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Sunday, July 05, 2015

NASCAR commits suicide


  1. NASCAR is not my cup of tea in motorsports, but they have cultivated a middle American following that is extremely loyal. The roots were Southern moonshiners and good ole' boys.

    To quote Professor Harold Hill "You gotta know the territory".

    It appears NASCAR's management is now buying underwear where Bruce Jenner shops. Dumb move!

  2. It already had about 6 nails in the coffin. this will about finish it.
    i gave it up a couple years ago.

  3. Gave it up 5 years ago---Dover is removing thousands of seats--they might as well continue to remove thousands more... The sport is almost dead

  4. Will no longer watch or support NASCAR thru buying merchandise etc.. This a symbol of their beginning and part of the US history.

  5. How stupid of them - that just lost them some fans.

  6. They seem to have perfected self destruction.

    First they get rid of racing by forcing homogenized cars.Then they got rid of competition by demanding drivers act like the gentlemen at a debutante party. If this wasn't bad enough, forcing tracks to remove 30-40% of the seats so the stands don't look empty (they still do)now they want everyone to abandon the heritage that made them great.

    Good bye NASCAR.

  7. I have been a Nascar fan since the 1960's and I could not care less one way or the other about that flag, however I am sick and tired of people pandering to the left wing liberal agenda. By removing that flag it will no doubt piss off a number of fans and most likely will stop some of them from going to the races and what it will not do is cause a large influx of black people or left wing liberals to attend the races or for that matter watch on TV. This is the dumbest damn thing they could do they should have left it alone.

  8. Yeah I agree...haven't followed it for last couple of years. They are like other sports have out smarted themselves!!! Constant changing rules, championship qualifications, driver restraints on reactions etc....lost what car racing is truly about!!!

  9. Forget your roots and you will kill the tree!

  10. Yup I say good bye NASCAR! I've been a fan since 1997 and not sure if I've ever completely missed a race. As of this moment I won't even ever see another race...WOW what a move! I just can't support them so I hope the audience and fans they want now enjoy the race!

  11. Everyone should ban NASCAR. If you have tickets turn them in for a refund. If you are a fan Boycott them and all their merchandise. Unfriend NASCAR and unfriend the drivers after you tell them how you feel. I challenge you to not even put it on TV.

  12. This is just plain stupid. NASCAR now sucking up to liberals. If I were a fan attending I would wear a Confederate flag shirt on purpose, and if they refused my entrance I would sue the Hell out of them.

  13. I hear NASCAR is soliciting for a transgendered black dwarf for their next years circuit. They don't want anyone to think they are biased in any way.
    (Remember --- this "sport" originated in the south. In the mountains and foothills. By white people with a distrust and disregard of authority.
    Looks like they are looking for a newer, softer, sweeter, more tender fan base.
    They should go ahead and keep the distrust/disregqard thing going.....let Jenner drive the courses with some of his, uh, um, er, ....kind.

  14. An 'inclusive' environment, huh? Ever notice that as soon as these prats start yapping about 'inclusiveness', they really mean excluding somebody else? Just like 'promoting diversity in the workplace' translates to NOT hiring some other people because of their ethnicity, race, etc. I'm done with NASCAR, I guess.

  15. Actually the sport is thriving, just not in live attendance. The sport makes the majority of its money through sponsorship.

  16. Is it a ban or just a request? Will they make those flying the flag take it down? I hope a whole lot of fans at the next race put this to the test and see what happens!!

  17. I stopped watching NASCAR when the liberals took over and made every car exactly the same.

  18. I read all the comments and it just seems to me most of the people commenting aren't real Nascar fans anyway. They sound like a bunch of sour grape whiney a-holes that can't get their way so they bitch about everything. People like that need to grow the hell up and get in the real world. Nascar is a money driven sport,without the big corporate sponsors there would be no Nascar. I'm no liberal but I am a realist so if a few idiots want to act stupid thats fine with me. Let'em go watch womens tennis or golf.

  19. They just notified their fan base that they are NO longer wanted. It has been no secret the NASCAR fan base has always been more redneck than any other sport. The drivers were the only people winning and they have been walking away from the good ole boy redneck image that established NASCAR for years. This will be the death of NASCAR because rednecks don't take well to being told what they can and cannot do. Having said that.... if I want to fly a rainbow flag..I can...how does that make any sense?

  20. What's the big deal with a flag , let this flag fly , it isn't and to my knowledge hasn't hurt anyone.
    Sounds to me like gun control , guns don't kill people , people kill people. Flags don't hurt or kill people .

  21. . Flags don't hurt or kill people .

    July 3, 2015 at 6:41 PM

    What flags represent hurt and kill people however. I've never been a fan of NASCAR so I don't care one way or the other. It's just another stupid 'sport' to me. If you're into watching cars making left turns for hours on end, have at it. Their fans don't care what you say about them, they can't hear you anyway. Doesn't seem like a real race to me when everything is controlled. But money talks and as long as they are making money they don't care if they have fans or not. Only fans they care about are the green ones.

  22. 12:10 am, by your logic, the present American flag should also be banned, and it represents MANY foreign and AMERICAN deaths in foreign lands and our own soil, including the Civil War.

    So, your point is moot.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:10 am, by your logic, the present American flag should also be banned, and it represents MANY foreign and AMERICAN deaths in foreign lands and our own soil, including the Civil War.

    So, your point is moot.

    July 4, 2015 at 7:49 PM

    Yes, that is correct. The point isn't moot, it IS the point.

  24. As a now former fan of NASCAR. I hope the rest of their races are left unattended. Maybe then they will get the message that true Americans are tired of this political crap.

  25. Wow, just wow. NASCAR really is done


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