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Monday, September 28, 2015

There's Something Going On In Salisbury or Wicomico County

We've been getting reports of all kinds of emergency vehicles running up and down Rt. 50 in Wicomico County but we've yet to confirm what it is. Some are saying they are seeing swat like vehicles. If anyone knows what's going on let us know through comments. 


  1. I'm near Hebron, they are all headed east.

  2. Same here in Somerset County - I live right off of Rt. 13 near the Mt. Vernon intersection and a bunch of police cars and other emergency vehicles have headed south over the last half hour.

  3. There was also a large crime scene around 6:30 this morning at the gas station around eden/allen near eden used auto

  4. Flow continues through Princess Anne South - this time an unmarked van with emergency lights activated

  5. Heading East on 50 to Salisbury this morning a huge State Police Crime Scene Van speed pass me at 7:20.

  6. Im in hebron too and saw a plane flying pretty darn low heading west then watched it circle around back towards airport...

  7. Sounds either like a prison break or monster drug bust.

  8. My bf is a truck driver and said about an hour ago going east on Rt. 50 towards Salisbury from the Easton area that he saw a couple of armored vehicles and dark vans with lights on...

  9. It started! Get your tinfoil hats on. The government is coming for your guns.

  10. Where is Orson Welles when you need him. The Martians have landed. Thanks Obama!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It started! Get your tinfoil hats on. The government is coming for your guns.

    September 28, 2015 at 3:14 PM

    they can have them. one bullet at a time.

  12. OK 3:14 PM
    Got my 'tin foil hat' like you advised. My gun is locked up. Ammo locked too in a different place.
    Please advise what to do next?

  13. We saw them between 12:30 and 1:30 from Salisbury to Easton. At least 12 police vehicles with lights on, most of them unmarked. Three emergency vehicles - like equipment and high tech response vehicles. They just kept coming. It was freaky. And not a word on the news. That worries me even more.

  14. I saw several black vans with lights flashing heading south on 13, near Princess Anne around 1:45


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