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Sunday, July 05, 2015

These Two Clowns Can't Even Read From A Teleprompter

If you're watching WBOC tonight, I feel your pain. Talk about flubbing up almost every word from both of these guys! Welcome to the Eastern Shore. By the way Paul, it's called the news COMPLEX, not complec. 

Also, are you noticing how many commercials this company is producing? Man, they come back  from one set of commercials, flub up 10 seconds more of whatever and then go right back to commercials. Now we know why some people stay and some people go.


I just watched one of their commercials where they pat themselves on the back for unheard of broadcast awards. In the end they say they want to thank everyone for making them Delmarva's News Leader. REALLY, PROVE IT. Funny how the Metropolitan and Coastal Styles doesn't have a "Best Of" in news or journalism. So WHO voted WBOC to be Delmarva's News Leader?


  1. Best only in their own minds that is all. Yes, I watched and Paul Butler couldn't even read or say the word trees. I guess they needed a token black male and he was it. Steve has been acting and looking really run down lately. I can't believe it is from reading a teleprompter. I still don't understand why one person starts reading a news article, and then the other person finishes the next sentence about the same subject. That is maddening for me. Can't one person read the whole text on the subject matter they are trying to talk about? Then the next person take the next subject and so on. They act like they are getting paid per word spoken and it really causes more confusion and for Paul his inability to follow a typed script. And for this small news area, why do they need two people anyway?

  2. First, WBOC should change their slogan to "Delaware's news leader." We all know that according to them if it did not happen in Delaware it did not happen at all. It is pretty bad that they start a news broadcast and the first three stories are about happenings in Delaware. Does Johnny's furniture really own the station instead of the pompous Draper family? Looks like they need to spend a little more money in salaries and get people that can pronounce Chincoteague, Gargatha, Sinepuxant and of course Worcester. How about some coverage of the wind shear event in Salisbury on July 2nd? Did not happen in Delaware, thus it was not news worthy for the slanted news reporting by WBOC.

    1. Amen! I have been saying that for years. I don't know why they don't just move to Dover.

  3. Stopped watching a year ago,nothing newsworthy.As long as liberals control government they have nothing to say but let Gov Hogan or B Culver do something and there ready to put them in the ground.

  4. I come here for all my local news!

  5. They're good people!

  6. Steve Hammond has stated he hates his job and it shows...if he didn't marry who he did...he would have moved away from the shore.

  7. Steve has a horrible dye job that changes every week!

  8. Paul Butler is what they call a Token.

    Steve Hammond is what they call a Mooch. Ask his wives family.

    1. Wives? I think you mean wife's, you moron.

  9. you do realize that WMDT broadcasters are much worse... sure the women are pretty but dumb as rocks. Most shore broadcasters use this area as a jumping pad to move up...

  10. Five years and still TV free. When I see what I'm missing, I can see that I'm not missing anything.

  11. The call sign letters should read WDEL. not WBOC. If I were a Md. Business I would never advertise with this Delaware sration.

  12. They are getting all of DEL. news on the air.

  13. Ol' Baul Putler

  14. And WBOC runs medical and health advice stories produced out of the state of Texas with doctors from Texas! What a bunch of crap! I want my news to be local and not from the state of Texas! When I want national news I watch NBC not WBOC.

  15. They, BOC, may not be the best. But at least you know the employees stay the same almost all the time. MDT has new people every week. and can't keep but one weatherman. they come and go like the weather changes, on MDT.

  16. What is with the weather person now always mentioning the temperature in Ruthsberg? Just because citizens in downtown Ruthsberg have WBOC on their cable system does not mean that they are going to watch Podunk reporting compared to the metropolitan Baltimore Washington area reporting. Population of Ruthsberg less than 50 people thus WBOC must need them for their ratings to increase.

  17. Add in that WBOC has Comcast block WJZ-TV in Baltimore, so we cannot get decent weather, sports, and Maryland news coverage just makes them a bigger joke. Also how can you call it news when you repeat it at 7, 11, and the next morning.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Steve has a horrible dye job that changes every week!

    July 2, 2015 at 9:42 PM

    I dye my hair and so do a lot of men and women. What's your point Douche Bag!!

  19. SBY News has it all and Im sure Joe's budget isn't no where near WBOC or WMDT.

  20. 1:57
    His point was that Steve's hair dye job is "horrible".

    Horrible. That was his point.

    Any more stupid questions?

  21. Face it -- da Bury has the mainstream media that it deserves, terrible, just like the mayor and council.

  22. I only watch it because Maxine Bentzel is so incredibly hot.

  23. I agree Joe, WBOC is unwatchable. Their newscasts have little to no local news. They always have a couple decent reporters who use this as a stepping ground, like Maxine Bentzel. But the quality of this station has been going down for many years. It all started in the mid-2000's when John Deering took over as News Director. Over the course of time he demoted Steve Hammond and I agree it looks like Hammond is going through the motions too. Steve could've gone to a big market many years ago but stayed back. And now the station has changed so much I don't think he likes the changes. I can't stand to watch this channel at all.

  24. Yep they are as pathetic as the bimbo weather girl on wmdt. A 5 year old could do a better job.


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