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Wednesday, August 26, 2015


It’s not just illegal aliens and anchor babies who are on Donald Trump’s mind these days.

The Republican candidate for president says there’s “an assault on Christianity” both in America and abroad, and he’s blasting President Obama for doing nothing to help believers being decapitated by ISIS.

“They’re being beheaded in Syria! They’re being beheaded,” Trump exclaimed Friday on Alabama’s Yellowhammer Radio. “They’ve been abandoned by Obama and this whole group. They won’t be abandoned by Trump, believe me.”

“If you’re a Christian, it’s almost impossible to come into the United States from Syria,” the billionaire developer continued. “And yet the Muslims, it’s one of the easier places. Now you explain that to me. Absolutely there’s an assault on Christianity, and we’re gonna reverse that trend big-league.”


  1. DUH!! Muslims and Christians have been fighting for EVER. Obama is a Muslim. Obama is an illegal alien. So what does he fight for the most? Muslims and illegal aliens go figure! !

    1. So do you support him? Or disagree with him?

  2. today I was searching google images. It was for yazidi women; inspired from a wikipedia article on Kurdistan from a link on one of those peaceful and not Islam religions of the region - I dont recall the religion. Anyhow, as you may know if you browse enough and click enough you eventually find those things Google and the U.S. gov't would prefer you nor see, especially not cencored. This I did. I'll tell ya...I dont want to hate and want to care and not demonize whole groups but seeing those images calousizes knowledge.

  3. It's about time one of the candidates said something about this ongoing tragedy.

  4. Come on people! Wake Up! Our Country was founded on Christian principles!! We are a Christian nation barring the few that rock the boat. The problem is we do not speak up . We conform. We are pushovers! Our founding fathers were not that way. They fought for a nation under GOD!! If the 85% would stand up and fight for Christian values they believe in instead of conforming and turning their heads we'd be a lot better off here. STand up and be proud of what we are folks!!

    Oh yeh by the way..........Merry Christmas to the 85% that know what I say is right!!

  5. We need to expel all the Muslims out of our Christian country, or have our own Holy war and kill them!

  6. Our founding fathers were not that way. They fought for a nation under GOD!!


    Totally false.

  7. Trump finally opened the doors to many issues because he doesn't fall for the P.C. crowd. That part is good, but beware, Trump is Not the savior of the Republican Party or America. Pray about this election cycle and listen to ALL the candidates. There are others that are running for President and they are conservative in their beliefs. Keep an open mind. Trumps problem is his arrogance and pride. Haven't we been dealing with this for the past 6 years on the Democrat side? I'm not sure I want someone that believes it's his way or the highway. Just saying, keep an open mind for now.

  8. Quit your whining. Christians who get beheaded for standing up for their Christian beliefs receive the highest reward, the martyr's crown when they get to Heaven.

  9. Trump is the personification of H. L. Mencken's ubiquitous "Psalm-singing SOB", which he called MD gov. McKeldin back in the day. Has the Dolald been in church since he was baptized (or was he even)???


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