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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Where Is Salisbury Headed In The Local Political Arena

Clearly from yesterday's Post stating Jake Day was in fact going to announce he was running for Mayor of Salisbury, comments started pouring in and many of them were negative. Not one of them, (negative wise) meant anything because no one stated just what Jake has done wrong.

You've got Mark Kilmer putting out information on Facebook and just as soon as it gets out there, Mike Dunn goes on the attack.

Jim Ireton, well, he's just been a complete waste of time from the very beginning.

Then you've got Bob Culver who has been eaten alive by the local main stream media until Greg Bassett recently started playing nice and my guess is that Greg did so in order to go after Bob down the road. The Daily Times does an article one day, (recently) stating Culver is flat out against funding a $5 million hanger at the Airport and then two days later in an editorial stating Bob is considering it. 

Here's what I see...

I personally think Jake Day is by far one of the best candidates to run for Mayor then I've seen in many years. Yes, those of us in our 50's and older might find some of Jake's visions a bit hard to swallow but let's go back to the last election when Jim Ireton stated to the Chamber of Commerce, (in a forum referencing the lockout ordinance) if you can't police your own business, we'll police it for you and if we can't police it, we'll shut you down. 

So for those of you attacking Jake Day, take this opportunity in comments to say exactly what he has done to hurt Salisbury.

As for Kilmer, we need 5 more just like him. I say 5 because you've already got Joe Holloway. 

As for Culver, you talk about walking into a hornets nest without any protection and someone locking the door behind you! The man is giving it his all and considering the local media went right after him right out of the gate, well, we all knew things were not going to change and for what it's worth, I wouldn't trust a thing these liberal outlets say anyway. 

The same might be said for those negative comments about Jake Day. The man hasn't even offered up his platform and people are lining up to attack him. That's just as stupid as the local media attacks. So, is Ireton's crew on the war path with such negativity? Is Mike Dunn trying to line himself up to run for County Executive? 

Finally, could Jake Day be the perfect person to represent the old "Dream Team", kinda of like when Ireton first ran for Mayor and once elected he turned on all of his supporters, possibly. However, for now he's your best shot at moving Salisbury forward. That's just my opinion. Now let's see who's man enough to put their name behind the attacks against all of the names mentioned above. If you remain anonymous we'll know you are one of Ireton's lap dogs. 


  1. who's the hangar for out at the airport?

  2. WOW! Sure is awful QUIET all of a sudden!

  3. It's not what he has done to hurt Salisbury it's what has he done to improve the conditions of Salisbury.
    Jake Day is all about government being the solution whether it's free or low cost trollies to downtown, free WiFi, low income (projects) housing.

  4. I admit I am not woman enough to put my name on any critical comments directed towards liberals. Just look at the way they seek to destroy those who oppose them.

  5. It's just frustrating that there doesn't seem to be a viable alternative in this election. I don't have anything particularly against Jake Day, in fact I greatly admire his passion for Salisbury, but I'd really like to see a conservative, fiscally responsible candidate run against him. Seems like there a lot of people who don't like the idea of Day being mayor but all they want to do about it is sit behind their computers and whine on a blog. Say what you want about the Chuck Cooks, Bill Ducks and Jackie Wellfonders of the world, at least they get out there and work to get their people elected, rather than just sitting around complaining.

  6. I honestly don't know who is best fit to serve as Salisbury's mayor but I can say that I hope that the winning candidate isn't a slobbering drunk, wanna-be DJ/performer that spends all of his free time trolling bars on Main Street. I hope Salisbury will elect someone with a little decorum and class this time around, however, they've screwed it up twice so far so who knows what the outcome will be.

  7. Jake Day is just another tax and spend liberal weekend warrior. He voted for the rain tax and voted to raise property values even though houses in Salisbury are not worth crap. What has he done to reduces taxes cut government waste. Besides all this fluff about downtown how is he any better. Joe I you could have ran again.

  8. Jake Day is a slave to political correctness. Salisbury is well on it's way to a severely depressed crime ridden area and it's because the politicians aren't honest and haven't the backbone to tell it like it is. They only tell the voter base what it wants to hear and not the truth.
    What Salisbury needs is a real man like Donald Trump to tell it like it is and not some wishy washy scared little man too afraid to tell the truth.

  9. 1045-Exactly.

    It's not what Jake has done wrong, it's what has he done? Ever? Outside of the memorial garden at Bennett, name me a single accomplishment, Joe.

    He doesn't even have a platform, it's just applause-break politician talk(read the recent article on delmarvanow). No plans, no real ideas, just sweeping generalities. It'll get him elected, sure. Will it solve any problems? Nope.

    And in 4 to 6 years, Jake will be announcing he's pursuing another political position, up the ladder. Once again, without accomplishing anything to speak of.

  10. I don't think anyone can deny that Jake is a good role model. He did it all right. He pursued his education, got married and is starting a family. He didn't run around making illegitimate babies that he couldn't pay for. He the perfect example of real true American family values.
    But his attributes do not make his a good candidate for a mayor for a city in decline. He doesn't have a strong enough personality to take meaningful action.
    He's a very nice person and I'm not saying this to be mean but he's more fit to be the mayor of Disneyland.

  11. I love it. Comments that sound as if they know everything Jake plans to do, yet you truly have no idea.

    The Rain Tax was proposed by the Mayor. WHY, because Salisbury's infrastructure is completely falling apart and your current and former Mayor screwed you out of that funding for almost two decades and put it elsewhere like Waste Water Treatment Plant that doesn't work or a $14,000,000.00 Fire Palace.

    Someone had to do something and unfortunately a Rain Tax was the ONLY way to come up with new funding to pay for maintaining a failing system.

    Do I like it, heck no. However, do you think Jake likes it, absolutely not.

    Some of you are already stating Jake will be running for something else down the road. AMAZING how you Ireton lap dogs seem to know everything the man will be doing. Once again, Liberal power of suggestion.

    However, so what if he does? Isn't being a Mayor a stepping stone for bigger and better things, should you prove you're good at it? Oh, that's right. Jake should be your slave and do everything YOU want, just like Tilghman and Ireton, right?

    If I had won, do you really think I would have stuck around? I would have set Salisbury on the right path and searched for someone with the same vision and capabilities. $35,000.00 a year does nothing for me and my Family would have been living in another state. No Thanks!

    So do tell us WHO should be running for Mayor then. I'll await your reply.

    1. You know what, Joe. Who cares who the next Mayor is. The people of Salisbury have lost all hope in this town. They remind me of the walking dead.

    2. Actually the WWTP is working thanks to the former PW Director . Not to mention getting back millions that WWTP contrators John Jacobs was in bed with!!l

  12. Salisbury is at a critical point in time. It needs a mayor who isn't afraid to offend and not someone who tip toes around what the real problems are such as crime and blight-the 2 biggest problems facing the area.

  13. I'm going to add, from this point forward if you simply try to attack Jake and call him names I'm going to reject those comments. Some of you people are so immature it isn't funny. That goes for you too Paul.


  14. "The Rain Tax was proposed by the Mayor. WHY, because Salisbury's infrastructure is completely falling apart and your current and former Mayor screwed you out of that funding for almost two decades and put it elsewhere like Waste Water Treatment Plant that doesn't work or a $14,000,000.00 Fire Palace."

    Huh? The Rain Tax goes to the EPA to pay for a multi-billion dollar EPA program that no other state bordering the Chesapeake would help finance.

  15. Jake Day's exact words when he was running for council was he wanted to be Ireton's partner because Ireton didn't have a partner on the council.
    The question isn't what he's done to hurt the city or who can run against him, the question is---- why if you are critical of the current mayor would anyone want to elect as the next mayor, someone whose goal was to be the current mayor's partner.

  16. The Rain Tax was dreamed up by O'Mally to help finance the EPA. They created a huge program. It was part of O'mally's plan to get federal government employees on his side in his presidential bid. Short of a few grants and even that's unlikely the state much less Salisbury isn't going to see a cent of the tax.

  17. Mike Dunn isn't qualified to be the County Executive anymore than he's qualified to fly the space shuttle! For Dunn to make the leap from a lousy member of the worst City Council Salisbury has ever seen to running Wicomico County is not going to happen!

  18. He doesn't need to offer up any platform. Words are empty. His prior actions are his platform. He is a firm believer in throwing government money at a problem.

  19. If Jake can only do one thing....please have the downtown remodeled.

  20. I hate to be a kill joy but if you have spent anytime with Jake you will learn real quick he has the same views as Jimbo and is not gay. So the long and short is once elected we are in store for more of the same but with someone that is not gay.

  21. Why do you think that everyone who wishes to remain anonymous is Ireton's lap dog? You have strong opinions saying such things as that, but yet you don't like it that people have their opinions about Day. Joe, people have said on here forever, that some people are very vicious and seek to destroy other people because of their opinions. How is that fair? No, I will not put my name on here either and I too would like to know just what has Jake Day done that is so great? If citizens could see some positive things that he has really accomplished, it might be different but thus far I don't really see anything spectacular that he has done. I would like to see a conservative, HONEST person get in the race. Look at what happened to Terry C. and Debbie C. on city council. They were good for Salisbury and always looked out for Salisbury, but if I were critized day in and day out like they were, I wouldn't want to run for anything in this town either. Good, honest people are just not wanted downtown, plain and simple.

  22. I don't see this as an Ireton/Day competition, most of Ireton's backers are backing Day. I don't think Ireton has any plans to run again.

  23. 11:36-Seriously speaking,how could we know what Jake plans to do when he just announced his intention to run? I totally agree with your take,and by some miracle he may evade every prediction made thus far.Most of us have lived here all of our lives and we've pretty much seen it all.I think Jake will make an excellent,albeit predictable Mayor.Predictable because we all know what needs to be done & he appears to be the one to do it.

  24. I think it's interesting that in the first Daily Times article about the airport, Bob Culver was against the hangar, and no where did it say that Bob Bryant was asking for it... it was just something that would be nice - Then the Daily Times comes out with an editorial stating, "How dare Bob Culver consider the hangar and how dare Bob Bryant ask for it." Did they not read their OWN article? As for Jake. Let's see what he's got before we pass judgment.

  25. 12:50 A little obsessed about gay arn't you?

  26. Well said, Joe.

  27. Going to go from worse to worser.

  28. Joe, I made the comment yesterday, about the Day mailer sponsored by the Chicago Realtors Association.

    Was it wrong for him to accept a costly mailer from a realtor's group? Legally, one would have to evaluate and parse out how the "donation" was handled. Morally? It's pretty obvious the mailer development, printing and mailing costs added up to over $250. All from an out of town organization that could only have an interest if requested by the local real estate group, SAPOA.

    I'm not really interested in revealing my name. I was there, standing in Betsy Henry's bookshop. I was helping Betsy and Keith with the aftermath of Sandy's flooding when a local scumlord poked his head in the door. Betsy asked if she could help him, indicating she was closed due to flooding. His response was, "No, I just wanted to see how much pain you're in." And then he grinned and left.

    I happen to know this same scumlord also threatened Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen and was caught lying to Police about his monitoring of Terry Cohen's property. He had been seen sitting in his vehicle and watching the property for extended periods on three occasions and had been seen driving by, stopping in the middle of the street to make notes on two other occasions.

    And this is just one scumlord. Multiply that by the membership count of SAPOA and then you wonder why people won't put their names on posts? Seriously?

    These people are vile. They will stop at nothing to destroy any business of anyone who stands in their way.

    Bottom line is, any politician that is taking money from these people needs to be identified, labeled and voted out of office or never allowed in. Failing that, Salisbury Doesn't stand a chance. (I believe SBY already doesn't stand a chance. Which is why I gathered my family and left the state last year. A week or so after you and I last sat and had a few Leinenkugels on a Friday night at your place near OC.)

    So, lighten up on the anonymous posters, Joe. You know as well as I do, that not everyone out there has an agenda they're trying to manipulate.

    Though, I will admit, there is a lot of stupidity out there, too...

  29. Here are some of his accomplishments --

    The new rain tax that will soon be imposed on home and other property in Salisbury.

    Balkanizing the city by creating more, smaller election districts so it will result in more liberals like Mitchell, Shields, etc. on the Council.

    About to dump more -- huge amounts -- into the downtown.

    Anyone who applauds those deserves to have him as mayor.

  30. I live in the city 3:25 and I do applaud him.

  31. 1:08 Ireton Plans on running again. Only he has his eye on bigger fish. It's pretty obvious, just from his campaign materials... otherwise, why would his election signs be

    Ireton for Maryland?


    Bottom line is, Mayor was a stepping stone for a small mind with big aspirations of greater glory. Just think, he's already been peter principled out, how much more can he mess up at the state or national level? LOL He may even be trying to emulate his buddy O'Malley and use the mayorship as a stepping stone to the big one, the white house. Doubt me? Just watch and wait. Ireton thinks he's much bigger than Sby.

    Right Cook? LOL


  32. He can't be any worse than Barrie or Ireton, but what makes you think he will be any better?

  33. They are all in the same league 4:33-they are the lapdogs controlled by special interest all at the detriment to the future generations. They are democrats and they live to get elected and nothing else matters to them. Their own children don't matter just so long as they get elected. The democrats have sold their souls and to the devil.

  34. I'm pretty sure lots of the people who helped Ireton get elected last time where there at yesterday's announcement by Day. Not sure why you think any of Ireton's supporters have it in for Day.


  35. Tilghman & Ireton as mayors: Worse and worser(sp).

    Day: Wet behind the ears. Fancy schooling; military as a resume builder (becoming a fad among the Dumbocrats), campaign materials in uniform, driving record, out of one marriage and into another lickety-split apparently, hired by patrons, the Chicago realtor connection, etc, etc. That's the track record. Not much in the way of actual, credible accomplishment.

    Salisbury used to have mature leaders with solid credentials and deep continuing roots in the city and their businesses or occupations. Then those kind of leaders began to move to suburbs; that trend accelerated once Tilghman was ensconced and has continued under her lamentable successor.

    The 'bury is now mostly a rental jungle.

    Perhaps Jakey is the best remaining candidate. If so, it's a low hurdle, more like a speed bump, to clear.

    Neither he or the presumed incumbent would get my vote.

  36. Joe, remember the front page article where Bob Culver and the County Council got blasted for not funding $800,000 for reading intervention teachers in elementary schools? Then Marc Kilmer explained what the actual board of ed. request had been for. I think it was portables for Parkside, an IT program and other non-instructional items. Rumor has it that this week the board has been interviewing for reading intervention positions at Pemberton, Fruitland Primary, Fruitland Intermediate/Westside Intermediate, Prince St. and others. What was said about the deceit level?

  37. Please take a closer look. Last year Day made campaign contributions to Jim Mathias, Norman Conway and Rick Pollitt, according to the state Election Board's records. It looks like his parents contributed to Conway, Anthony Brown and Josh Hastings, among others.

    Scary stuff.

  38. My concern is why Day thinks he is above the law and all others must obey the law?? I don't think he is a quality-worthy candidate because of his terrible driving record. I think he is reckless and irresponsible. He certainly doesn't set the standard to look up to when he can and won't obey the law. What makes him so special? The answer is nothing, he has no experience other than lip service and anyone can do that.

    Joe, I respect your hard work and the quality news outlet you provide to this city it is by far the best news on Delmarva. I also respect your right to speak your opinion and your ideas on this subject and I request you respect my thoughts regarding Jake Day.

    I will not be voting for him.

  39. Jake is young and enthusiastic about city politics. I have no idea why.
    But I believe he is sincere and he might as well have his shot at it. I think his degree has something to do with city planning so he is right in his element. Lacking anything or body better and who knows what or who that would be I wish him and Salisbury all the best. As Jake said it is going to be a 20 to 30 year project to make Salisbury the best it can be. I believe him.

  40. That's just it in a nutshell. He's done NOTHING!

  41. Here we go again! Another phoney, slick talker, great speaker, who presents himself well; another Obama. Don't be fooled by his appearance of success or vision, he is another wolf in sheep's clothing. An arrogant man who is playing and portraying himself as a unifier, but has a hidden agenda. I do not trust him, and just look at the people he has supported: Rick Pollitt, Norm Conway. That says volumes about his political phylosophy and traits. What out, another slick talking clown.

  42. From what I hear we can try to get Baltimores mayor once mosby loses the case she will be looking for work and what better place than lil Baltimore? Im sure she would get the black vote......

  43. We are surely doomed.

  44. I completely support Jake Day! Exactly what salisbury needs!!

  45. My reason first off for being anonymous is I have spoken up about things in council meetings, Mayors Roundtable Meetings etc that I have been harassed and problems I have reported have had people approach me on things that were to have been confidential and they repeat what they were told by these very people I thought I could trust. On the subject of Day, I have not made my mind up yet. I would like to see the following answered as they have appeared on this blog: His driving record truth, His military service record truth, and why he supported Rick Pollitt, and I understand he has been divorced and was engaged at the time of his election. As we know with our former states attorney personal life it can be a disaster media for the city.


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