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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Donald Trump Grilled on Obama, Muslims: ‘It Wasn’t People From Sweden That Blew up the World Trade Center’

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump was grilled Sunday regarding his reluctance to correct a comment deriding Muslims several days ago as well as his views on President Obama’s faith and place of birth.

Jake Tapper, host of CNN’s “State of the Union,” called an audience member’s comment — “we have a problem in this country; it’s called Muslims” — at a Thursday rally for Trump “raw, unvarnished, ignorant bigotry.”

“You are a leader,” Tapper said. “You’re the frontrunner in the Republican race. Do you not have a responsibility to call out this hatred?”

Trump suggested he could be “politically correct” and then asked, “Are you trying to say we don’t have a problem? Because I think everybody would agree … we certainly do have a problem. I mean, you have a problem throughout the world.”



  1. Utterly ignorant answer.

  2. Why does everyone need to protect Obama's feelings? No one has to support or believe Obama or any of his lies. He is obviously anti christian, anti american and pro Muslim, so why does anyone need to say other wise? Trump is correct and should be congratulated not shunned.

  3. Rob (bless his heart) made the following comment on the Blaze. IMO he is 100% correct. I wonder if the other 16/17 running on GOP or any of the Dems will ever wise up and realize what the people want, instead of always trying to tell the people how they should think.

    " Rob -Sep. 20, 2015 at 8:02pm
    Those in power defend Muslims, Illegals, baby killers, cop killers, #blackliesmatter, global warming….

    Why do I support Trump? Because I truly believe that he won’t defend those things and I believe that all the rest running will play the same old game".

  4. Utterly perfect answer. Thank you Mr Trump and Mr Carson.

  5. "Justin Gregoli said...

    Why does everyone need to protect Obama's feelings?"

    Why does everyone need to protect EVERYONE'S feelings is the bigger question. Political correctness is the cause of just about every problem this country faces esp when it comes to violence.
    It is dead wrong to NOT tell it the way it is, because you are worried about offending someone. Some people need to be called out and if it offends them then too bad. The truth isn't always pretty.

  6. A president that tells the TRUTH. Wow that will be something.

  7. Trump is not politically correct and that's why I support him screw the national media and their masters.

  8. keys words ' blew up '

  9. Now that's a real s-eating grin.

  10. The perception problem is Obama's and it's America's basic distrust of him that propels the Muslim label. Maybe if Obama didn't act like a Muslim or think like one--the distrust would not exist--it is what it is.

  11. Until Americans come to grips with the realization that Islam is a way of life AND a complete system of government and it is NOT just a “religion” and then carry that realization to it’s logical conclusion, the useful idiots who vote democrat will continue to be all “Tolerant and Inclusive”

  12. “Freedom of Religion” tempered by “Separation of Church and State”. Both are great ideas, and both are the antithesis of Islam, which is totally intolerant of any other religion, and seeks to install its own moral code (Sharia) as the “Law of the Land” in complete reverse of the “Separation” principle.
    And yet, even as I type this, I am totally aware that some will find my words offensive, since what I’m really saying is that muslims have no place in America, not by our choice, but by theirs. And the very idea of that goes against the grain of everything we have assimilated into our personal belief systems. But only so long as we continue to wrongly believe that islam is a religion, rather than a political/governmental ideology that is hell-bent on taking power in every corner of our planet.

  13. He's the man who will put a Democrat -- Hillary or Biden -- in the White House.

  14. He's the man that will put political correctness in the crapper.

  15. In Islamic countries, Islam IS the law, and attempts are being made in this country to make it so here, too.

  16. He's right. It was Americans that did it


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