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Sunday, September 13, 2015

100-plus Protest Islam In Schools In Bristol, Tennessee

More than 100 people gathered outside a middle school in Bristol, Tennessee, Friday morning to protest curriculum teaching children about Islam.

Under the state’s Common Core curriculum, seventh-graders are required to learn about the history of Islam and compare and contrast it with other religions, local NBC affiliate WCYB reported.

The curriculum is part of the Tennessee social studies standards, which are set by the State Board of Education.

“We can’t change that,” Amy Scott, principal of Vance Middle School said. “That’s not something we have control over. We do have a responsibility to teach it in a politically neutral and religiously neutral environment, and we do that. We take that very seriously.”

Members of the community held a silent and peaceful protest to raise awareness about the issue. Protesters said they are not upset with the school but want to see the state change the curriculum requirement, WCYB reported.

“This is when kids begin developing their own faith and character for the rest of their lives,” said Jane Thomas during the protest. “To me, it’s a very scary thing.”

More here


  1. If the curriculum includes the horrors mandated by Islam, and how it was originated by a misogynistic paranoiac with delusions of godhood, it should be a no-brainer, even for 10 year olds.

  2. This is beyond dumb. It's HISTORY, not belief, they're being taught. Religion was pretty important in developing trade routes, etc., and Islam was a part of that. And if you don't understand the tenets of a religion's faith, it's gonna be hard to understand why groups (like India and what is now Pakistan) don't like each other now.

    I hardly think the students are being asked to pray to Mecca five times a day. They're being taught about a religion that 1/6th of the world's population believes. They're not being taught to practice it.

    And even IF you hate Islam and all who follow it (in which case I'm gonna wonder exactly which gas station you use in Salisbury), wouldn't it benefit young people to know something about what you perceive as the biggest threat to our nation? Or should we never mention Nazis when studying WWII because they were the bad guys?

    1. Bull, they are not being taught political party , they are being taught a religion , which all know is against the separation of church and state ! Which is why we can't have CHRISTIAN prayer or teach CHRISTIAN ways !

    2. The more things change, the more they remain the same. American History is rife with prejudice. African Americans, Irish, Catholics, Japanese Americans, Russiian Americans, Homosexual Americans. It's never-ending.

  3. Awesome Work!! I wish all of America had the Balls!! Pansies!!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is beyond dumb. It's HISTORY, not belief, they're being taught. Religion was pretty important in developing trade routes, etc., and Islam was a part of that. And if you don't understand the tenets of a religion's faith, it's gonna be hard to understand why groups (like India and what is now Pakistan) don't like each other now.

    I hardly think the students are being asked to pray to Mecca five times a day. They're being taught about a religion that 1/6th of the world's population believes. They're not being taught to practice it.

    And even IF you hate Islam and all who follow it (in which case I'm gonna wonder exactly which gas station you use in Salisbury), wouldn't it benefit young people to know something about what you perceive as the biggest threat to our nation? Or should we never mention Nazis when studying WWII because they were the bad guys?

    September 7, 2015 at 9:44 AM

    This Liberal^^^ just doesn't get it. I can't wait for the Muslims to start picking Liberals in this country and decapitating them. Hopefully you will be one of the "chosen" ones for your stupidity.

    1. So why all of a sudden its now in the schools..........bc of our Pt muslim president.

  5. Letter to the Editor

    Here is some more Bullsh!t that John Fredericksen allows to go on in the school system. It is Labor Day and I can't even spend the last weekend of the Summer with my family on a 3 day weekend get away. Our weekend was planned for soccer Friday, Saturday and Monday with no regard for this being a the last holiday weekend of the Summer. Did I mention that schools were closed this weekend? This is absurd and the Wicomico County Board of education does nothing about it. School is closed today and our kids have to go to a mandatory soccer practice. Then we have to do a soccer picnic. I would rather have a Labor Day Picnic with friends and family that already made an invitation. We have no choice if we want our kids to play sports at Parkside High School. Our entire weekend was planned for us by the school teacher coach. This is absurd I must say. I've talked to many other families and they are not happy about it either, but if we fail to attend our kids won't be playing sports. Whoever allowed this should be fired.

    Could you please post this as I would be curious to see if all the schools do this and if a mandatory practice is required or legal. I would also like to see the Wicomico Board of Education respond to this silliness.

  6. And you think they're going to just teach historical facts without any positive spin on muslim culture 9:44?

    You even MENTION Christianity in most of these schools and the PC Gestapo will be all over you.

    It would be fine to teach factual info about the world's religions if it was done fairly and equally.

    But we all know it isn't.

  7. 100 is NOT enough.
    The nation should be pissed.

  8. “We can’t change that,” Amy Scott, principal of Vance Middle School said. “That’s not something we have control over...

    So, somebody tells you to do something like go jump off a building, and you just do it because you have no control over it? What a liberal rollover pansyass you must be.

    I don't want you teaching my children ANYTHING!

  9. "American History is rife with prejudice." Oh, bullsh*t. Go back to your dorm room and save the whales. Relative to many other countries, the US is accommodating to a fault. Case in point - how do you think 'Caitlyn' Jenner would make out in a muslim country?

  10. 10:26 Soccer is about as dumb a sport as their is. If all of the families don't show up then the next move is by the School. I doubt if they will want the publicity.

  11. 10:26
    if you want things to change just don't do the sports thing in school. why do your kids have to play sports?

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoSeptember 8, 2015 at 9:41 AM

    They should have Cartoon Drawing of Muhammad Contest just to see how many Muslim Fanatics show up to "Express Themselves" and Their "Religion of Peace".


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