for Freddie Gray's Family Means Cops Won't Get Fair Trial

Judge Andrew Napolitano said on "The Kelly File" that the decision of city officials in Baltimore to approve a $6.4 million settlement for the family of Freddie Gray means that the six Baltimore police officers who are charged in his death will not get a fair trial.

Judge Napolitano said that in every state, when there is a potential for civil and criminal litigation, the rule of thumb is that the criminal case goes first.

"You do not want to do something in the civil case that would prejudice the fairness of the criminal case," he explained.

Judge Napolitano said that the massive settlement is the city all but admitting liability for Gray's death, making it impossible to find an impartial jury.

"It's an example of a mayor misusing her office. It's an example of the mayor setting an atmosphere in which a fair trial is nearly impossible," Judge Napolitano said.



  1. Yep Judge Nap is correct and this decision today is how you create Detroit, one corrupt black brick at a time. Unfortunately most all blacks haven't the sense to see it and when their city goes to hell will sit around wondering why.

  2. They are setting the cops up. Even the blacks can't be that stupid? ? Can they??

  3. This is reminding me of the Zimmerman trial. Nothing went his way but he was acquitted and I know God will not forsaken these 6 officers and all of this will eventually implode. Then all hell will break loose in Baltimore and if that means more blacks killing other blacks then that is always a positive good thing.

  4. Judge Nap is not familiar with the judicial zoo in Maryland.

  5. The cart is before the horse on this one. Issuing a payout for what would normally be a civil case after the criminal cases were adjudicated is prejudicial to the outcome of the trials -- it presumes guilt for each of the defendants by reason of confirming wrongful death at their hands.

  6. I agree with the judge. The mayor has given each of these defendants a guilty verdict in the eyes of the public, regardless of their guilt or level of guilt. No fair trial can be had in Baltimore, or any place within 500 miles of Baltimore. The jury pool is tainted beyond help. The only ones that could not possibly be influenced by this are those who have been in a year long coma and who will be awakened in the jury selection room.

  7. I ask everyone 2 please visit www.baltimore6.com and at least click on the link and buy a tee shirt 2 help out these 6 honorable, decent men.

  8. It's all about getting her re-elected, she doesn't give a rats ass

  9. Will police officers who have been murdered receive $6.4 million for their families also? Would rather see them get it...

  10. Judge Nap is exactly correct here. Every person reading about the payout across the country is now a tainted juror and cannot be seated. She has effectively stolen the right to a fair trial from the officers. The only thing left to do is to drop the charges and let the SHTF.

  11. They won't get a fair trial in that city because it went for obama 87%.
    This proves what horrid, filthy nasty people reside in that place. It has nothing to do with obama's race but the fact that he is a pathological liar and a vulgar poor excuse for a human being and anyone who votes and/or supports him is either utterly ignorant or a person who has no morals.

  12. Steve, A lot of us understand that the payoff doesn't reflect liability on the part of any of the officers or the city, but those who live in Baltimore do not possess the brains to understand how it works. They can barely speak English (and no their aren't immigrants but are blacks) so to expect them to understand anything other than how to commit a crime or make a baby is nuts.

  13. Absolutely incredible, and for the judge to say this will not have any impact on the trials is just mind blowing. Then he also says that the officers will get just as fair a trial in Baltimore as they would if it were moved. Time to do some digging in his background to see who he's tied to. Talk about automatic appeal if they are found guilty. Way to go so called mayor of Baltimore, but wait, you didn't tell the police to let the destroy and pillage either right!! I'm still waiting for the new Police Chief to voice his opinion on the settlement before trial. Doubt he will if he likes his new job. Time for decent hard working people to wake up !!

  14. Williams did leave open the possibility if during jury selection, it becomes apparent that trying to find an impartial jury in the city, is an exercise in futility, the defense can then file another change in venue motion.
    So the bottom line is at this point in time, the trials may or may not be held in Baltimore.
    The funny part is the Baltimorons think it's a done deal.

  15. Mosby is doing everything she can to win this case. She knows she doesn't have what it takes to win so she is going to cheat a bit to get the result she wants.

  16. This decision should have been witheld until the trials are over. How can it not affect a jury?


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