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Friday, August 07, 2015

Timeouts for Toddlers? New Parenting Study Has Surprising Results

(NEW YORK) — Disciplining your child is a polarizing topic for parents as everyone has different feelings on what they think is right.

Some parents choose to love their toddlers through their tantrums.

“Parents can really use it as a teachable moment to show their kids how to problem-solve and to teach them how to express themselves,” Yahoo parenting senior writer Elise Sole told ABC News.

And others choose to ignore the fit and enforce a timeout.

“When a child is really being defiant, they’re hitting, they’re overwhelmed with emotion; that child is best suited for a timeout,” child and teen development specialist Robyn Silverman said.



  1. A good beating never hurt us. (the baby boomers generation)

  2. Discipline in lacking in most kids...'the punishment should fit the crime' I see my kids (which better not screw up) compared to some kids their age and it's like they have lived with no rules or consequences.. Its sad I'm only 34 with two teenage kids (married to their father). As a parent I would be extremely embarrassed to send some of these kids out into the real world...your kids are a reflection of you and how you raise them.

    1. Private school or your failing them as parents.

  3. “When a child is really being defiant, they’re hitting, they’re overwhelmed with emotion; that child is best suited for a timeout,” child and teen development specialist Robyn Silverman said.


    at 8/07/2015 10:30:00 PM


    They just grow into overwhelmed adults with no discipline and still need their mommy and daddy to make it all better when they can't handle it.

  4. No, you should just get a belt and beat them back and blue, like my father did (for any act he could call disobeying him). And that's what most of your followers support as a parent's right, and call "discipline."

  5. 1:34 Perhaps you have lived a sheltered life...but what you should know is that some of the most beautiful parents raise the worst children and some of the worst parents raise some of the most beautiful kids...I've seen it...I teach.


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