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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Seattle officials join push for Sharia-compliant mortgages, loans

WASHINGTON – A proposal in Seattle meant to increase homeownership among Muslims by offering financing compliant with strict Islamic law -- known as Sharia -- is gaining ground in the latest test for local leaders trying to accommodate diverse religious beliefs.

"We will work to develop new tools for Muslims who are prevented from using conventional mortgage products due to their religious beliefs," Seattle Mayor Ed Murray said during a press conference July 13.

"Sharia," which comes from the Koran and means "the right path," prohibits the payment of interest -- the primary way lenders earn. Many of Seattle's 30,000 practicing Muslims, therefore, are hard-pressed to find Sharia-compliant financing options when buying homes, making large purchases or starting a business.



  1. To friggin bad move back to a muslim country..This is america ..get with it or leave..

  2. This is the most convoluted crap I have ever read.
    Interest is interest. IDC how you label it.
    So how does this masquerade make it more compliant? By using different words?

  3. Pandering to sharia nonsense has to stop.

    If sharia is keeping them from participating in basic aspects of life such as getting a mortgage, then sooner or later they'll figure out that "sharia" is medieval and incompatible with modern life in this country. "Accommodating" it just encourages it.

    This is the same "sharia" law that counts women as worth less than half that of a man, and prevents her from fully participating in American life as an "emancipated" woman.

  4. I will feel a little better once I know all the Muslims are in Oregon and then when the "Sharia hits the fan" All those stoned gay libtards in those gun free zones will be the first to go.

  5. What the hell is wrong with the people in Seattle? It must be the air, they have gone completely crazy. These muslims will be the first in line to either slit their throats or cut their heads off, and Seattle government as well as the federal government wants to bend over backward to kiss their asses.

    I agree with previous posters. You are in America. If you don't like how and what we do in America, no one is begging you to stay. Leave, please get the hell out of America. Go live your dark ages life somewhere else.

  6. Could be that the average income and education level of residents of Seattle are significantly higher than the eastern shore.

  7. Hey, we don't do it like that here. You don't like it? You don't have to! Just go to where it's done like that!

    Sorry, it's pretty simple.

  8. Lending money for profit is lending money for profit. It does not really matter what you call it.

  9. My WIFE and I have decided to become "GAY' single Illegal Muslim citizens and give up our useless American citizenships to get it "ALL" free from all You Americans...Fair Enough ???

  10. Perhaps they should apply to Saudi Arabian banks to finance their loans. I'm sure they'll be happy to lend them money interest free.

  11. Don't like interest payments? Pay in cash.

  12. we don't bend our law to suit sharia, at least we shouldn't. they need to bend to our law. IDIOTS in washington.

  13. 7:07 PM from 22 July
    That would just go to prove that income level and education level do not necessarily lead to a level of common sense!

  14. look at England they are over run by sharia courts.

  15. "How dare they come to our country and try to impose their rules", said the country that is occupying the entire Middle East imposing its rules by deadly force.
    Not a Sharia fan, but think about it.

  16. 7:14 Common sums up the eastern shore perfectly.

  17. 8:00....please tell us which part of the "entire Middle East" we are "occupying".
    Seems to me like the only "occupying" force imposing any rules is ISIS. Given the choice, I'll bet that the victims of ISIS WISH we were back there....
    Get real.


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