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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kentucky clerk appeals order putting her in jail

LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — A Kentucky county clerk has appealed a judge’s decision to put her in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Attorneys for Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis officially appealed the ruling on Sunday. The three page motion does not include arguments as to why Davis should be released but amends Davis’ earlier appeal of the judge’s order.

Davis objects to same-sex marriage for religious reasons and stopped issuing all marriage licenses in June after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide. Two gay couples and two straight couples sued her. U.S. District Judge David Bunning ordered Davis to issue the licenses and the Supreme Court upheld his ruling.



  1. That's not going to go well. I wonder whose money she is spending on the legal process

  2. time for another revolutionSeptember 7, 2015 at 9:36 AM

    The Judge who did this is GAY, and he said "kids who do not like Homos need Re-education."

  3. Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law she was imprisoned for upholding

    1. No. She was jailed for imposing her moralistic views when she should have been doing her job. She shouldn't have been jailed, she should have been fired for refusing to do the job she's paid to do.

    2. Yes!! Thank you for trying to educate the ignorant.

    3. She's elected...she can't be fired...

  4. The judge who did this was appointed by George W Bush and is a Republican...

    If you don't do your job, it doesn't make you a hero, it makes you a bad employee.

  5. She will be a millionaire when her book/movie deal gets signed.

  6. In case you idiots are to stupid to understand and haven't been paying attention Homosexual activists have been breaking laws in our country for almost 50 years to advance their agenda, and now all of a sudden, they demand everyone else obey the law, a law not passed by Congress, but a ruling delivered by the Supreme Court which is prohibited from making law. So, in the name of the law, activists undermine and destroy the rule of law, then make new law illegally, demanding the rest of us obey. Tyranny is the only word for it.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law she was imprisoned for upholding

    September 7, 2015 at 9:43 AM

    Aw... dumb dumb is pretending they know the law.

  8. Simplest of issues. This lady can hate gay people all day and all night long. She can be the worlds biggest bigot if she wants. She can continue to pop out kids and marry every guy she sees. However, she was elected to do a job that she has chosen not to do. She does not get to choose the laws she wants to follow. Especially as a government employee. If she wants to lead a movement to change the law, more power to her. First, she needs to resign her position. Period, there is no other discussion.

  9. She is getting quite an education on lesbian sex now in jail!

  10. Just because we have a gay judge we should destroy her freedom of religion. She broke no laws it was a court decision. And we let Muslims go through airport security with no searches because of freedom of religion or political correctness. We should profile Muslims because they are the terrorists. But now would rather strip search American grandmothers and babies. How is that fair. Let her out of jail and keep her religious convictions and beliefs.

    1. Please educate yourself on American civics before acting like a fool


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