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Friday, August 07, 2015

For Some Republicans, A Trump Victory Looks Increasingly Possible

CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Four years ago, only one Republican candidate was consistently hitting the same kind of polling heights among the presidential field that real estate mogul Donald Trump is reaching now. His name was Mitt Romney.

The fact that Romney went on to capture his party’s nomination should be, at the very least, one basic reason why Trump’s recent surge can’t be dismissed as the aberration that so many pundits and party strategists claim it is.

That doesn’t mean, of course, that Trump, who will command center stage at the first Republican presidential debate on Thursday, is going to wind up the party’s nominee a year from now. There are significant obstacles in his path: his history of supporting liberal causes, his sclerotic campaign organization and his limited appeal - so far - to a narrow swath of Republican voters.

Still, some Republicans, especially those outside of Washington, are urging the party to take Trump’s bid seriously, arguing that it’s not out of the question that he could shock the world and win the primary.

Craig Robinson, the former chairman of the Iowa Republican Party, sees echoes of the current president in Trump's run, saying Trump is another product of the media environment.

"Obama was a brand. Donald Trump is a brand. At the end of the day it was really cool to be an Obama supporter and really uncool to be a McCain or Romney supporter," said Robinson, who is neutral in the Republican primary.



  1. Those Republicans who support Trump are the proverbial "low information voters" and will do for Hillary what they did for her husband when they supported Ross Perot. Right now she is happier than a pig in s__t.

  2. Big donners do not want Trump to win due to the fact they cannot control him the way they can control the other candidates they have given money to. Trump cannot be bought by them since he is financing his own campaign. They are frightened by Trump because they want to control "their" politician.

    Trump/ Carson!

  3. Trump is leading in the polls so they want to grab onto his coattails and go for the ride to the Whitehouse.

  4. Cruz and Trump!!!!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Cruz and Trump!!!!

    August 8, 2015 at 3:48 AM

    NO Canadians! Haven't you learned from the current Kenyan?

  6. I disagree with the first post. I make over a million a year and am tired of all the tiptoeing that politicians do. I see trump as a shock to the system and one that we need now. I also like his ideas on our broken tax code.

  7. If he doesn't win the nomination - good chances he will run as an independent...leaving the dumbocrats in control of the white house!

    If he can be shown to be better than the best Democrat (right leaning) and electable he should be elected - he has the power to screw it up either way!

    1. Keep drinking the koll aid. He won't because he's going to be the President in 2016.

  8. a trump victory will definitely put a democrat back in the white house maybe the democratic party is paying him to cause riff within the gop and if he files as a independent the gop will lose all those votes to the dems

  9. Problem is,Trump would not win the overall election. Most women and Hispanics would not vote for him. Four more years of Dems in the WH will cause total collapse of the economy if Obama doesn't cause it before the next election.

  10. Trump is the "trump card". He is in place to make Hillary look good. He bought her and now he is helping her back. Wake up people. He is the stooge that is going to help Hillary in office. How can people be so stupid?????

  11. Idiot republicans then....trump is a democrat. He may make the white house but if he does you can kiss your christian values goodbye. Look at his life people. Look at how he lives his own life. Are you blind???

  12. let's see him win a single primary contest....then we'll talk.


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