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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Bin Laden is “Alive and well in the Bahamas”, says Edward Snowden

Moscow| National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, has made a new controversial claim yesterday, saying that he possessed some classified information proving that Osama Bin Laden is still alive.

Snowden, who lives as a fugitive in Russia after leaking documents about the NSA’s surveillance programs has made some previously unreported allegations about the famous terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, during an interview with the Moscow Tribune.

According to him, not only is Bin Laden still alive, but he is living a lavish lifestyle in the Bahamas, thanks to regular payments from the CIA.

“I have documents showing that Bin Laden is still on the CIA’s payroll,” claims Edward Snowden. “He is still receiving more than $100,000 a month, which are being transferred through some front businesses and organizations, directly to his Nassau bank account. I am not certain where he is now, but in 2013, he was living quietly in his villa with five of his wives and many children.”



  1. Right. And Chelsea Clinton is Bill's daughter.

    1. You never know she could be.....


  2. Reader you haven't even touched the tip of lies the united states of America is telling.

  3. We don't believe anything Snowden has to say. Bid Laden is dead and is being eaten by fish and crabs.

  4. 1:28PM
    No truer words have ever been said.

  5. 1:28-True,but so many lies are being held so delicately in place that revealing the truth will start a domino effect.That's why people are dying.Anyone who poses a threat of disclosure is surgically eliminated.Snowden is the #1 target IN THE WORLD.Numerous US operatives have been killed attempting to get to him.For that reason he is a true hero.

  6. A guy that released thousands of pages of docs on the us and its spying programs is quoted in the article as saying this -

    "Mr. Snowden says that the documents proving that Bin Laden is still alive will be integrally reproduced in his new book, expected to be released in September."

    That's how you know he full of doodoo. If he had legit records if this it would be posted on wikileaks or some other semi credible/credible source. If its in his book and nit in digital form it'll be a lot harder to analyze the evidence.

  7. No one has shown proof he was killed.

  8. 1:10......Look for Craig O'Neil from Little Rock. Compare the pictures. ?????

  9. the bahamas?!?!
    with biggie and tupac?
    sure, snowden... whatever you say.

  10. I can believe any thing from this administration. They do not hesitate to tell lies to make theirselves look good.

  11. If Snowden lived in another country his remaining family would have been tortured! I am a Veteran who served two terms in brutal combat. Snowden is a traitor and a coward.

  12. sad to say i believe Snowden over my Government.

  13. If bin laden is dead it was because of kidney failure. Not some fake raid seven years removed. Snowden has no reason to lie versus the other truths he's exposed. The fairy tale is unraveling that's why our government is preparing for civil unrest

  14. hidden dangers of the rainbow once again read it love it prepare

  15. That wasn't Bin Laden you saw in the Bahamas it was Scottie Pippen.

  16. No true! He is living in the penthouse at Rivers Edge.

  17. Snowden is buying time. Eventually, Putin will want him to begin paying some of his bills. He is running out of reasons to remain newsworthy. When that happens, Snowden will be shown the sidewalk for fend for himself.

  18. So, the seal team killed him and they buried his body at sea. Then the seal team has a tragic helicopter accident.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We don't believe anything Snowden has to say. Bid Laden is dead and is being eaten by fish and crabs.

    September 1, 2015 at 1:38 PM

    You don't have to. It's a horse to water kind of thing.

  20. Take a good look at your children, Snowden sold them down the river. The damage done by this idiot is life threating. He is a traitor of the worst kind.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Take a good look at your children, Snowden sold them down the river. The damage done by this idiot is life threating. He is a traitor of the worst kind.

    September 2, 2015 at 8:26 AM

    You wanna explain that one?

    The gov does wrong. Snowden tells us. And it's Snowden's fault? Wow.

    1. No I can't explain who and where my source is. Just know he is priority number one!

  22. He is not in the Bahamas.

    He is living in Gull Creek.

  23. He is actually a Nuclear inspector for Iran's Nuke program, appointed by Obama to make sure Iran complies with the treaty. :(

  24. I believe it. Why do you think he was buried at Sea. You bunch of Gullible morons worshiping your king.

  25. Anonymous said...
    He is actually a Nuclear inspector for Iran's Nuke program, appointed by Obama to make sure Iran complies with the treaty. :(

    September 2, 2015 at 11:14 AM

    You cracking silly jokes proves that you are ignorant.

  26. I would say "hogwash" but everything else he has told us has turned out to be true, even after the government denials. Our country provided safe passage and new identities to Nazi war criminals after WWII. It is not implausible that we have done the same for Bin Laden.


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