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Sunday, July 26, 2015

What Would You Do...

If you saw one of these first thing in the morning, like I just did?


  1. That is the crooked snake I have ever seen!

    I would let it go.

  2. I'd thank him for keeping the mouse & rat population on my property under control!

  3. enjoy the sight and let it go on its way. Helps keep the rodent and pest population down, are non poisonous, are not aggressive, and are one of God's creations same as us.

  4. Be happy there are no rats and mice around. Black snakes are harmless and not aggressive.

  5. Leave him be so he can eat mice and other pest. As long as he's out side of the house he's fine but when he decides to come he'll have to go.

  6. I would do nothing. I see snakes everyday on my farm. They even come into my garage on occasion. I leave them alone and they leave.

  7. I would take her picture and let her continue with her day. She is just another of God's creatures out enjoying the cool morning like you.

  8. What I always do. I sneak up on them with grass shears and snip the head off.

    1. You mean like ISIS does to Christians? Animal!

  9. Nothing, it's harmless leave it alone.

  10. Can't tell for sure from the photo, it is either a Racer or a Pilot Black snake. These are harmless, Racers can be a bit aggressive at times, Pilots very docile most of the time. They eat rodents and other small animals. Leave them alone.

  11. Nothing. They are great mousers, though they also like crickets and frogs. However, a couple months ago I got up to find one who wanted to come in the front door (we have a half brick façade). That did require some shooing.

  12. Black snakes are great for ecology and should be left alone. Worst thing is to kill them. They are not aggressive but do have teeth. Many farmers allow them to live in their out buildings as mentioned to keep rodents down. Rodents are more of a problem than a black snake.

  13. Would take it to Pemberton Nature Camp where the kids can learn about it and have a hands on experience with it.

  14. Do you mean before or after I change my underwear?

  15. This one likes like it has fed on a bunch of mice already. The lumpy look of the snake means it has just eaten. More than likely it has dined on some sort of rodent nest. These are harmless and are very fun to watch.

    While black snake don't pose any danger they do make awful pets. Even when they are raised as babies they tend to not like to be handled and will bite.

  16. I would have chop its head off! I don't do snakes spiders or cockroaches ...

  17. Very calmly and quietly back away. When I get back in the house, start screaming. Lol.But I wouldn't let anybody kill her!

  18. Give it to your grandson to take to school for show and tell...

  19. #blacksnakelivesmatter

  20. Do my idiotic snake freak out dance while sqeeling and then laughing at myself for being so nuts

  21. Shame on those of you who would kill it. It poses no threat to you whatever.
    But if you do kill it, you should eat it.

  22. We see them every once in a while around our chicken run...recently went to collect eggs and there it was, mouth wrapped around an egg. However, he/she bolted :-) and I dumped the egg. Never harmed any of the chickens (though apparently they will eat very young chicks) but as has been said, good for the ecology, essentially harmless. But, sure......on seeing one out of the blue, first instinct is fright, lol!

  23. Watch her go on her way and then I'll go the opposite direction.
    Unless she is in my house, then hubby has permission to get rid of her, dead or alive.

  24. Black Snakes Matter.

  25. She'll be hunkering down in some quiet spot to digest that big meal.

  26. Keep it for a pet.

  27. Black snakes are good....leave it alone. (If that is a snake)

  28. Go home and get clean panties.

  29. Pick up that piece of rubber and throw it away.

  30. I would immediately turn over Southfork to him.

  31. When kinked like that, the snake is supposedly stressed; over what, I have no idea.
    I am not a snake lover and would yell for assistance carrying a sharp object!


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