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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Baltimore City Police Cancel Leave During Freddie Gray Hearings

Baltimore City police have canceled all leave on days when the first pretrial motion hearings are scheduled in the case of the six officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray.

Baltimore police spokesman T.J. Smith said all leave requests have been canceled for Wednesday and Sept. 10 when the pretrial motions are set to be heard in the Mitchell Courthouse, located at 111 N. Calvert St.

"Yes, leave has been canceled to simply be prepared," Smith said. "We have hindsight and we would rather err on the side of caution and have people ready if needed. We certainly hope we don't need them."



  1. Why cancel their leave just to bring them in and order them to stand down. It doesn't make any sense. They should just tell all the officers to stay home tomorrow that way all those who wish to destroy will have more than enough room to do just that.

  2. Yeh , get ready for another riot from the good children of Baltimore and around the country. Black lives don't matter anymore.

  3. 2:36 Correct. Why risk your life when you are told to stand down? Start shooting and they will all go home.

  4. Black lives don't matter. They are only fooling themselves. Back in June in Balto a black literally put a gun to a 7 yr old black child's head, pulled the trigger and blew the child's brains right out. His mother was shot dead too. All this occurred in their home. No one can even tell you the name of this child. That's how much black lives matter.
    Same locally. A few years ago, a black child got a hold of a gun and shot and killed himself. The gun should not have been in the home not to mention within reach of a small child. No one can name this child either. Oh but they will get themselves in a savage frenzy over some dead thug. Such a screwed up culture. It is not normal by any sense of the word.

  5. Leads me to believe the charges will be dropped and they are preparing for the next wave of "protests."

  6. I cant wait till there all found not guilty,lock and load,

  7. ALL white cops should call in sick .

  8. Word I am hearing out of Baltimore is that the court hearing is tomorrow, September 2nd. On September 10th, the judge will be making a decision on changing the venue.

  9. Already know they are gonna walk free!

  10. There is only two possible scenarios that will happen for sure, beyond any doubt, on the outcome of this hearing:
    1. If they disagree with the result - they will riot and loot.
    2. If they agree with the result - they will riot and loot.

  11. Take the country back from thugs...We're headed for martial law.

  12. I am going to get myself and my family a couple of flat screen TV's, new clothes, laptops, game stations, phones, all kinds of free stuff that week. After all, we need this stuff, and the Mayor will "Give us room to destroy and loot".

  13. " Anonymous said...

    Word I am hearing out of Baltimore is that the court hearing is tomorrow, September 2nd. On September 10th, the judge will be making a decision on changing the venue.

    September 1, 2015 at 3:40 PM"

    Right. Tomorrow the lawyers will argue their case for change of venue but a decision isn't expected until the next hearing.
    The judge will rule tomorrow to recuse Mosby or not. Whether the all the charges will stand or not. Whether to try officers together or separately will be discussed tomorrow also.

  14. Prepare for ludicrous looting!

  15. Host on WCBM show out of Baltimore said he has heard from multiple sources that at least some of the charges against the officers will be dropped today.
    We can only hope that the BLACK Judge Williams reams Mosby a new one and that the black community accepts that she is an incompetent fool and nothing more than a product of affirmative action. She was waited listed on law schools and so damn dumb that she failed the bar.
    AND.....the black community needs to take off their colorblind blinders and start voting smart otherwise they will keep regressing into the pit of crime and poverty of THEIR OWN creation.

  16. 8:32 AM

    are you high?

  17. Nope 8:50 not high but truthful and honest which is a foreign concept to you people. Try it though and you will become better people for it.

  18. Just in live from courthouse. Judge Williams questioned whether it was Mosby's "job to calm the city" "isn't it the prosecutors job to prosecute cases" he said.

    Told deputy SA Schatzow that it was "inappropriate and YOU KNOW IT" for Mosby to remark on whether officers cooperated.

    Yeah Judge, keep on slapping the ghetto trash Mosby back into the gutter where she came from and where she belongs.

  19. Jodge denies defense motions saying it is out "of his authority"

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Nope 8:50 not high but truthful and honest which is a foreign concept to you people. Try it though and you will become better people for it.

    September 2, 2015 at 10:03 AM

    lmao yeah you're high

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Leads me to believe the charges will be dropped and they are preparing for the next wave of "protests."

    September 1, 2015 at 3:14 PM

    wrong again. NO charges were dropped, nor should they be.

  22. Can't wait, gonna be exciting! Nice them punks can't swim the bay.


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