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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Young Dirt Bike Rider Hit By Officer In Police Car Sunday

On Sunday night, an officer driving a marked patrol vehicle struck a dirt bike driver as he fled from police on his dirt bike.

A uniformed officer was driving a marked patrol vehicle in the along City College, where he and additional units responded to for the report of dirt bike riders in the vicinity. Upon their arrival, the dirt bikes began to flee.

The dirt bike driver involved in the accident changed directions several times, one of which his bike slid. The driver continued down an alley and attempted to make a turn in the 3200 block of Avon Avenue, when he stopped and attempted to get off of the dirt bike. It was at this time the officer was unable to stop his vehicle prior to it striking the dirt bike, the patrol vehicle’s lights and sirens were not activated. The bike did not have any lights or safety equipment.

The 16-year-old victim was transported to an area hospital for the medical care of his injury to his ankle. The victim was treated and released and subsequently transported to the Juvenile Booking Facility.



  1. These thugs ride all night on these illegal vehicles but are Never addressed by SPD why you ask bc SPD has there hands tied by chief duncecan.

  2. Impound and fine the parent.

  3. Impound and fine the parent.

  4. Oh well no symparhy...that's karma...dirt bikes don't belong on public streets....kid should be charged with a crime.....

  5. SPD doesn't bother with them because the bikes are not registered/tagged, riders have no license and even if stopped/ticketed will never pay the fine since there is no registration or license to lose. Only law abiding citizens are ticketed because they must pay the fines or be penalized by MVA.

    1. Impound there vehicles.they are NOT authorized on the streets.

  6. those bikes are running drugs, but no mention of finding any.

    1. Same way thugs ride mopeds at nights in da bury hood.

  7. Good I hope the little SOB is in such pain he can't see straight. It's just a damn shame his head was flattened by the tire.

    1. Spd should have ran over his head,

  8. 12:33...
    You are EXACTLY right. All that government BS new regulations about scooters/dirt bikes has done NOTHING to control these bikes, except to virtually erase them from the streets of Ocean City - along with many very lucrative businesses.
    Think of this: Get caught in OC without all the crap you need - helmet; goggles; tag; registration; insurance, license - and it can (and has) totaled up to seven points on somebody's driving license. Plus a major fine. Try getting insurance with seven points.
    All you gun control people out there: Take note. The regulations are being followed ONLY by law-abiding, well-meaning citizens, NOT the criminal element. This is what happens.
    What the hell is happening to our country...?

  9. Just more of the Baltimore thuggery finding its way here.
    The parent (baby momma) will get a call from lawyer, lawsuit to follow, out of court settlement to follow!

  10. We keep hearing how poor the people in Baltimore are. How can they afford these motorcycles?

  11. 6:48
    My guess would be some of them are stolen. My question would be where are the parents. If my child brought home a motor cycle I would be questioning them on where they got it. The next step would be taking them to the police.


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