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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Things Have Changed In Salisbury Since This Photo Was Taken

Sent in by a reader

Salisbury Mall Mid 70s

What changes can you notice in this picture? 


  1. there's a great big overgrown dirt & cement pile in the center of this picture.

  2. I really miss those days, days of Mayor Martin, and Chief Dykes. Growing up on the Eastern Shore was awesome. I imagine, anywhere like this back then was pretty good.

    Now our country is divided by a Muslim President determined to use race war to get us fighting. Race, using people and media to create turmoil. He wants to have martial law so he can stay in office and finish the job of complete destruction of the United States. These liberals, politicians already have an escape plan, and island, other country lined up to go to. Its the bottom 2/3 that are screwed forever.

  3. Anonymous said...
    there's a great big overgrown dirt & cement pile in the center of this picture.

    September 21, 2015 at 7:37 AM

    I keep looking at the picture and I can't see it???

  4. The old Civic Center and an operating Shirt Factory

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I really miss those days, days of Mayor Martin, and Chief Dykes. Growing up on the Eastern Shore was awesome. I imagine, anywhere like this back then was pretty good.

    Now our country is divided by a Muslim President determined to use race war to get us fighting. Race, using people and media to create turmoil. He wants to have martial law so he can stay in office and finish the job of complete destruction of the United States. These liberals, politicians already have an escape plan, and island, other country lined up to go to. Its the bottom 2/3 that are screwed forever.

    September 21, 2015 at 7:42 AM

    You are correct!!

    With the influx of more illegal Aliens and the 200,000 plus Muslims this country will be in turmoil and there is bound to be a lot of fighting and criminal activity. Possibly the start of the next civil war and then you have it, Martial Law!

    1. You add The Ebola Epidemic, FEMA Region 3, and Jade Helm into this and you have all the ingredients for a Kook Salad !

  6. Yes, 7:42 we are not going in the right direction.

  7. They should let people come and some of that recycled concrete at their own cost. That pile would go away quickly.

  8. I see the old WYCC, and NO Rite Aid on the corner. Good memories, I loved the old mall, great hang-out when I was a teenager.

  9. Lets see, no Civic center, no Twilley Center, Pizza Hut, Burger king, in fact, none of the places are their, not even the church on the corner.

  10. Back in the mid 70s we had a much better quality of lifestyle than what our citizenry is experiencing today. Back then - even the Manhattan Shirt Factory was seen to exist - something that has long disappeared - (all manufacturing). Gas was .35/gallon now it is 600% higher than the mid 70's.

    WOW . . .what a detrimental change from the mid 70's compared to today.

  11. Wow, I moved to Salisbury in the late 70's and I must admit Salisbury was a great place to live at that time.
    A few years later I moved into an apartment right across from the Civic Center and the Mall (Glen Gardens) which was a wonderful place to live during that time. I loved walking over to the Mall to shop and back then, people were actually nice when shopping in the various stores. Now Salisbury looks like a little
    Detroit with all the empty businesses and foreclosed homes - and every where I go signs are in Spanish and people are speaking Spanish. I thought I was living in the US! Those were the good ole days........

  12. Question:If everyone loved the old mall as much as comments have suggested,why did they stop going there? That mall didn't just decide one day to up and leave.As the customer base gradually declined businesses left and the per unit rental $ amounts increased as a result.So in essence it did not just "leave".The old mall was forced out by customers who opted to shop elsewhere.

  13. The old mall was nice to shop at but wasn't located in the easiest place to drive to. When the bypass opened around Salisbury and businesses opened in north Salisbury fewer people went to the old mall. The mall didn't just exist on the shoppers from Salisbury but from the surrounding areas which could access north Salisbury easier when the bypass opened. The Centre is now experiencing the same type of problems with the growth of businesses in the north and around the Delmar area and the growth of shopping centers around Berlin-WOC corridor.

  14. typical baby boomers- "everything we did/had was wonderful- everything gen x or y does is wrong"....

    1. The world went to hell during the Boomer's watch, but they would never own up to it.

  15. Left click to expand photo!

  16. The old civic center is in that pic. Before the big fire.

  17. 9:21 AM

    The old mall was going down the tubes, but when the college student was killed in the rest room at the old mall, it was the end of them. The retailers left in droves, and the old mall became history.

  18. The world went to hell during the Boomer's watch, but they would never own up to it.

    September 21, 2015 at 11:16 AM

    I'm a boomer and I have to agree with you. The boomers thought they knew so much more than their parents and we could make the world a better place. So a lot of boomers rebelled against their parents and the system and instead of fixing their parents mistakes they did the exact opposite of the parents and totally screwed up the country.

  19. I believe i was at the twilley center over the weekend. it's still there, unless under another name. Lombardis has been there at least 40 years.

  20. It went under when the Black guy stabbed the college girl to death in the bathroom.

  21. It won't be long before the "new" mall is a pile of rubble too. Malls are a thing of the past. Younger folks shop online and have purchased delivered right to them. No need to drive, park or deal with sales people or associates or whatever they call them today.

  22. 8:05:
    In answer to the question, what changes can you notice in this picture?
    The difference between then & now. Have you not been there?

  23. I notice progress. Nothing ever stays the same, for any reason.

  24. Back then, the Civic Center (in the foreground) was a only little "white elephant" and now it is a much bigger one!

  25. The old mall was forced out by the newly planned North Business Corridor. More traffic, more room, bigger mall, lots of other businesses.


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