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Friday, August 07, 2015

Are You A Sheep?


  1. Sums it up pretty nicely.

  2. I can't afford lion hunting but I have come close to buying a Confederate flag.

  3. Buy now before you know it they will be illegal to manufacture, purchase or possess and those which are already out there will have to be registered into a national data base, all for YOUR safety!!

  4. That's why their called sheeple, not people.

  5. Very few people think for themselves. We have seen a dramatic drop in common sense over the years. The falls right into the liberal agenda. Give them their smart phones and entitlements while we take away their individual rights "for the good of the many". BALONEY. In a socialist country, who are the only people that have guns? THE GOVERNMENT. To enforce all their great ideas. This is what awaits us.

  6. Time to wake up America!

  7. ONe week ago Donald Trump was just a candidate.....NOW he is the guy who makes Hillary look viable. Wake up America. Wake up!!!

  8. Two nights ago all of you were really upset with Fox because of the way Trump was treated.Now who is a sheep? He prevails.


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