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Sunday, September 27, 2015

CAIR Calls for Carson to Leave Race

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson should withdraw from the presidential race for his comments that a Muslim shouldn't be president, a prominent Muslim-American group said Sunday.

"I think his remarks should be repudiated by everyone on the political spectrum and that he should withdraw," Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation's largest Islamic advocacy group, told the Washington Examiner on Sunday.

Carson, who is third in the Washington Examiner's presidential power rankings, spoke on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday and said that he wouldn't "advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation."

Hooper said that Carson's comments were unconstitutional according to Article Six of the Constitution, which forbids a religious test as a requirement for qualification to any public office.

He added that he is constantly dismayed by the "Islamophobia [exhibited] by the right wing of the political spectrum."



  1. Islam is completely incompatible with Western Civilization.

  2. Good idea, he should leave.

  3. If CAIR is against him, that's a stellar endorsement in my opinion. Trump/Carson!

  4. I agree 100% with his comment!!

  5. Lets see now.....why don't the candidates ask the interviewer if he/she knows anything about muslims other than "islam"?
    If he did, he would know better than to ask if a muslim can lead the USA.
    A person who follows a religion that calls for the murder of anyone is ISN'T a muslim, who thinks women are more of a property issue than a human one, one that still today, condones the stoning of women.
    Carson SHOULD have said "What an idiotic question. Did they just wake you up a few minutes ago and say you had an interview to do?".
    Would a Christian be a good candidate for Prime Minister of Turkey???
    Maybe they should ask Hillary some questions like these, if she ever decides to actually meet with someone from the press, and if they could ever stop asking those tough questions, like "what's your favorite color?".
    Keep cheering.

  6. I officially call for cair to leave our country to real Americans.

  7. I'll go one further 9:59. I call for CAIR to leave the country, period.

  8. This another liberal action of if you do not agree you should be banned message. Nowhere does Carson state all Muslims are bad or dangerous but out of concern for the bad Muslims he is stating we should not take the chance at all. Like it or not that is NOT Islamaphobia is common sense for the safety and security of our country.

  9. CAIR should be the one to leave! I agree 100% with Ben Carson.

  10. I have a novel idea. Lets let the American voter decide.

  11. 9:39,

    You took the words right out of my mouth! Since CAIR is against him, he must be doing something right.

    Last week, Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein said Trump having his "finger on the button blows my mind,". That Wall Street fears Trump is a pretty good sign he is doing something right as well.

    Bring on the outsiders!

  12. Carson is selling a ton of books so don't look for him to get out, yet.

  13. I am having a pig roast all CAIR members are invited. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Carson stand your ground. We open our doors to these people then they want to change OUR way of life. Live free people. To our guest live free as well and stop trying to change America we will not stand for it. Go home if you do not like America for over 200 years we have thrived. America do not let them divide us just look at the muslim state in the world it is a wreck

  14. Ben Carson speaks the truth regarding no Muslim allowed. The current problem now is that nobody is allowed to speak their mind. They automatically get called a racist, which is a bunch of crap.

  15. hmmmm. let me think about this. CAIR; a government recognized terrorist organization telling a respectable, world renowned, neurosurgeon to get out of the presidential race.

  16. CAIR should leave America.

  17. CAIR - "Unindicted Co-Conspirator" in 9/11/01 attacks

  18. Who cares what CAIR thinks this is America love it or leave it. You can't go around saying death to Americans and expect to be voted in as America's President. Nuff Said

  19. The problem is that anyone gives cair the attention that they do not deserve. Do you ask your cat or dog how to vote? Probably a bad analogy because if it came time to save my pets or a cair person from imminent harm, the cair people would have to fend for themselves.

  20. CAIR needs to be run out of America.

  21. Any President who favors one religion over another is not representing America. This points out why any candidate that is that swayed by their person beliefs over law is unfit for the office.
    Presidents must rise above all the division.

  22. when will the country get over the fact that this is NOT a religion. Calling it that doesn't make it that.

  23. I am totally sick of all types of activism .

    1. We need an "activism boycott". Turn off the tv when the media is giving them airtime, refuse to patronize businesses that support them, and quit fueling the poo-fire by commenting and responding in online forums. Especially since both the media and all levels of government are obviously enabling and condoning their violence and demagoguery at the expense of the taxpaying citizen.


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