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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Salisbury News Editorial

The Chief Has No Clothes

Chiefs of Police come and go as do most department heads in local government. We see the heads of State and Federal government change on a regular basis and no one raises an eyebrow. Recently the Chief of Police for the Princess Anne Police Department was terminated when his employment contract expired. Most chiefs know it is simply part of the job.

When you are classified as an “at will” employee who “serves at the pleasure” of your employer, being terminated can come at any time. It is certainly not altogether pleasant, but most folks who take on the challenges of these jobs will tell you when you take your first position as a chief of police, “make sure you save a couple months salary in the bank”. Political winds can often shift and turn.

So begs the question, “why would this not apply in Pocomoke City?”

The reason the former chief of police was dismissed is found in the word, “pleasing”. His service was no longer found to be pleasing to the Mayor and Council who are his employer, and that is where it should end.

Instead, the former chief has chosen to hide behind an invisible wall which he refers to as “racism”. It ultimately provides him with no cover, but deception knows no bounds. Much as the emperor who was deceived into strolling naked through his kingdom by crafty “tailors”, the same can be said of the racism arguments that are rolled out in defense of conduct which, in simpler times, was often referred to as: inept, ineffective, incompetent, or even corrupt behavior.

Today through overuse and false accusations, charges of “racism” are often more akin to the old emperor’s clothes.

Telling lies to your employer and to those with who must make critical decisions based upon your words has nothing to do with the color of one’s skin. Misappropriating assets and deploying staff based upon false information which you provided on the record is not impacted by one’s race. Refusing to comply with directives provided to you by your employer simply does not cut the mustard no matter what color or creed you hail from in this life.

Pocomoke’s former chief, based upon his conduct in office, came up short at the end of the day. As a personnel matter, these things cannot be publicly discussed or addressed and common sense should prevail. A mayor, 4 council members, and the city attorney all reached the same conclusion. One council member did not see it the same way.
In the end, it did not matter if the emperor was black or white…he simply had no clothes.


  1. Similar to what happened to our first county auditor....dismissed 'at will'.....

  2. Maryland has " at will employment". The only saving grace is for issues with racism or illegal activity. The old race card is getting pretty crumbled and worn out.

  3. When you lie to your bosses, it generally doesn't end well. Sad that he had to go on WBOC and say that it was due to him not firing two "black" officers. First of all, he could have just stated two officers but decided to play the race card only after he drew support from the black community and a support meeting was held at a local "black" church. Second, when you do not do what your boss tells you to do simply because you don't want to then you are probably going to get in some type of trouble. He was doing so well at first, wishing the city well and seemed as if he was going to ride off into the sunset. Nope, he was reeled in by the race card and played it. For that I have no sympathy.

    1. Sewell used the race card and "not firing Savage and Green" as a false cover. That way he didn't have to tell the truth as to why he was fired. He thought he was untouchable in his position. Well, he was proven wrong. Can't wait for the truth to come out and the people throwing out the race card will look so stupid.

  4. Just like all department heads. You all cuss and scream about how bad your bosses are yet this is what they do. How many department heads have left because of all the whiny worker's who post lies about them when they are under pressure to get the job done with a bunch of gold bricks who rather cry like children then do the freaking job. Yeah to ALL the Salisbury city's and their friends and family running their jib of lies.

  5. ^^^^ What are you saying here 5:24?


  6. Not to worry ex-chief. A similar job just opened up not to far away, and skirting the truth or outright evading it doesn't seem to be a problem for the mayor you'd be reporting to.

    Bonus: Gov. Hogan reduced the bridge tolls so if you choose to commute you can save some coin. Good luck with the Bawlmor interview.

  7. One council member did not see it the same way.

    And that council member happened to be black.

  8. Anonymous said...

    Not to worry ex-chief. A similar job just opened up not to far away, and skirting the truth or outright evading it doesn't seem to be a problem for the mayor you'd be reporting to.

    Bonus: Gov. Hogan reduced the bridge tolls so if you choose to commute you can save some coin. Good luck with the Bawlmor interview.

    July 9, 2015 at 5:55 PM

    Being the chief in a Podunk town like Salisbury doesn't make you a qualified chief or a seasoned veteran for the position in Baltimore. Have you lost your mind?


  9. Looks like we will save a lot on uniforms , 4x a least . Needs to push his butt away from the table , or just try working .

  10. It's a shame that prior council members did not apply this same logic to the outgoing Pocomoke City Manager long long ago. He frequently lied and misrepresented things to the council and to the citizens of Pocomoke. Oh no, they were too busy being self serving and lining there own pockets and the pockets of their friends.

  11. At 5:55, he came from Baltimore. Cried racism there too, not sure they want him there either.

    1. You are so right. He sued Baltimore too, but lost, if I read the Maryland Case Search records correctly.

  12. Finally, a good article! and it all makes sense now

  13. Finally a well written article on the Pocomoke situation. And the truth. Thank you

  14. Finally an unbiased and factual article. Thank you....

  15. Excellent article.

  16. To those of you stating other posts are getting more comments, NOTICE how this article has already made the Top 5 of the Week.

    As for those criticizing my support towards Jake Day, deliver me a better candidate!

  17. No reason not to hire Troy Durham. Good man for the job.

  18. why did the mayor not give this as the town's response from the get go? the people of his city deserve to know the truth....immediately. not really certain he has not been given a bit of legal guidance in the aftermath of a trigger decision.

  19. The DOJ will provide adequate clothing.

  20. I believe the lack of comments on this topic is because people are in shock. Everyone believed in Chief Sewell until and when he dropped the race card. It appears as most people think they are untrue (the race allegations) and are being used by Sewell as a last ditch desperate attempt to save face.
    As soon as he felt compelled to say it was 2 "black" officers that he refused to fire, I lost all respect for him. There was no reason to bring up the race of the officers other than for him to have an excuse. He should have stayed in Baltimore City. That city deserves someone like him. He fits right in. Everything is always someone else's fault.

  21. Well the only thing I can say is if this DOJ investigation is true then Sewell really has shown his true colors and they aren't pretty. If federal grants were being misused an upstanding person would have reported it immediately and not waited until they had an ax to grind to report the misuse.

  22. There is no "DOJ" investigation. Sewell has done a lot of bizarre things...including involvement of the FBI...which all resulted in the same thing...crickets. The EEOC complaints are the stuff of jokes and one liners...and all point back to him.

    He should have taken the generous offer of a severance package, taken the few months to find another chief's job, and moved on. His actions are being driven by grubby civil rights lawyers who think there is a payday in it for all of them...don't spend the money yet baby!

  23. I didn't think the DOJ investigation was true. It comes from The Blob who sits around, slobbering, waiting for someone to shovel some Pocomoke BS into his mouth so he can post it. It's obvious he does and will eat anything and everything he hears negative about PC.
    True....... if the DOJ investigation were true then why did Sewell wait until he was fired to report the misuse. He held out reporting a crime until he was caught up in something and got caught himself.
    That would show that he is not someone who is on the up and up, something The Blob himself too ignorant to think of.

    1. When you can't trust someone, you remove them from your life or in this matter, their position. I applaud the Pocomoke City Council, minus one, and mayor for getting rid of sewell. Best thing to happen in Pocomoke for some time.

  24. 7:12 you couldn't be more right...imagine how they grow spines now and didn't have any when Russ Blake was running the show and I mean that literally! there's way more to this story! I don't think Chief Sewell is as guilty as it may seem...huge cover up going on here in my opinion!

  25. If anyone were to Goggle either Kelvin Sewell or Lynell Green they would find that this is not the first time either of them of cried racism or had integrity issues.Nov 14,2001,Baltimore Sun article Kelvin Sewell failed a polygraph while working for The Baltimore City Police Department.Sewell was removed from that position for that integrity issue.Fox News Article March 2008 Racial discrimination lawsuit filed by Kelvin Sewell against The Baltimore Police Department.Lynell Green was accused of making a false statement in a police report in 2004.In 2005 Lynell Green was a plaintiff in a class action lawsuit against the Mayor and City Council of The City of Baltimore.The good people of Pocomoke and the congregation of Rev.Jenkins church need to educate themselves and understand that they have been falsely led to believe that these men have their best interest at heart .These men have played on the good faith of the congregation of the church too further their own agenda to make a payday off the good people of Pocomoke City.

    1. Sewell was still in his law suit against Baltimore when he came to Pocomoke and was hired as chief. From now on, Pocomoke City Council and Mayor need to hire a local retired law enforcement person and make sure a back ground check is done.

    2. Agree 100, Green is no good.

  26. As 11:41 points out the integrity issue is what the black community needs to take a second look at. Sewell and Green are exactly the type of officers they claim to want out of police departments. Those that lie for and cover up their own and others wrong doing.
    The question the black community needs to ask is why Sewell was hired by Pocomoke to begin with considering his Baltimore issues.
    That's the question they should be asking if they wish to remain credible themselves.

  27. best factual article i have read you on the right track keep it up

  28. I could care less what goes on in Pocomoke. YUCK

  29. Well, the officers are rolling on Sewell now at the PPD. Good ole LT Green has had his bully license taken away by the State Police and good ole Franky baby is singing soprano. Why is it these guys come down to the shore from BC and expect us to respond as liberal morons? The three of you are a disgrace! I am afraid that ole Russ Blake was no providing adequate supervision of this guy and former chief Ervin has even apologized for not doing a decent background on Sewell before hiring him as a Lieutenant! This whole thing did not need to happen. Poor hiring practices have stymied many a work place.

  30. 2:02-I don't understand. Could you please tell me what is meant by a bully license?

    "Good ole LT Green has had his bully license taken away by the State Police"

  31. There is a lot of interest in Pocomoke City government and related issues at this time. Where was your interest, enthusiasm and passion for your city on election day? Almost all of the recent city elections have had miserably low turnout. Why weren't you interested that day? Why weren't more people interested when it was time to register as a candidate? Where is your interest in Pocomoke when there is a good outdoor concert, Friday night art stroll, boat docking, museum event and other events? Where is your interest in the city when there is a routine city council meeting and you could attend and actually be informed first hand?
    Investigative journalism with regard to the current story of Chief of Police leaving his office is lacking. While this blog seems to be presenting a logical story, another blog is presenting something entirely different. At this time we have a town that needs leadership and support. We have town people and town leaders who need to hear a positive word. Let us remember that this is a personnel issue and the persons directly involved should NOT be discussing the case. Employees in City Hall and the PPD should not be discussing the case. Let's not jump to conclusions or spout hatred. We elected our representatives to handle things like this. Let them do their job now, and if it is found that they were in error, "Hire" someone else next time by going to the polls and voting.

  32. @12:58, why click on the article and post a comment then?????

  33. Well a few facts Lieutenant Lynell Green'The Gold Tooth Bandit',is always smiling and in the face of some woman.The Bandit has a wife in Baltimore,but has fathered at least one child in Pocomoke City that is known of,may be more.The Bandit also is the driver of the police car that a K-9 hit on after the former fired Clown who talks like he has a mouth full of whatever nobody knows called in the unit to do a drug sweep himself.Fact the K-9 unit used was from outside the county.The Bandit told the Clown that the reason the K-9 hit on his car was because the guys at the city motor garage smoke pot.Fact the men at the garage work on al of the police cars from time to time no other car was hit on,but the Bandit knows somebody smokes pot .Must be the gold gives him power too know this .Fact one of the Bandits bedmates has even been hired by the Clown as a dispatcher.Everything as wild as it may seem is true facts and as you read it there is a little humor due too the names.The cold hard truth this is only about money to Sewell,Green,and Savage,when the real lines are drawn and the truth starts being told and there is nowhere to hide the people that stood up for them will be hurt.That is not racism.

    1. You are right about the dispatcher. sewell fired a great person on trumped up charges that had been dispatching for 10 years without any problems with her. She is also a good Christian, (something that sewell didn't want in his department) and replaced her with a black female. There is so much more about sewell and his Baltimore buddies that will come out in court.

  34. Joe, good job on this article, seems understandable and does make sense. Nobody doubts it is a shame that Sewell took the road he chose, but we should trust our town leaders and allow the system to work. one thing is without doubt, the folks seem happier at the pd, so must be something good abot him being gone.

  35. You darn right 90% of US are happier at work. The professionalism has increased 100%! In the short time Interim Chief Starner has been there, he has already improved moral, accountability, professionalism, work relationships and so much more. It feels good to no longer have to go to work wondering who is going to cause drama today or who is he going to attack today for being honest. I cant wait to stand in front of the Mayor & Council on Monday and thank them from the bottom of my heart for a GREAT decision to put this chaos to an end! Take that stuff back to Baltimore. We here in this town esp the agency have always gotten along and had a great place to work, that was missing for 3 years and feels great to be back! Rumor has it there is a petition going around! There is NO coming back, Sewell is going all around town telling business people he will be back! It would be kind of hard to run a department by yourself Sewell so MOVE on. Your position is not elected your appointed and your appointment ended the day you were terminated!

  36. 5:06-What I would like to know is if after the K9 hit,did Sewell order Green to go and get drug tested?
    If not, this is a dereliction of duty and if for no other reason is just cause for Sewell's termination.

    1. Wonder if sewell's vehicle was K-9 tested? Very doubtful.

  37. Is Frank Savage a local kid? I almost feel like the other 2 corrupted him. If I were him, I would hire an attorney to represent him interests and his interests only.

    1. No, Savage and Green came from Baltimore because sewell wanted his buddies with him. Any one notice that Officer Aaron Perkins left and went back to Baltimore. He knew crooked when he saw it, and got out of the mess.

    2. Perkins! Right. He was a sharp guy. Didn't see him anymore after I met him early on. I do know Green flirted with the young girls - passed out his business card and asked them to call him. Most were appalled that he practically stalked them (at my workplace) and had a wife back in Baltimore.

  38. 10:05
    You talk about professionalism, improved moral and accountability in one sentence......and in your next breath you talk about rumors. Seems they don't fit well together.

  39. No 11:18 you are wrong. 10:05 said rumor. If they had said a petition was being circulated without having seen the actual petition or having concrete evidence that it exists then that's a rumor.
    The fact that they clarified it by describing it as rumor is how a professional operates and they do in fact "fit well together."
    But for the record and to put the rumor to rest, yes at the meeting the church organized they did set up a petition. Not sure the particulars but yes indeed a petition drive was organized. Not sure the status of it at this point.

  40. It's perfectly fine for supporters to show their support for the ex-chief, but does anyone really believe that a petition will change an HR/ personnel decision? Get real!

  41. well, it would make sense to me, that before I put my name on a petition to bring him back, I would want to know why he got fired first...and obviously you wont ever know that..so trust in your leadership, let it go and lets get over it. if you still don't like it, you have the right to run for council in your district or for mayor when you can.

  42. " Anonymous said...

    well, it would make sense to me, that before I put my name on a petition to bring him back, I would want to know why he got fired first"

    Very wise words. Organizing a petition simply because he is black and the organizers are black without knowing the particulars isn't very prudent. I can understand knee jerk reactions but at this point in time, the only intelligent thing to do would be to sit back and see what might or might not develop. Everyone needs to wait to see if the EEOC says the trio have a case or not to proceed with legal action.

    1. They really don't care why he was fired. He was one of their own and that's all that mattered. When this goes to court, it will all come out. Then we will see them running with their tails between their legs.

  43. There is total disagreement on this spin according to those with knowledge of another lawsuit that occurred much earlier than the firing of Chief Sewell. Is there any chance of this site investigating the earlier lawsuit and why it took place?

  44. Here's the problem as I see it. We all know NOW about Sewell's difficulties with the Baltimore Police. He was basically caught trying to cover for another cop gone bad, according to Sun Paper articles.
    If that weren't part of his background I would be more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
    Since he was caught up in something before the tables have turned and now everything he says is open to suspicion.
    The whole situation is unfortunate.

  45. 10:17 Police departments can "exempt" their officers from being disciplined for drug test results.Crisfield police announced about a month ago that they were exempt from the City's employee drug testing program because " officers are sometimes required to drink,etc,when they are undercover".What? Is that even legal? It's convenient though when half the force has a drinking problem.

  46. If all this drug stuff is true pack his bags and drop him off over the bridge. Take the other Democrat with him before he has two babies in in the Moke. I like Starner he is no nonsense. He has a great deal of integrity.

  47. Crisfield and Pocomoke are dirty. The powers to be need to piss test all of them and anyone who fails is fired period end. Time to clean up Delmarva. No more excuses. Fruitland Chief got off easy that was crooked as hell.

  48. Joe sometimes I do not agree with your post. I have to say I had no idea this was going on in Pocomoke. Keep stuff like this in the news. I like the old Salisbury news that posted things that actually influence our lives on the shore. Nice work on this one. I had no idea this Chief was so crooked. Take him and his gold tooth Lt. back to the hood. Who hired this asshat. They could not find anyone qualified on the Shore. Notice Crisfield, Princess Anne and Pocomoke. Hmmmmmmmmmm enough said all three went Baltimore why ?? Something stinks

  49. I wish this was called 'Delmarva News' or something. These articles are great and even if you're from Salisbury you care about what's going on in other towns. It's confusing. Even 3 commenters here have written about this as if it were about the Salisbury Chief. They haven't even taken the time to know who their chief is, or to read where you're writing about. That makes them not very smart, sure, but also maybe its time for a rebranding?

  50. wait just a minute here...ok ...so the Chief was fired..big deal, get another..but ya had a dog sniff on one of the cars and didn't do nothing about it?? the more I read these comments the more reason you have to get rid of him. the police are not above the law, or maybe that's why yall want him as chief so bad

  51. Sewell's full of it. If he were on the up and up he would authorize Pocomoke City to release his complete employment file to the public as well as the minutes to the closed session when the vote was taken for termination.
    But so far he hasn't and has decided to hide behind the lawsuit excuse.
    If the ball is in your court, you roll with it and get the info out to the public. We saw that with Jose Biaz attorney for Casey Anthony and with George Zimmerman.
    In the case with the Baltimore 6 the state is requesting a gag order.
    It's all a game lawyers play and the public is constantly falling for a lawsuit/a trial being the reason for the silence.

  52. Right 2:37, your officer's car get a hit and the first thing you do is to immediately order him to the nearest Urgent Care center for a drug test. This should not even be debatable. It is what you do and there are NO if's, and's or but's about it. You order a drug test PERIOD and if officer refuses see you later you are fired.

    I guess all of those who plan to attend the "peaceful protest" outside of Pocomoke City City Hall this evening approve of stoned cops driving around? Stoned cops driving government tax payer paid for cars AND have a gun?
    All 3 combatives Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray tested positive for pot. It does crazy things to the mind. Paranoia is an example. A paranoid cop-oh wonderful.

    You know- It's no darn wonder the black race is in such a downward spiral.
    They haven't the slightest concept of responsibility and accountability.

  53. " Anonymous said...

    There is total disagreement on this spin according to those with knowledge of another lawsuit that occurred much earlier than the firing of Chief Sewell. Is there any chance of this site investigating the earlier lawsuit and why it took place?

    July 12, 2015 at 8:35 AM"

    What other lawsuit? Did it involve Pocomoke or his earlier Baltimore issues?

  54. just another sundown town who cares

  55. Brenda Ward, I'm pretty sure Savage is local though I may be wrong. Someone did tell me that he has family over the line in VA and that they told them they thought he was trying to distance himself from this whole mess.

  56. Anon 6:43 Be quiet and go back to Baltimore....CLEARLY....you are 1 of the 3 that are being questioned in the article. Just stop!

  57. Mr.Albero,
    Well done, a fine article.

  58. While Lynell Green was in the academy in Baltimore he discharged his weapon at a moving car while off duty. He was kept at the Academy for well over a year and didn't graduate. Never knew what happened to him after that. And yes he had a gold tooth then too.
    Sewell did play the race card against his lieutenant in Baltimore who tried to crack down on the shenanigans going on in the homicide unit. This is nothing new to him. He also withheld a confession from investigators for at least 6 months from the officer who broke into the internal affairs office trying to steal files.


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