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Sunday, July 26, 2015

County Executive Bob Culver Clears The Air On Lies And Rumors

Landfill Emergency on Saturday


These are pictures from the emergency at the Landfill this weekend. I was notified at 11:54AM of this emergency by a Solid Waste official, at which time I went to pick up my personal truck (which has 4x4 drive abilities) to get to the site of the accident which was on top of the landfill. No one was hurt, fortunately, but it was close to around 3:30 or 4:00PM when I left.

Bob Culver


  1. Personally I find it disgusting that Culver is feeling the need to explain this. If the other blogger has nothing better to do than stake out Culver's vehicle or knowingly print untruths after being given the facts, shame on him. We have far greater problems that need addressing than to deal with this kind of pettiness.

  2. Thanks for the update and I appreciate Culver taking care of business. The lesson he should learn with this deal is that the taxpayers and employees are watching and expect him to set the same high standards for himself as he has for his employees. He should have a vehicle at his disposal but we shouldn't be furnishing him a ride for home to work and back home.

  3. 9:42, I highly disagree. In fact, Bob had every right to take his county vehicle to this particular incident but instead he chose to do what he felt was best by getting his own 4x4 vehicle instead. It proves his commitment to the taxpayers.

    Now, that being said. He is the highest government representative this side of the Bay Bridge. Are you now suggesting Mike Lewis and others should not have access to their county vehicles as well?

    There are emergency situations in which our County Executive needs to go places and I find it most interesting that a guy like Strausburg who makes a LOT more than Culver had access to a county vehicle as well as the former county executive and no one said a word.

    It is a part of the contract and the job. It is a perk and when the voters signed on to having a county executive, this was one of the things you agreed to.

    If Bob wants to take his vehicle to the store, so be it. Funny, we have shown for YEARS the Fire Departments running around buying groceries and quite frankly I see Fire Department chase vehicles at WalMart and Sam's Club ALL THE TIME.

    It is simply one Blogger who hates Bob simply because I like him. Anything opposite of what I like is his motto. It's a sad way to live his life. Another example would be his bi polar posts about the Police Chief in Pocomoke. The man is about to be investigated on a federal level and the EBT Blogger all of a sudden has allegedly changed his tune on his dying support of the man. He's gone after Oglesby when the EBT Blogger has no clue what the truth is to that whole situation and will have egg in his face, (that goes for the residents down there too) when they learn the truth.

    It's one thing to disagree but it's another to create flat out lies based on rumors and not facts.

  4. Bob, I think you are doing a great job! However, you need to watch your back. Strausburg is trouble you should remove him from his position and get someone who does not undermine you and your decisions. He is a snake in the grass that will work against you. Please to advance YOUR ideals please clean house and work with people that you can trust.

  5. Just because you see fire vehicles at Wal-Mart and Sam's doesn't make it right. In fact that is why you have posted them, because it is the abuse of city resources. As I stated in my post 9:42, Culver set the standards high for the vehicle use in the county and he should be the example. Having a vehicle at the office for his use is totally appropriate.

  6. Funny how all these years that a Democrat was in office no one complained about Rick Pollitt or the Department Heads with take home cars. When someone complained about the city fire department taking their 10 or so chiefs cars home out of the city you clowns said everyone was picking on the poor firemen. Now that a Republican is the County Executive all of a sudden we can't have a take home vehicle for him. Funny that Blubbler Blogger goes against everything this blog supports. Well guess what, I am a home owning tax payer and I think our County Executive who is on call 24 hours a day doesn't get paid well enough and deserves a take home car.

    With that said Bob should back off on trying to take vehicles and benefits away from hard working employees or these attacks will continue. You might get what you wished for Bob.

  7. other blooger takes pics of county owned cars ,joe albero posts peoples prescription bottle labels,who is the worse scum in the pond?

  8. Others had a take home vehicle that respond to emergencies as well. Why is this different?

  9. USMCRetired, I totally disagree with you and hope Mr. Culver does as well. In my opinion, Bob has a good team in place. Let them do their job. Your negative comments without specifics doesn't sound like any Marine I served with. Semper Fi

    1. Enough Marine talk. Stay on point.

  10. I don't have a problem with him taking a county owned vehicle home.
    Being the county executive is a 24/7 job and not a 9 to 5 gig.
    Bob Culver's work doesn't stop at 5pm on Fri and resume at 9am on Mon.

  11. The county executive has the car to use, as part of his package, for both personal and business. I believe people are complaining because Bob said he would not use it for personal. But if it's allowed, so be it. Stop complaining about insignificant issues. There is so much more to complain about!

  12. As a county employee this offends me. My ride was taken from me and I'm on call 24/7. The gasoline alone has cost me a lot along with the wear and tare on my truck. Yet, Culver gets to drive his anywhere he wants. Fair is fair. He's an employee too.

  13. Right Joe. JT and his followers only purpose in life is to try and run down and destroy anyone who this blog likes.
    We heard ad nauseum how it was going to come out in some trial how bad Mike McDeromtt is. Trial came and went and nothing about Mcdermott. We heard how PC's city manager was goint to be in huge trouble with the MD dept of the environment. Nothing.
    These are just a few examples.
    Then you look at who his followers are. They've all had their issues with foreclosures and other money problems. Maybe if they had spent their lives doing something productive like McDermott, Blake. Oglesby they wouldn't be looked upon as peons themselves without a pot to take a leak in.

  14. "Anonymous said...

    other blooger takes pics of county owned cars ,joe albero posts peoples prescription bottle labels,who is the worse scum in the pond?

    July 20, 2015 at 10:35 AM"

    Not anywhere near comparable. The prescription bottle had Mitchell's name on it. The other blogger posts a picture of a parked truck then lies and says Bob Culver's son was driving it.
    So in answer to your question-the other blogger is the absolute without a doubt the worse most horrid scum in the pond.
    Anymore questions?

  15. I think the take home vehicle is a sore subject for employees who were hired and HR said the take home vehicle was part of their benefit packet and then bob takes their county vehicle forcing them to respond in their POVs with no compensation. A county executive who set the example not be a target of criticism. Walk the walk if you going talk the talk. Hence the personal attacks.

  16. Anony 10:48 I have the record of over 21 years in the USMC, and I doubt if you could match my career accomplishments or respect I achieved. I know Bob Culver personally, and I have more inside information then you would ever be privy to. So don't hide behind anonymous. Any Marine I ever served with has the balls to stand-up and say what they mean and have the facts to back-up what they say.

  17. who cares what vehicle he uesed? Cops use their vehicles all the time for personal use! Go find something else to talk about.

  18. Anon 12:53 I known Bob my entire life and you have inside information that your privy too?

  19. 1253..practice what you preach cupcake. Typical brainwashed gonment sheep. Do as i say not as i do.

  20. A person in Bob position should have a vehicle to use. I doubt he is out joy riding in it. He doesn't just work the standard 9-5 job. He also attends things on the weekend as well. He puts in enough hours each week without having to drive back and forth to pick up and drop off a vehicle every day.

    As far as the EBT Blogger. He is just trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Im sure when Bob called his son he told him he needed the truck so he cold go to the dump. I doubt he got into deal about the entire situation. The son probably just assumed it was to take trash. However in the future the son should have NO contact with the EBT blogger for any reason. It is in no ones best interest to talk to him. No matter what you tell him he will twist it. It's what the liberals do.

  21. Okay two stories, which one is true Bob going to take trash to landfill, or responding to emergency at landfill. This is why I'm questioning Bob. Something don't smell right?

  22. 2:39, OK, let's get this straight once and for all.


    1. Bob called his Son Chris and told him he needed to take his personal vehicle for a few hours to go to the Landfill. Chris just ASSUMED his Father was taking trash to the Landfill and was clueless about the actual reason Bob was going there. The pictures tell the TRUTH, unlike what you heard from the EBT Blogger.

    2. To those of you trying to publish comments about Bob smoking in his county vehicle, (more than likely the EBT Blogger) Bob quit smoking January 1, 2015. He has NOT had a cigarette since.

    So see, some of you are so full of crap it isn't funny. You have attempted to put up that comment what, 20 times now and you are a complete LIAR.

    Quit Blogging, get a job and get off the public dole, you're no good at it period.

  23. Oh, 2:39, so who are you going to believe now????


  24. Given our rural nature think Mr. Culver should have whatever vehicle he thinks best fits the anticipated needs of his job. Sedan or full size SUV would be appropriate. Don't think it needs to be just 9-5 usage; he certainly has routine demands on his time outside regular hours due to his job. If he's home and wants to use personal wheels don't think he should submit for reimbursal.

    Other employees should be reimbursal eligible when called out after hours.

    Wonder what Gannett's policy is for paying writers, photographers, editors for using their personal wheels?

  25. 2:39----It really makes no difference why Bob went to the landfill. The issue is Bob's son being accused of driving Bob's county owned vehicle based solely on where it happened to be parked.
    That's is all that matters. Who cares why he made the visit to the landfill.
    The only think that stinks is the fat blogger and all his simpletons assuming that just because they have a photo of the truck parked where it was, the son had driven it there. It stinks that the imbeciles can't even comprehend that other possibilities on why the vehicle was there exist. They have no thinking skills and is why none of them have amounted to anything in their lives.

  26. " It is in no ones best interest to talk to him. No matter what you tell him he will twist it.

    July 20, 2015 at 2:39 PM"

    Exactly 2:39. Everything he ever says turns out to be a pile of lies and when he is challenged, he will try and hold on to the lies and squeeze out of it whatever he can to keep his lies going.

  27. "Anonymous said...

    It is in no ones best interest to talk to him.

    July 20, 2015 at 2:39 PM"

    I agree also. With him, you are dealing with a person of a very low class level. Because of his own diminished status in life (had to ask for money to pay for fathers funeral????) he has developed a very real tenancy toward intense jealousy of anyone he perceives to be superior to him. This jealousy is what drives him. He is blinded by it and that is why he will keep a lie going even if he has to twist it to fit his goal.

  28. 3:55, All those simpletons you mention are the same person who owns the Blog. He writes to himself to try to make it look like he gets traffic. Come on now, you'd have to be a fool to follow a part time Blogger who lies just to get attention.

  29. Did Taylor pay $45 for admission to the Crisfield clambake last week or get a free ticket?

  30. I would be more worried if anyone got hurt in that peterbilt mdl #359 daycab than any old C.E. riding in a tahoe.I really could care less what he does. He has the next 3.5 years to do what he wants the way i see it

  31. Bob, slow and steady wins the race even if it seems uphill on an hourly basis. You are doing a great job, and I know it isn't easy because there are a great many "personalities" that generally don't play well in the sand box on any given day at any given hour.

    You are an honest, friendly, and intelligent gentleman and you owe no one any explanations. Most people don't understand the 24/7 type of job and can't relate. I do understand and I appreciate all you do to make us a better county and help reduce our taxes.

    Stay strong, stay focused, and say your prayers. GOD be with you always.

  32. I like going over and seeing what nonsense the Fat One is occupying himself with on any given day.
    He's got himself so riled up over Sewell that he's nearly written an entire book about the situation. I didn't read it because it's poorly written and all over the place, blaming everyone under the sun esp those he's envious of.
    He's so stupid. He can't stand Blake and Ervin who are the 2 that handpicked Sewell to replace Ervin. He's been regurgitating for years how those 2 are corrupt.
    Everything those 2 have ever done is corrupt except their choice of police chief Sewell in his eyes. How's that work?


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