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Sunday, September 13, 2015

ISIS Declares A New Set Of Rules For Christians: If You Say The Name Of Christ, And We Hear It, You Will Be Butchered

ISIS has recently declared a new set of rules for Christians: if you say the name of Christ out loud, you will be killed. The set of rules also outlaws the displaying of Crosses and the building of churches. According to the report:
The Islamic State has issued a “safety contract” for Christians living in Qaryatian, Syria comprised of 11 specific commandments, including one which prohibits praying out loud to Jesus Christ under penalty of death. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Christians in the captured town will have to pay the jizyah or jizya tax imposed on non-Muslims, in addition to the other commandments issued by the extremist group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The watchdog group listed the 11 stipulations, which prohibit: the establishment of churches, the displaying of crosses, making Muslims hear Christian prayers or rituals of worship, the hiding of spies, offending Islamic religious beliefs, the carrying of weapons, the sale of pork or wine to Muslims, and failing to dress modestly. The list of rules concluded, “If they comply with these conditions, so they have are safe in their lands, money and souls, and they are not going to pay one-tenth except they bring money to trade from outside the IS territories not oppressor nor oppressed. None of them is going to be punished under a sin committed by another else of them. In case they violate the conditions of this writ, then ‘Islamic State’ is going to deal with them as they deal with people of war (warriors).”



  1. Not unlike any other pinheaded ultra-conservative religious zeelots, except for the killing part.

  2. yeah 12:35, except for the killing part. You just nonchalantly add that on like it's a minor annoyance.

    maybe you should read up on what the Crusades were really about, then just choke yourself and do the world a favor.

    1. Maybe you should read what the crusades where really about. It wasn't just about killing Muslims.

    2. The "Crusades" were launched to stop the tide of Muslim aggression, which was pushing its way up through Turkey and on Europe's doorstep.

      It was NEVER an "armed missionary" invasion.

      No Muslims were forced to convert or die.

  3. Damn bunch of flippin idiots. I want my BLT samich right now!!!

  4. Didn't they just say the word themselve's ?
    Perhaps that will eliminate that group !

  5. 12:48 PM - yes, I should have had the word "contemporary" in that sentence, as your reference is to something that happened between 800 and 900 years ago, or about 350 years before Columbus sailed.

  6. And, while sanctioned by the Pope, the Crusades were 200 years of warring to gain power and misused Christ's name and his philosophies.

    1. Revisionist history.

      They were not intended to gain power or believers, but to STOP the rampaging, barbaric Muslim hordes from staging a position t

  7. "And, while sanctioned by the Pope, the Crusades were 200 years of warring to gain power and misused Christ's name and his philosophies."

    Oh yeah - the crusades. One more piece of ancient history that I'm NOT apologizing for. How about you focus on what is taking place today - you know, the stuff we might be able to address. This ISIS bunch are butchering fanatics. Just like the Nazis. We had the balls to carpet bomb that bunch. What's so different about these pigs?

  8. At least they're now allowing Christian people to live and worship. Just do it quietly. I'm not advocating them. Wish all Muslims dead. Something is changing with them.

  9. And what does our cowardly, lying president do?? We have the power to stop this atrocity and we don't because our coward president supports the muslims and their sick twisted idealism. By doing nothing, we condone this atrocity and, therefore, have blood on our hands by doing nothing to help these folks. This is not the American way to turn a blind eye on this atrocity against mankind. What has happened to us?? Wake up America because the world is seeking America's guidance and leadership. We are being guided by a person who always leads from behind and is now in the process of giving Iran the bomb just to appease his muslim brothers! WAKE YUP AMERICA BEFORE IT'S TO LATE!!!!

  10. Every knee will bow before Christ, and I really enjoyed putting bacon in the mouthes of dead Isis fighters

  11. Muslims need to be neutralized, worldwide.
    It is a religion of death and hate.

    1. Hey fools this is 2015 not the 12th century

    2. And they are just as much an active threat, if not more, that they were back then.

  12. "Mr. President. Here are the nuclear launch codes."
    The end.

  13. That's right 10:32 and 10:35!


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