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Sunday, July 19, 2015

East Baltimore anti-violence group work suspended after guns, drugs found in raid

City officials have suspended operations of the Safe Streets anti-violence program in East Baltimore after police officers found seven guns and drugs stashed inside the Monument Street office.

Police said a robbery investigation led them to the office, and two employees were among those arrested. The suspension sidelines the program's work in East Baltimore at a time when gun violence has been spiking.

Safe Streets, a grant-funded program under the city's Health Department, uses ex-felons in an effort to stem crime. The program has been lauded for keeping violence at a minimum in the four neighborhoods where it operates, and some officials have urged its replication across the city.



  1. Using felons to prevent crime in Baltimore!

    These Baltimorons must not have any active brain cells!

  2. Baltimore is a cesspool.
    Everyone needs to read the latest on Mosby. Everyone knows how she likes to brag that her family goes back "5 generations" of cops.
    5 generation? A lie in and of itself but what is to be expected of her hoodrat ghetto type who all they know how to do is lie.
    Anyway seems all her cop family are all corrupt. Mother tested positive for cocaine use while a cop and was eventually let go after numerous infractions. Father while a cop held up drug dealers at gunpoint and stole off of them. Uncle and grandfather no good either but I can't remember particulars.
    This ghetto trash pathological liar has an ax to grind with cops because corruption and lying runs in her blood. She is nothing for anyone to be proud of and is the prime example of why the black race is in a downward spiral with all the many black on black murders and all their other social ills.

  3. A majority minority city. A majority minority police force.
    Majority minority leaders and the place is akin to the lawlessness that exists in Africa.
    It's actually quite funny.
    Is this what the NAACP calls the advancement of colored people because I think by decent America's standards there is no advancement whatsoever. None at all because no one can name one majority minority area that isn't a trash strewn poverty stricken war zone.

  4. It's a shame that I am not one bit surprised to read this.

  5. If it is so successful why have the number of homicides in Baltimore increased? Sounds more like organized crime with police and mayoral backing?

  6. Sounds like a stupid idea. Putting ex felons in charge of keeping the peace. It's a perfect fox guarding the he hen house scenario. No wonder Baltimore is in such trouble.

  7. Don't even tell me anyone is surprised at this. AGAIN. We give these people EVERYTHING including 2nd, 3rd chances and they still DON'T GET IT! !!! NOW they want to waste more money for a pool that they will be able to hang out with drugs and guns. GENIUS! !!

  8. You can take the felon out of but you can't take the jail out of the felon!

  9. This is all about the flow of heroin in Charm City. Blacks control it when leaves the Mexican boarder. Baltimore is the capitol for heroin. Billions of dollars in sales. Lets face the facts the corruption is from the top to the bottom. If anyone does not think that Mosely's husband isn't dirty you are sadly mistaken. Look at his latest fund raiser in Philly lol Why is he or she fund raising in Philly. The second largest heroin den in the world. Follow the money.

  10. It's Baltimore, who doesn't need a gun?

  11. 10:09 for whatever reason the Philly fundraiser has been cancelled.
    But I agree the Mosby's are the epitome of corruption.
    The question that begs to be answered is why did she hire a disgraced former BPD officer to be a investigator in her office?
    This investigator Avon Markel was in charge of the Baltimore 6 case.
    It makes you wonder what this former disgraced officer has on the Mosby's.
    It's really disturbing to see people including the local own NAACP Ashanti praise Mosby on FB. It goes to show that these people are completely clueless or are themselves as corrupt and immoral and dishonest as the day is long.

  12. LOL-Can anyone expect anything else out of a majority minority inhabited and government run city? NO-it's par for course with those people and
    anyone *black or white* who denies this, is a liar.

  13. I'm curious to see how long before this is blamed on whites or racism or the cops.
    That is what is "par for course" from these great evaders of all responsibility and so far they have yet to disappoint.
    Yep-It's always someone else's fault with them.

  14. Baltimore is a:
    A) Slum
    B) Ghetto
    C) Sewer
    D) All of the above

  15. 12:15 Here's the question-----name one majority minority city that isn't all of the above. For that matter name one place anywhere on the face of the earth inhabited by mostly blacks and run by blacks that isn't D)All of the above.
    No place exists. The few that are semi civilized aren't self sufficient and couldn't exist with US money being thrown their way.

    1. Come to think of it, name one black run country that isn't:

      A) a brutal dictatorship
      B) a permanent recipient of millions in international aid (welfare!)
      C) a superstitious shithole
      D) completely indifferent to the concept of women's' rights
      E) violent with a high murder rate
      F) practically illiterate

      A country cannot afford to support both a space exploration program, and a large black population. It's one or the other, but never both.


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