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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Oath Keepers Offers Kim Davis Protection From Further Imprisonment by Judge

In this video, (see below), Stewart Rhodes and some of the Oath Keepers national and local leadership discuss the real issues behind what is happening in Rowan County, Kentucky.  We have had boots on the ground there since last week and will continue to have a presence.  Stewart Rhodes reached out personally to Davis's legal counsel to offer protection to Kim, to ensure that she will not be illegally detained again. We would like to stress in the strongest terms possible that we are doing this not because of her views on gay marriage, but because she is an elected public servant who has been illegally arrested and held without due process.  


We believe Federal District Court Judge David Bunning grossly overstepped his bounds and violated Mrs Davis' due process rights, and in particular her right to a jury trial.  This judge has assumed unto himself not just the powers of all three branches of government, but has also taken on the powers of judge, jury, and "executioner."  What matters to us is not whether you agree with her position on gay marriage or her decision to not issue marriage licenses.  What matters is that the judge is violating the Constitution in his anger and desire to punish her for going against his will.  We are already being subjected to an unconstitutional imperial presidency, that grew exponentially under both Bush and Obama, expanding the claimed war powers of the president to swallow up our Bill of Rights and circumvent jury trial.  The result is an executive branch that claims the absurd power to declare any American an "unlawful combatant" on the say-so of the president alone.   

Now we see the rise of an imperial judiciary that not only legislates from the bench but is attempting to expand their "contempt" power to likewise swallow up our Bill of Rights and circumvent jury trial.   Both methods are used to allow the powerful office holder to merely point his finger and have his opponent thrown behind bars without a grand jury indictment and without being found guilty by a jury of their peers.  No innocent until proven guilty before a jury. Just "guilty" because the leader says so.  That is a dictatorship, whether done by a president or by a judge.  No one man should have that kind of power in his hands alone to decide guilt and impose a sentence of indefinite detention. Under our Constitution, that dictatorial power does not exist.  We must stand against this.  And so we will protect her and prevent it from happening again.     -  Stewart Rhodes
Comments? Please go to this article at the national website for Oath Keepers and leave your comments under the article there.  We appreciate your participation at our national site.
Thank You!   


  1. The utter ignorance of this guy and his organization is palpable. Hope he likes 3 hots and a cot.

  2. Contempt of court is not an illegal arrest.

  3. More home grown terrorists.

  4. The wheels are turning.

    When patriots (ex-military men, former police officers, and pissed off citizens) start openly saying that if armed agents come to the house, they will be met with firepower and determination, well, better start getting ready (if you haven't already).
    Read some of the works of Henry, Madison, Jefferson, and Franklin that preceded the FIRST American revolution.
    Then quickly run to the store and get more guns and ammo.
    Sheep, yes-men, "goot ci-di-zens", and the brainwashed?
    Keep cheering.

  5. 12:19 and 12:20 are Obama lovers...We are coming Punks... to take back our COUNTRY...So back off!!!!!

  6. "No one man should have that kind of power in his hands alone to decide guilt and impose a sentence of indefinite detention."

    Does this apply to the detainees in Gitmo?

    1. NO. They r not American citizens and r not in America. They do not have our Constitutional rights.

    2. Who cares about a bunch of terrorists in Gitmo other than a bunch of bleeding heart liberal progressive democrats that will be begging anyone to protect their sorry asses from that which they support. Suck it up buttercup not everyone follows the piper.

  7. Kim Davis I am sick of hearing about you. I don't believe in gay marriage, but I do believe you have a right (if legal) to do anything you want. If issuing marriage licenses offends you than find another job that fits your need, find something else to do! Your 10 minutes of fame has expired, no one cares anymore what you think. You are no hero or great moral champion.

  8. These terrorists are the true threat to our country, not the ones over in the middle east.

  9. 12:12, 12:20, 1:06 are you all that ignorant of what our country was founded on and what it has become? Are you that brainwashed by what this government wants you to believe? You must be the perfect sheeple this administration wants you to be! I just hope you get a taste of what this government can and will do to you just like they did to Kim Davis. I will guarantee that you will be crying your eyes out wishing you had these "home grown terrorist" like the moron 12:20 called them by your side. I applaud these guys for what they do!

  10. Kim Davis brought this on herself. She has the freedom to find another job.

  11. 1:43 PM I am pretty sure what you are seeing in those comments is not that these people do not understand the founding of this country. You are looking at the true enemy of these United States of America. They are daring us to do something and when it happens it will not go well for them. All they know or want is big government. They can not fend for themselves and would not even know where to begin. They dream that one day their idealized vision of a peaceful world will emerge out of no where. But that is not the reality and when they finally realize that hope gets you no where they will likely be bleeding out in a ditch.

  12. If you applaud these guys then you are supporting traitors to our country.

  13. this group keeps making fools of themselves lately. stop taking on every issue that comes down the pike. she was not forced to violate her (newfound) faith, she could have resigned. God wouldn't take care of her for 'following His word'? and Ms. Davis, if you are going to judge shouldn't you take the beam out of your eye first? 4 marriages? doesn't that ALSO go against God's definition of marriage?

  14. 2:13 If you applaud the traitor Obama then you are a traitor.

  15. I used to think this was a standup group but they have veered off the path they originally began. if this lady didn't want to adhere to her oath of office she should've simply just resigned.

  16. The Oath keepers should go arrest the judge.

  17. Kim Davis is a legal pawn, and this story is a distraction. Never mind Russia directly entering the US' proxy war in Syria, the financial collapse, Planned Parenthood selling baby parts, and Hillary's emails.

    1. I know man, right? The end is coming quickly.....and I'm not talking religeous stuff. Riots and famine are coming quickly. There many many angry people. The pressure cooker has been boiling for some time and it's getting ready to go.

  18. Guess it is better than Huckabee and Cruz acting as her protectors. What a joke those clowns are, using her for a political stunt, talk about low.

  19. Dam right. This is the kind of action that needs to happen.

  20. Oath Keepers:Dangerous kooks who will likely end up in jail or dead or just big talkers.

  21. Kim Davis has asked them to stay away. First intelligent thing she has done.


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