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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Sheila Dixon Announces She's Running For Mayor Of Baltimore

Former Baltimore city mayor Sheila Dixon has announced she is running for Baltimore City Mayor in the 2016 election.

She posted this message on her Facebook page with a link to her new campaign website, sheiladixonformayor.com:

After discussions with my family and encouragement from friends and people across the city, I have made a decision to run for Mayor of Baltimore. I believe I have the leadership skills and experience to bring citizens across the city together to create a safer city that is also cleaner, greener, and healthier than we are today. Together we can reclaim, revive and rebuild Baltimore.

I plan to have a formal campaign kick-off after Labor Day, but in the meantime, I'll be reaching out to people across Baltimore for their ideas, input and support. I believe in Baltimore and its future as a united and inclusive city.


  1. What a hot mess Baltimore City must be in!! Is there no shame?

    She convicted of theft and she can run for mayor? Aren't there an application, criminal background check,etc that a person to hold political office must do. Can just anyone run?

  2. Obama will make her Supreme Court Nominee

  3. 432, Yes, there is an extensive background check for all Democratic candidates. The longer your rap sheet is, the better! She's a shoo-in!

  4. 4:41pm. hahah....I totally believe that! Just WOW....America, where is the old America???? I miss her!

  5. Why not DC had a crack head Mayor for years

  6. She certainly sets the example!

  7. A convict is a thug's best friend and an ineffective mayor and District Attorney are a fool's paradise.

  8. Marion Barries sister , you go girl , give it to em gently you pathetic SOB.


  9. By using gift cards she doesn't have to rely on what CVS has in stock when she wants to steal! Lucky Charm City has two terrible candidates to choose from!

  10. doesn't ANYONE get tired of bitching?

  11. Anonymous said...
    doesn't ANYONE get tired of bitching?

    July 2, 2015 at 9:00 PM

    Um... Not sure where you are going with this but most everyone is sick and tired or ignorant morons that make comments that no one knows WTF they are talking about.

    Have you ever heard of Please explain?

  12. what is Stephanie's take on this?

  13. They got rid of her because she stole.....why on earth would they want her back. There HAS to be someone that has some credibility that could run for this position!

  14. I think you will see many run for that office. It is ripe for the picking.

  15. Need to stop electing career politicians.

  16. Anonymous said...
    doesn't ANYONE get tired of bitching?

    July 2, 2015 at 9:00 PM

    Um... Not sure where you are going with this but most everyone is sick and tired or ignorant morons that make comments that no one knows WTF they are talking about.

    Have you ever heard of Please explain?

    July 3, 2015 at 2:24 AM

    If you need that explained to you, you are one of the ones it is referencing. And dumb to boot

  17. Another run down city that will become Detroit in 2 years . The inner harbor is filthy trash floating in the water. You can't go anywhere without being jumped. Let the animals have it not much you can do when bissness begin to move out.


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