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Sunday, July 19, 2015

The New Social Media Campaign That’s Encouraging People to Trespass on Private Property and Tear Down Confederate Flags

First it was the ice bucket challenge. Now, a new social media campaign encourages people to film themselves tearing down Confederate flags from people’s property or vehicles.

In what appears to be the original video, posted to Facebook on July 11 by Jamari Williams, a young black man runs up to a house and jumps to tear down a Confederate flag from the flag pole. Another male, in the driver’s seat of the car, filmed the ordeal while laughing and saying “no flagging’” repeatedly.

#noFlagginchallenge snatch & run LMAO f*** the flag,” the video’s caption says.



  1. Another good reason to keep you clips loaded!!

  2. I'm tired of this crap. I'll just kill the first one that does. I'll be the one to kick it off. Someone has to take a stand! Come to my house if you want to and try that.

  3. Just another example of thugs destroying PRIVATE PROPERTY. If they finished school, it is evident they slept through History class. These animals feel so empowered by the WH they feel they can do anything. When they get shot, they'll be screaming bloody murder about black lives matter, yet black lives don't mind destroying and stealing private property do they????

  4. OC silly council meeting to suspend manager david recor for dwi and leaving scene of accident. OCPD thied to cover up, MSP now investigating.

  5. Dang. I don't have one, but if this is what is going to happen, I can't let all of y'all have all the fun.
    I'll put it up.....back towards the back of my property, so you have to do a little running to get back to the street. Which you won't make it to.....

  6. Hidden dangers of the rainbow..this is all part of the plan..educate yourself its here. For any thug who becomes a Useful Idiot for commie satanists. well placed cameras on my property will be used for the extreme lawsuit. Violate my free speech, property and civil rights you will be sued!! I ll go after your EBT card you scum

  7. lol, lotta rednecks braves on here. Funny thing, nobody has posted their address.

    1. Come to Sharptown! Mines not hard to find!

  8. But don't forget, when the flag was coming down on tax-payer or corporate funded properties, all the usual liberal dirtbags were dismissive of free-speech concerns. "You can still have it on your house or car, blah, blah, blah." Well, apparently that's not the case. Who didn't see this coming?

  9. Mine will be wired with a 6,000 volt fluorescent light ballast! It's fun and easy to do!

  10. I hope it fails...

  11. Cover the flag pole in homemade Anthrax, you can find the recipe online, then the thief will get what he deserves.

  12. just hook up electric to the pole
    fry somebody

  13. I wonder if this will lead to someone getting "hurt"?

  14. I am burying boards under the ground, partially, with nails sticking up in the grass to puncture their feet. When they come to take my flag, they will end up hurt!

  15. Reality 100 percent of the people would call the police and do nothing. Then bitch the police took to long to arrive. Then the police would be investigated for their speeding on the way over. Good luck.

  16. I'm white. I took my down and triple locked all guns. I have no rights being white. My skin is my sin.


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