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Friday, August 07, 2015

Obama Call for Restoration of Voting Rights Act

WASHINGTON — President Obama marked the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act on Thursday by calling on Congress to update the law and urging people to register to vote.

"There are people of goodwill on both sides of the aisle who are willing to do it, but it keeps slipping as a priority," Obama said. "This has to be a priority. If this isn't working, nothing's working."

The Supreme Court struck down a key provision of the act two years ago, ruling that jurisdictions with a history of discrimination are no longer required to have voting changes preapproved by the Justice Department.

Obama pointed to battles at the state and local level, where voting rights groups challenge voter identification laws. Wednesday, a federal appeals court ruled that a Texas law is discriminatory and violates the act.



  1. This is just a move to get more Democrats for Hitler-y.

  2. I don't care what he says anymore. When he speaks I turn my tv off.

  3. You need I.D.for EVERYTHING. Why not for voting? ? Another scam by democrats. So obvious and people turn a blind eye,very disturbing.


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