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Sunday, July 12, 2015

It Just Goes To Show You, No One Can Touch Salisbury News

County Executive Bob Culver: ‘We’re making a positive change’

Even if you give away a free newspaper, very few people will follow. 

Newspapers are disappearing and even after I went to their on line version to read this article at 8:00 am this morning, there's not one comment. 

I can assure you from experience, on line presence/comments holds far more traffic, yet no one cares because very few go to this paper.

So why do we do what we do here at Salisbury News. Well, IF we didn't get the traffic we do, IF we didn't get the comments we do, we'd absolutely shut down. WHY, because there'd be no influence.

Our primary goal is to get information out to the public. Our second goal is to involve the public through comments. How can you really know the pulse of the community if you can't get them to agree or disagree?

The rest of your local media, (including the paper mentioned here) simply feeds you information they want you to believe. Think about it Folks. This paper has been attacking Bob Culver since day one. Now all of a sudden they are pampering Culver. Could it be they are hungry for advertising, I don't know. 

What I do know is, I've been well aware of a new Economic Development Department for the County. Heck, I even know where they intend to put it. However, we were asked not to say anything yet and I have honored that, now we know why. 

The article that was published makes me seriously wonder why Bassett didn't take it a step further. In one breath Culver stated that Dave Ryan is doing a fantastic job. In another Culver states that he just recently, (last week) decided to create an independent division. So if Dave Ryan has been doing such a bang up job, WHY does the County feel the need to recreate the wheel?

Perhaps you might want to go back to MY platform when I was running for Mayor. Perhaps you might want to look at my very recent articles on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. Don't think for a second I hadn't already confronted many elected officials about their own campaign promises and what they said to get elected. They knew those articles were coming. 

So, let's look at how the County will handle a new Economic Development Division. Will they know HOW to go about attracting new businesses to Wicomico County? From what I read in the article, I'd be very scared if I were you as a taxpayer and here's why. 

Politicians who don't have large scale corporate experience only know that the easy way out is to simply reduce taxes and fees. Well, you have the state of Delaware right next door. Can Wicomico County compete, no. I can tell you that one of your newly elected officials is putting forth a proposal, (a really great idea) that will help Wicomico County businesses compete with businesses in Delaware. However, it would only be on municipal projects. Still, without giving things away, it's a step in the right direction.

Creating and running a new Economic Development Department takes a lot more knowledge and experience then I believe Culver can deliver. Does it look and sound good, yes. However, saying you are going to ask for help from other influential and local business owners will NOT cut it. Heck, in fact you might say these influential people might be looking to pad their own pockets with more major advantages.

No, you have to do this right. While I have personally shared SOME ideas on how to make things better, Culver will need someone with past experience and know how to make it work WITHOUT it hurting YOU the taxpayer. Remember, IF they start reducing fees and taxes, SOMEONE has to fill the gap and you can only hide it for so long before it comes back to bite you.

Culver kept stating in the article he'd need more than one term to make his visions work. Well, let me assure you of this. It will take his first term just to figure out how to go about attracting businesses to the area without hurting existing taxpayers. It will take several more years, (after learning from numerous mistakes) to actually bring businesses here. 

In the end, could they hire Joe Albero and save a ton of time and money, absolutely. However, does Bob have the stones to actually do the right thing?????


  1. Is this the UNSOLICITED RAG I keep finding in my driveway? I pick it up and thorw it directly into the trash can. STOP putting them in my driveway damnit.

  2. Unfortunately culver was trying to reduce county employee benefits and this would have reduce the required services if Wicomico ever attracted businesses and jobs to the area. Culver isn't, intelligent, successful in business or savvy enough to pull this off. I'm not bashing culver, just stating facts. Culver needs to cut wayne Strasburg and a few other directors mislead culver down the wrong path.

  3. Keep in mind Saddam Hussein made the cover of Time magazine.

  4. Looking at Greg Bassett, I wonder why if he's such an oracle, was he replaced at the Daily Times, as strong as his liberal leadership persona portrayed him? As a rule journalists' who are adept at their line are like Supreme Court Justices, there for life.
    Bob Aswell

  5. SOooooo why did bob do a sit down with the rag paper?

  6. Culver started off with a bang however he did not follow up. He should have fired Strausberg and Morris. Hiring Andy Wisk who is nothing more than a Mackes clone will come back to haunt him. Listen to the people that supported and worked for you Bob they and the ones that voted for you expected change. With Strausberg, Morris and Wisk you are nothing more than Pollitt was, a glorified yes man to the same old crap.

  7. I can't stand the Independent. Just knowing Greg Bassett is involved turned me off from the beginning. I refuse to do business with anyone who advertises in that liberal rag.

  8. A good way to fail. Get rid of all the people with experience and refill the positions with inexperienced and perhaps incompetent sidekicks. It has happened over and over. Culver may or may not succeed but it is way too early to tell for sure. he has his own learning curve to master as any of us would entering an elected government position for the first time. He is now a public servant. He is no longer a private businessman.

  9. 1:04 I'd add Ennis, heard she's has his ear and is giving bad advice.

  10. I hear the same thing Anon 104. She is a peach!

  11. Hire Joe Albero and let's get the county on the right track an get more jobs here. Bob are you listening????

  12. 1:57 - This is not Bob's first position, he was a Councilman right before he was elected Executive..short term memory?

  13. I believe Culver will know in 3 years whether he performed like those who put him in office desired. I for one will very likely look for another candidate because I see Bob lacks leadership skills. By not sweeping with a new broom he is allowing the same old, same old. That isn't why I voted for him.

  14. 2:24 Of course you are right. I did forget that but it was nothing like the position he has now. Councilmen are citizens with private jobs and very part-time political positions. Bob is definitely a politician and public servant first and foremost now. He is our county leader and shows up every day at the office trying to please everybody but especially his supporters. What a job.

  15. Why in the world is Culver opening up an independent department when we have SWED. My guess is that Culver doesn't have the political confidence to let Ryan go and hire someone who can do a much better job.

  16. True leaders LEAD. I don't believe Hogan ever held elected office and he brought in his "team" and is doing an impressive job. The difference between Hogan and Culver is that Culver is over his head and knows it. Why else would he cling to the Pollitt liberal holdovers? As for keeping his supporters happy, I would disagree that he is doing that. Most, if not all, wanted a house cleaning of the corrupt (morally if not criminally) county government. Culver is weak. A big talker, without the courage to follow through unless it is anger or revenge based. Sorry Joe, it doesn't matter how skilled you are or how much you have done for him, Culver doesn't have the courage to hire you or even your wife for that matter. He doesn't have the spine to take the heat.

  17. 12:40-And he was very deserving of that.

  18. Culver has fooled many of us who have supported him. His "True Colors" are shining right now. He has no leadership skills and refuses to surround himself with those who do. Joe, you would be a great shinning light for him. And, maybe that's the problem. He thinks you would probably outshine him and he is scared to death of you. I've seen him try and play you like a fiddle in the past, but I know you had his number all along.

  19. ask any county rec and parks employee what they think of mr wisk and be ready for some foul language

  20. Wisk is a Mackes clone thru and thru! At first Culver wanted Terrell for the job and Wisk in the parking lot were he belongs. But after being under Whining Waynies spell he has made him director.I want all county employees to know he wanted to implement policies to rid you of almost everything you have worked for and possibly will with the help of his buddy hobo joe. He does not give a flying s$#* about the county employee. He is just a shirt and tie wanna be who never was and people wanted change just like in the 2008 presidential election and you see what we have there.He has a 85 k paycheck and fancy suv with free gas to smoke in. And Gary Mackes if your reading this your brainchild you spoon fed since birth has sucked right up to the one that sent you packing.

  21. Yep the Wisk appointment proved that Strasberg and Morris have taken full control of Culver. He's a joke and will end up being a thinner version of a ribbon cutting, know-nothing Pollitt. Morris needs to retire and quit trying to run the employees. Strasberg needs to go before he reaches 5 years so we aren't stuck paying him for life like Jim Fineran.

  22. Bob doesn't have the stones to take care of Strausburg and Morris. He would rather us taxpayers take care of them for the rest of their lives. They are knifing in the back every chance they get. Just ask Bobb, he will tell you he can't believe Wayne because Wayne lies.

  23. My land tax when up 60 dollars. My house when down 40 percent in value. I was fooled again.

  24. Culver is lacking the experience, leadership or vision to do anything positive for the county. Wayne Strausburg, Ennis and Wisk need to go. There are a lot of yes directors still functioning within the county. Sad culver isn't smart enough to do the right thing. County will continue to fail.

  25. When ever i listen to either culver or wisk speak, Its like making the daily choice of internal relief. Do i choose exlax or feenamint.

  26. there was no need for culver to get rid of mackes if wisk was going to be his replacement, they're the same person

  27. Mr Albero:
    I know this is a little off target of your article but if i can contribute a bit may I if you please.
    Being semi retired, I frequent the Henry Parker sports complex for leisure walking and just the peace and quiet.I happened to be out there in the a.m. today and saw 2 county employees working dumping trash. I watched as they did this and whatever was on the ground under the trash cans they walked away from and was never picked up.I proceeded to the mens bathroom and was shocked at the mud and trash on the floor and the smell was horrible.I have been monitoring the on going problems with the city and county about the expansion of this park. IMHO, it looks as if we cannot even take care of the existing facility let alone make a addition. Maybe our county executive or whoever is in management of this facility needs to do more homework and sharpen there pencil alot more.

  28. maybe mr wisk can get someone on staff who can clean up our parks they are a disgrace

    1. That would take a month emails to get started using the chain of command

  29. 11:42 not an excuse, but morale sucks since culver took over. Employees are trying to leave due to his poor leadership and allowing, Strasburg, Ennis, Wisk and a few others to lead him astray. Culver needs to put his big boy pants on and fire the right ones rather than get rid of employees who don't always agree with him.

  30. At $23,000 per year good luck.

  31. And 2 more 50 to 60 k supervisors.

  32. County voters wanted a county executive. You got it, along with all the added expenses and government waste. Near the end of his first term, I expect Culver to begin decreasing managing staff, or should. And if I might add, replacing Mackes with Wisk instead of Terrell was a HUGE mistake! Terrell has been around longer and is respected by all, not to mention being a hard worker. Too bad politics often gets in the way of making smart decisions.

  33. I think the parks and recreation departments are suffering terribly with Gary Mackes being gone. Say what you want about him but he kept the department on solid ground and directed properly.And he would make a decision if you liked it or not. I think the county executive made a huge mistake in the way he treated him.

  34. 12:40 right on shows where their loyalty is.

  35. Culver isn't going to do anything. He's driving around in a county vehicle making good money and has employees fearing him, what more could be want.


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