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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Proof Jake Day Intends To Announce He Is Running For Mayor of Salisbury Tonight


  1. How can someone with such a history on the MD. Judiciary site get into a position of "leading" the city.

    1. Nobody is a perfect as you, are they?

    2. Probably not 6:20.

    3. What history? A few traffic charges and he got caught drinking a beer when he was twenty y/o. No felonies or anything close to it. How about you put your record up 6:01

  2. What an F"n JOKE!!

  3. PPL of DABURY are headed from the pan to the flames.

  4. 6:02 Agreed. Captain Obvious will have to beat Capt. Condom.

  5. The Ronald Pagano of 2015!

  6. It's only a joke until he wins. Watch.

  7. What buffoon is his campaign manager?

  8. Stop all of this, I need to vomit! We need to get rid of the city council, the city mayor, and meld into the county form of government and pay taxes only to the county not the city. Think of all the waste that will be eliminated not to mention the cost.

  9. This has been street talk for a while now. In fact Day is the only name I have heard.
    Who do you all think should run?

    If Day is the only one to run he will be a shoo-in

  10. Why would any one vote for him when they pasted up getting a real man in there the mayor office. Yes I mean Joe A. should have won. It was our lost and we are still paying for it. Thank you Salisbury for nothing. map

  11. Well, he and Ireton won on electronic voting "glitches".

    Wonder what our new "paper"votes will bring.

    It seems to be Top Secret with the voting board.

    No one has come forward from there to tell us what paper ballots we will be using, if any...

    What say you, Mr. Guiterrez?

  12. Oh, he will win. He's got the 'machine' behind him as does ms. clinton. call it a day and move on.


  13. Did he get the proper permit to hang the sign? Just like Charm City two terrible choices being presented. Downward spiral!

  14. In private social circles he has been fundraising for a couple of months.

  15. ohhh wonder what Liarton thinks of this

    1. 7:11 his closet partner actually is approving of this.

  16. Hasn't the city been brought to a low enough low already?

  17. Another inexperienced idiot running for mayor. Haven't we had enough of these liberal morons?

  18. OMG Can't this city come up with someone to at least get us into the future? This is getting absolutely ridiculous.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Nobody is a perfect as you, are they?

    July 8, 2015 at 6:20 PM

    Jake I thought you had an announcement to make?

  20. Anonymous said...
    It's only a joke until he wins. Watch.

    July 8, 2015 at 6:26 PM

    And that is freakin' scary.

    Just look at that goof with his high and tight and his jacked up teeth.

    Can't the Republicans do any better than that?

    No the Republicans can't do any better than that because the Wicomico County Republican Club president is there supporting him. That's right Jackie Welfonder is there supporting him instead of finding a good Republican to run for mayor. WOW!!

    1. Welfonder is a hypochondriac freak that leads the Republican club. I am Republican and I am embarrassed. Brew-ing-ton is no better. Embarrassments. She is there too. Is Swartz blog boy there? Is that where the club meeting is this month? I am so fed up.

  21. At least we will have an first lady.

  22. Jake has to be self absorbed. He plays weekend warrior with some military group, works at Perdue and now he is running for Mayor of Salisbury all the while his wife is pregnant with their first child. Where is his priority?

    1. 8:36, his priority is running people off the road on his way to Specific Gravity to ensure a place.at the bar!

  23. Seriously, who cares? As they say, "to the victors go the spoils." And indeed, who could refer to SBY as anything more than SPOILS?

    Let him and Jim play like they are somebody. Big fish in a pothole half-full of water.

  24. I am new to the area? What's the deal with this Jake Day?

  25. The sign in the background says it all!! Next show $5

  26. 9:04

    Put it this way, when Jake Day was running for city council in daBury, the city was treated to a full four color mailer paid for and produced by the Chicago Realtor Board, supporting Jake Day.

    IOW he's got his mouth full of whatever the slum lords are regularly putting in his mouth.

  27. Once again SAPOA and the slumlords will control Salisbury, using Day and Heath, just like happened under Barrie and Mikey.

  28. Ireton can song and dance his way to a more prominent position of uselessness and Mr Day has the money machine pulling his strings. Maybe I should have moved out of state instead of out of the city

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why would any one vote for him when they pasted up getting a real man in there the mayor office. Yes I mean Joe A. should have won. It was our lost and we are still paying for it. Thank you Salisbury for nothing. map

    July 8, 2015 at 6:55 PM

    If Joe would have hung in there just a little longer... for this election he would have taken it hands down.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Well, he and Ireton won on electronic voting "glitches".

    Wonder what our new "paper"votes will bring.

    It seems to be Top Secret with the voting board.

    No one has come forward from there to tell us what paper ballots we will be using, if any...

    What say you, Mr. Guiterrez?

    July 8, 2015 at 7:05 PM

    All you have to do is look it up yourself. They are not true paper ballots like we used to use. There are two computers that you have to allow the "paper" ballot to scan. You still have to use the computer screen as we did the last elections, print off your choices then carry them to another machine to be scanned. It's a joke. No pencil and paper used what so ever. Don't even call it a paper ballot.

  31. Anonymous said...
    At least we will have an first lady.

    July 8, 2015 at 7:52 PM

    Jim Ireton was our first lady.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Jake has to be self absorbed. He plays weekend warrior with some military group, works at Perdue and now he is running for Mayor of Salisbury all the while his wife is pregnant with their first child. Where is his priority?

    July 8, 2015 at 8:36 PM

    He doesn't work. Daddy invented that job and gave it to his son. Intergovernmental Liason or something like that. Gravy job so he can be a paid liason between Perdue and the City of Salisbury. This is the 3rd job jake has had in the last 2 or 3 years since he was elected to the city council. His life is a joke and every job was given to him as a favor. The second job at SU was also a favor. He is a loser.

  33. 9:04

    Put it this way, when Jake Day was running for city council in daBury, the city was treated to a full four color mailer paid for and produced by the Chicago Realtor Board, supporting Jake Day.

    IOW he's got his mouth full of whatever the slum lords are regularly putting in his mouth.

    July 8, 2015 at 9:35 PM

    And he was also supported by the local Coastal Association of Realtors. Now they have employed the Democrat clown Sarah Lake that is Joe's buddy as the intergovernmental relations person.

  34. Deja vu -- from bad to worse -- same as when Ireton followed Barrie Tilghman.

  35. The Daily Times is already ga-ga with his BS, like this -

    He said his desire to rise to the executive branch of government is driven by his desire to further define its role as part of city government, saying he wants to be the "cheerleader-in-chief" and the "urban-designer-in-chief."

    "I have felt ... management of the city's operations is going to prove to be my strong suit," Day said. "As mayor, I feel you have a responsibility to go far beyond the definition of chief executive of the city government of Salisbury."

    Salisbury better watch out because if he's elected, taxes and fees will soar even higher with wasteful spending to "save Downtown" and such nonsense, while the slumlords continue to ruin the neighborhoods.

  36. He already has a big conflict of interest that would be much greater. His father is a head honcho at Perdue and he also works there.

  37. Is anyone really surprised by this announcement? It's the next announcement that will really take you by surprise, right Chuck Cook?

  38. Those comments about the slumlords controlling things are wrong - it would be Perdue, Inc.

  39. he'll be a great mayor.

  40. Nothing will change until a non career politician is elected.

  41. First mistake he wants to hire more police,to do what put one in every shopping center in town?The way I see it the police leave the bad areas alone so they don't run them out into other areas,ticket the hell out of the middle class and leave the rich alone.

  42. Jake Day is EXACTLY what Salisbury needs. He is smart, has vision, and passion and energy to do the right thing.

  43. BARF!!!

    This little boy makes me sick!!

  44. Too tainted by the current Gayor.


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