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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Crash And Burn NASCAR Thugs – Supporting Illegal Invaders, Against Confederate Flag And American Sovereignty

Is it time to consider a different pastime for southerners? NASCAR is looking more and more like the NAACP or La Raza these days, censoring people and embracing a public policy which flies in the face of American values and traditions, including those of their Dixie-centered fan base.

Choosing to side with pandering politicians in attacking the heritage of southern Americans, NASCAR announced on Thursday morning that they would be censoring the free speech and values of the fans attending their events, asking them to “refrain from displaying the Confederate Flag at our facilities and NASCAR events.” They declared that every track which will be hosting one of their events had agreed to remove their fans’ flags, a testament to the level of coercion and intimidation they are willing to impose.

NASCAR CEO Brian France said on SiriusXM radio on Wednesday, “We’re all trying to be, as we should, the most inclusive sport that we can, and you can’t say that on one hand and then fly a very offensive flag to an entire race of people on the other. It just doesn’t comport. That’s where we are, and there’s no daylight between that. And I was clear on that over (last) weekend, and our tracks are working on the right kind of solution to work with our fans.”



  1. First off I saw a black man flying the confederate flag so its not an entire race. In fact I would be surprised if its even half.

  2. I smell a boycott coming... LOL

  3. They have forgotten where they came from. I will never attend another event at dover.

  4. Even the families of the victims in SC say, "It's not about the flag."

    But hey, you know the saying, "Never let a good manufactured crisis go to waste."

    I don't care if you like the flag or not. This is a move to crush free speech and rebellion before it happens. If you don't recognize that, you are part of the problem.

  5. I stopped supporting NASCAR when they announced their flag decision just before Daytona. My sincere hope is that the sport folds completely and financially ruins the entire corrupted organization, it's sponsors and the participants. I look forward to that mid-February Sunday when there's no longer a broadcast from Daytona.

  6. Brian France is a disgrace!

  7. Let the fans boycott NASCAR and see how important NASCAR feels about their fans and THEIR feelings. Remember the saying, a bird never flies so high he can't fall?

  8. So are the drivers gonna support this too? Is it Time for us whiteys have a riot boycott?. Be nice if the next race has either empty stands or so full of confederate flags it sends the message

  9. There is dirt racing of all kinds to go see and support, as well as Indy and Formula 1.

    Nascar is ready for the back seat.

  10. The last 20 years NASCAR has changed little by little for the worst. I remember watching them on THE WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS back in the day before Democrat's ruined America.

  11. I no longer follow the sport but, if I did I would be done with them after this PC Crap.

  12. Just another manufactured crisis leading up to Ob's martial law. There will NOT be another free election.

  13. Nascar's policies have created it's demise. It's dieing a slow death. Just look in the stands. They are taking seats out by the thousands at most race tracks all over the country, including Dover which is dropping about 50,000 seats.
    NASCAR committed suicide.

  14. The liberals have won again. I'm sure nascar will be just fine.


  15. PBS will pick up the broadcast rights. Attendees will get free rainbow flags when they are bussed to the events from big cities. Concession stands will serve Moochie meals. The drama of which Prius or Volt can go furthest before battery recharge will be enthralling!

  16. I wonder, someone flying the ISIS flag would probably be welcome at the track under the guise of "we support diversity". Not to mention the fear of a lawsuit for being "racists".


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