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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Obama Endorses Biden -- Is Hillary's Indictment Near?

What was "the smartest decision that [Barack Obama] has ever made in politics"? Choosing Joe Biden as his running mate, of course. At least that was Obama spokesman Josh Earnest's assertion this week. And it wasn't just Earnest. Obama has said it before.

While Earnest also expressed Obama’s “appreciation, respect and admiration” for Hillary Clinton, it's hard to overestimate the importance of his statements on Biden in light of Hillary's mounting trouble.

What does Obama know that would prompt such a strong endorsement of Biden? Does Obama believe Hillary is in so much trouble that she may be indicted? Perhaps he believes choosing her to head the State Department was the worst decision he ever made.

It is increasingly likely that Clinton, having deleted more than 30,000 emails from the illegal private communications server she maintained while secretary of state, may face criminal charges. Those charges range from felony possession of classified documents on an unclassified and unauthorized server, to felony obstruction of justice — she erased all those emails after the server had been subpoenaed by the House Committee on Benghazi.

For the record, the statute pertaining to evidence tampering, 18 U.S.C. § 1519, includes penalties of up to 20 years in prison. That statute is part of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, for which then-Senator Hillary Clinton voted "yes."



  1. She needed to vote on the legislation so she could see what was in it....I think she sees it now - but the dumbocrats will continue to be stupid enough to continue voting for stuff before they read it!

  2. Two big mistakes by Obama, appointing a felon as secretary of State and a buffoon as VP. The choice of Biden did however help with second thoughts on impeaching O.

  3. He chose this fool for insurance, no one was going to kill him and let this idiot become president, very simple, hay, that is exactly what Biden is, Simple.

  4. She will not do a day in jail, lose any pension, pay any fines, or suffer any consequences.
    She is fully aware that she is protected by the "two sets of laws".
    "We, the people" would have already been charged, our houses torn apart by FBI agents searching for MORE evidence, and would have cleaned out our saving for the best attorney we could find.
    That's how it goes for the serfs.
    For her, she runs for PRESIDENT (!)and jokes (!!) about her criminal activity.
    Two sets of laws.
    Keep cheering!

  5. Obama will pardon her on his way out,
    Why do you think he and Bill were playing golf?

  6. I've always thought Obama didn't like the Clinton machine. He takes Hillary out, puts his puppet Biden in for just one term, and Rahm Emanuel comes in to take the baton for the Chicago Democratic Machine. That would set the Obama camp up for 24 years of corruption. We would never recover.


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