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Sunday, July 05, 2015

A Viewer Writes.........

Mr Joe,
I really hope you will print this it's about people's actions.
I work with the public every day, I am a hard working, honest, caring, love my family woman. But I am overweight. I am on my way to losing my goal of 130pads. I'm not ugly, or shocking looking. I take care or myself, hair clean and neat, makeup on (I get complements on both my hair + makeup) nails neat clean polished. I keep my body clean, smell good, nice clothes. So last nite as I left work, 2 guys were behind me talking about me. Saying how I must eat all that time and laughing. Then I turned to look at who they were, and they both lighting up a cig. Now I feel the same about smoking as they do being fat! I feel smoking is a nasty, gross,stinking ugly habit. They have a cig addiction and I have a food addiction, what's the diff in us? You can see my fat on outside of my body, his is on the inside of his body.except he has nasty cough too. So before you judge someone, you really need to take a good look at your own body.


  1. I agree with this! People are so judgmental these days. When people make fun of other people, it is only to make their only sorry minds feel better. Good luck on your weight lost.

  2. Couldn't agree with you more! Good luck with the diet, I too am dieting, so far my husband has lost 20 pounds...me, O!

  3. Obesity is #1 in the most preventable diseases in America. Obesity has significantly been on the rise across the United States. Personally praise you for combatting and fighting this curable disease.

    1. Classified in 2013 but still in debat. And no your wrong. Maybe on a site you saw that but it is incorrect.

  4. The Eastern Shore has turned into a redneck haven. Wish we had the grace that South Carolina has shown.

  5. If you start smoking , you will lose weight and your appetite .
    Just don't smoke pot , you will gain weight.

  6. I agree. Good luck with you weight loss.
    Watch your fats.
    Instead of potato chip, buy pretzels and some flavored mustard to dip.
    Instead of Oreos, try Vanilla Wafers or Graham Crackers.
    Jelly beans or Gummies instead of chocolate for the ever occurring sweet tooth.
    Water and seltzer water. No sodas even diet but if you must make sure you are eating a salad with the soda to balance out the calories.
    Pickle juice/olive juice makes a good low fat low calorie salad dressing.
    And walk walk walk. I always recommend if possible getting a fur tread mill. That's a dog or offer to walk a friend or neighbor's dog on a regular basis.

  7. Americans must take pride in their health and appearance. Portion control is the first step to combat obesity and replacing smoking with health behavior such as reading or exercising, and avoiding addictive drugs can be achieved as long as one is willing. Gluttony is a sin and should be recognized and corrected.
    I am embarrassed at how far Americans have fallen due to obesity, smoking, and drug abuse.

  8. Thank you for your comment. NO ONE is perfect and has flaws somewhere! I find that the ones who make ignorant comments whether it be behind your back or to your face have significant inadequacies themselves. Unfortunately, some people are to ignorant to even realize that being obese does not always have to do with over eating. There are so many medications and health disorders/diseases that can make it difficult for you to be at your desirable weight. What is a shame is that they probably don't have a job or don't work as hard as the rest of us and we are paying for them or their cigs in some way shape or form.

  9. Perhaps if you started smoking you would loose a few pounds. When I quit smoking I gained 15 pounds. Maybe it's because my wife's cooking started to taste better.

  10. 5:40 well maybe someone should give you a award for being so perfect. Move outta this country if you are so embarrassed. You sin just like everyone else.

  11. Who really cares about YOUR condition that counts? If you don't, stop bitching. I think people that overeat are stupid as much as people that smoke. If you refuse to change YOUR habits, it's your problem. Don't try to make it someone else's.

  12. 8:58 I am sorry that you are such a miserable person that you have to call someone stupid. And that you are lucky enough not to ever have to struggle with anythint in life. I envy you

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:40 well maybe someone should give you a award for being so perfect. Move outta this country if you are so embarrassed. You sin just like everyone else.

    July 2, 2015 at 8:15 PM

    That was uneccessary and uncalled for. You are an embarrassment to America.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Who really cares about YOUR condition that counts? If you don't, stop bitching. I think people that overeat are stupid as much as people that smoke. If you refuse to change YOUR habits, it's your problem. Don't try to make it someone else's.

    July 2, 2015 at 8:58 PM

    I'm with 941 about you, except the envy part. I pity you and others like you which are in abundance around here. You should leave the farm now and then and travel outside your cave.

  15. 8:15 and 8:58 certainly proves this person's point, doesn't it? We are so quick to discount folks who don't fit the media-promoted ideal. Too bad we can't all be airbrushed in real life.

    Good luck with your weight loss!!

  16. I agree with this it is oh so true. I'll tell you something else I don't like in people and that is those that are bullies. I know a female that everytime we go to a restaurant, she has to bully the waiter or waitress. She has to have an explanation of what goes into each entrée and how it is cooked, what she can get changed to meet her choice, it is like she is their only customer. She leaves very little as a tip as well. Our group is very uncomfortable around her but she always invites herself along. She is the same as the people described in the above comment, always pointing out someone's looks, their clothes, lack of make up, and general appearance. And this person wears a ratty wig, no make up, always old food on her clothes, and yet doesn't see herself in a mirror--go figure.

  17. Stay true to yourself. Do not let people offend you. They are the ones with low self-esteem. Losing weight is great. Love who you are not who you want to be. As for the ash trays making fun of you I am sure they stink to high heavens. Smokers have been banned for public places. Fluffy people are always welcome. Has anyone ever looked at an offensive lineman in the N.F.L. Fat does not always indicate unfit.


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