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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Daily Times Continues Campaign Against Bob Culver, Even More Outrageously

In it latest assault on Mr. Culver, in a recent editorial the Daily Times has portrayed him (falsely, of course) as the Godfather of the request made by the manager of the County's Airport for a special $14 million capital appropriation for the purpose of attracting larger planes. According to Bob Bryant, that sum Is needed to build a hangar large enough to accommodate Boeing 757 Aircraft, which he apparently feels would attract more passenger service.

With its typical blather, the Daily Times suggests that Culver must be behind this plan because he "has taken steps to bring the airport back into the fold of County government" and, although he "has not approved the investment, he also has not vehemently nixed the idea." The editorial also reiterates the Daily Times' rant about Culver's very sensible positions on the West Salisbury Elementary School farce and the Northwest Collector road to nowhere.

Beginning almost the day after the general election last year, the Daily Times has berated and belittled Bob Culver for the change that he promised as a candidate – which most voters supported – and for making changes and other prudent actions after he took office as Wicomico County Executive. This time the editor has entirely jettisoned all ethical standards and resorted to extreme, biased and unfounded mudslinging at Mr. Culver, who has not been a catalyst for or sponsor of the proposal made by the airport manager. He has simply received but not acted upon it.

Apparently, the Daily Times feels that Mr. Culver should not bother to evaluate anything that it feels should be rejected, such as the hangar proposal, or, like the demolition of Bennett Middle School, endorsed without further discussion.

It is truly amazing that for eight years the Daily Times rarely, if ever, criticized anything that Rick Pollitt either did or did not do or say as the Wicomico County progressively deteriorated during his tenure as its County Executive, but has castigated Culver constantly and carpingly since he dethroned Pollitt. It is also outrageous that it does so in a manner that misrepresents the facts and misleads its few remaining readers.

Yes, Wicomico, elections do make a difference. Thank goodness.

Publishers Notes: Also see today's article, 

Poll: 70 percent of Americans believe news media is intentionally biased


  1. Unfortunately, the Daily Times and the other liberals who have controlled this town/county don't know the meaning of the words "common sense" NOR do they have any. This is just another clear example of it. SMH

  2. No one reads the DT's. They have to make up crap in order to get hits so it looks like they have a following. They need the hits to sell advertisements.

  3. Susan Parker must have written it. It sure doesn't sound like the "folksy" new guy. The "paper" is laughable. They call this an improvement?! A real improvement would be to shut the paper down completely.

  4. Joe, people on the ES have not been exposed to real journalism. I can't believe with two universities and a community college, the slop coming out of the DT is the best we can do. What an embarrassment to our community!!

  5. I think Bob would be a good running mate for Donald Trump,and I mean that as a compliment.Bob sees the core problems and addresses them against all odds.People like that are rare.

  6. The hangar idea is absurd. Who truly believes planes of that size need to land here? There is NOTHING here for tourists to see or do that warrants a jumbo jet. Get real people! We have better things to spend money on than that - and I bet Culver knows it!!!

  7. Whole concept of jumbo jets in this burg - ridiculous.

    1. There would be NOBODY on the planes Remember the other SMALL plane company that FOLDED a couple of years ago ???

  8. Does the DT really believe Culver would try to save money on school construction and roads to no where and turn around and spend 14 million on a hangar for a jumbo jet. That is an example of the mentality of that rag - can't put a coherent thought together.

  9. Culver has made some dumb moves by not cleaning house like he promised, but he isn't dumb enough to build a hangar for a jumbo jet.

  10. Bryant needs to go - why hasn't Culver taken care of business. Seems to me he has been intimated by bad press like this. He started off strong, but has stumbled. Morris and Strasburg have gotten him right where they want him. Enjoy your one term Bob. You are not a man of your word like Hogan.

    1. Hogan is not a great example. Thanks to his PC decision he will also be one and done.

  11. This may be off topic a bit, but I'd like the liberals to let us know if there is ANY kind of tax, fees, tolls or expenditures that they consider too much. They complain and undermine all conservatives. I'm just wondering when is enough, enough for them - or is it ever??

  12. Bob get rid of your in house cronies. You don't need them you have the voters backing you. The hell with the Daily times. Their reporters have been brainwashed and are afraid of saying anything different. Damn shame they do not have the guts to report anything positive from Wicomico County. Keep everything in SEXIT COUNTY Del.

  13. Did anyone else note the first Crisfield budget with the new city manager, Mr. Pollit, included a water and sewer increase? Just what the folks in Crisfield need.

  14. This editorial was no doubt the handiwork of Susan (wired hair terrier) Parker the man hating liberal info babe at the DT. If Parker would spend a little time at the beauty shop listening to some gossip maybe she would have something more truthful to write about.

  15. Dose anyone really read the Times? Poor excuse for a newspaper. I only use it on the table to dispose of crab shells.

    1. My bird reads it. Its on the bottom of his cage.

  16. Culver needs to keep on path he started out on...cleaning house. He's stopped and voters I know are disappointed. We wanted a clean sweep. He likes to talk about all the moving parts and the job is more than he thought. Good job of Waynie and Sharon in convincing him of that. Makes Culver not seem very smart if he feels he needs those two. Other leaders clean house and bring in their own smart people to form their own team. Culver apparently likes Pollitt's team. Also likes Mackes' heir apparent in Wisk. Slap in the face to Rec, Parks & Tourism employees. I agree with previous poster - enjoy your one term. You are not a man of your word. Does "I won't drive a county car" sound familiar? Paper is attacking you on the wrong things.

  17. I don't know about the hangar thing. Seems to me Culver is making some ill advised decisions. He replaces a secretary with some guy from purchasing who "knows all the 21st century gadgets" and he is an "executive assistant". Sounds about as smart as "overlooking" his lease on his restaurant - which, by the way, he claims he turned over to this kids. Next thing we are going to see is his kids with county jobs...wait for it....

  18. Pollitt is driving a used white explorer from Mills Motors with a Crisfield sticker on it....guess that was part of his "deal" with Crisfield. LOL.

  19. Bobs doom will be from him NOT cleaning house.

  20. I think Bob has the right idea, reduce county employee benefits, pension and the number of employees needed and continue to clean house. Get rid of the entire executive office and all current department head. Hire new ones at a reduce rate and no pay raises for current employees. Stop buying new vehicles and hold employees accountable for the amount of breaks, long lunches and work they don't complete. You'll have my vote again Bob.

    1. Obviously you're not a county employee. I'm paid a lower salary than I would have if I worked as the same position someolace. I don't have long lunches because I have only working lunches. What's a break? How does one not complete their job? I wouldn't have one if I didnt. Bob has done a lot of good things & I believe he will continue but employee morale is at its lowest with all this nonsense about taking away more & more of what we barely even have. I do what I do because I believe in it. I'm a public servant. Not a slave.

  21. The collapse of Crisfield has begun. Pollitt will suck them dry like he was on the verge of doing in Wicomico Co. Better wake up Crisfield .


  22. 757s are no longer in production but are still flying.

    737s are as common as VW Beetles used to be. My recollection is that a few years back the field could handle 737s easily.

    The late Leona Helmsley kept her big jet in Georgetown. If some private operator wants to base their 757 here they should be able to build a hangar, or enter into a lease/ buyback deal with the county that leaves the county in the clear and off the hook if their plans change.

  23. The combined population of the Eastern Shore is 1.4-1.6M people. Add to that, Ocean City typically has 8M tourists visiting annually. This area can and would support Boeing 7X7's.

    1. Totally agree! From an experienced traveler!

  24. The reason for the water & sewer increase is because when Pollitt takes a dump it takes a lot of water for the flushing...

  25. Gee I thought this was about an editorial (opinion) in the DT concerning Culver, an airport hanger at Salisbury airport. How did it end up about Crisfield and Pollitt. I am aware Crisfield has a airport, too small for the type of hanger the DT editor chose to have an opinion on. Be nice if folks would stay on subject with comments.

  26. LOL 12:42-Your comment is absurd.

  27. 12:42 - you must think the "8 million" visitors all have to fly here. Your comment is ridiculous. First, if there are 8 million visitors (which is doubtful), they must be counting the same people over and over. Locals and even those from DC, Northern VA, Baltimore, Southern PA and further WOULD NEVER come via 747. You're too funny.

  28. 12:23 - Bob HAD the right idea. No more. He has been sucked into the Wico County Government black hole, being led around by the nose by the likes of Strasberg and Morris. He is not capable of doing anymore, because he has turned out to be too weak to be a true leader. I agree with the poster who mentioned the "moving parts" that Culver keeps talking about. He doesn't believe he can do the job without Pollitt's team. They want him to be a figurehead, ribbon cutter like Pollitt...I'm afraid he is only too happy to oblige and go home with his $85k paycheck. Losing respect for him....

  29. If Culver even remotely entertains the hangar idea, he needs to be voted out next term. If we have 14 mil to spend, spend it on developing jobs. That is what this county needs. What has happened to the JOBS Bob? Thought you were all about that.

  30. It is clear there is still a lot of bitterness toward Pollitt for what he helped happen in this County. That is why a lot of subjects circle back to him. He isn't the only one to fault though. Prettyman can't sell her house - LOL. She helped destroy this county and now she has had to reduce her house from 1.6 million to 875k. I've heard plenty of people say they wouldn't touch her house with a 10 foot pole. After what she helped to do us, she deserves it. How does it feel when it happens to you Prettyman? What goes around....

  31. LOL 12:23 has an absurd comment as well. You must not have ever had a successful business. Rule 1: Employees are your most valuable asset. They should be rewarded for hard work. When was the last time they were? You are suggesting to cut them more? LOL

  32. I love going on here and reading all of the people who say County workers are overpaid, need to be cut, cut all their benefits, etc. it's like trying to get blood from a turnip....

  33. Not a peep when Pollitt or Ireton runs this place in the ground!

  34. 12:42 - this area barely supports the rubber-band airlines that flies in and out of here....and they reschedule and cancel flights almost as often as they actually fly them.

    From my understanding, the main runway was recently renovated to a length supporting a 737...haven't seen one yet!

  35. the issue is the DT. They are not supportive of the new administration and in fact seem to want him/it to fail. Is this good reporting/editorializing in a community that elected the new administration by a substantial margin or is it slanted liberal bias at its worst. I for one am sick of reading Susan Parker's opinion. Who cares what she thinks? What contributions has she made (other than negativity) to improve this county? The local media is out of step with its citizenry. Therefore, it will end up failing more miserably than it already has.

  36. No worries. The Daily Times is on the rebound with its new editor. Is he a joke or what?

  37. Strasburg is standing right behind Culver in the comments in the Daily Times. Most of you people don't know what you are talking about.

    I had somebody who works for the county tell me he is no longer allowed to drive his own car because it is cheaper for the county if he drives a county car. Maybe the same is true for Culver.

    Some of you know-it-alls ought to run for Culvers job if you think you can do better. Maybe you could be a Daily Times Editor too and think up things to write about seven days a week. It appeared to me the Times was warning Culver not to move left.

    You people on here are evidence nobody never gets a free ride as county executive. It matters not if they are on the left or right.

  38. 2:02 you don't think that money spent won't provide jobs? Ever heard of construction?

  39. Culver needs to cut loose Strasburg he will stab him in the back every chance he gets. He is still boozing with Mackes after work.

    1. And Morris. She's not on his team.

  40. I don't think it is wise to be too hasty in calling Bob weak or a single term candidate. I think we forget that Bob had to get the County Budget prepared and presented for approval and re-approval. He required I'm sure the assistance of those personnel still in place that were familiar with all the moving parts in order to help him.

    I support Bob and I am willing to wait and see what he does in terms of helping the common taxpayer, the little guy, in reducing taxes and fees, and in creating lasting jobs for our area.
    I don't nor can I expect Salisbury to be rebuilt overnight. We all seem to forget the terrible mess that was left and literally the uphill battle Bob has had since he took office. I want to give him a chance to get in there, find the flaws, the weak links in the chains and make the necessary changes and fixes to rebuild this county. Bob has a great many people, the old guard, fighting against him all the time, but he does keep at it and doesn't appear to be a quitter or a liar.

    Bob is a good man, a good candidate, and I support him and prefer to offer encouragement rather than condemnation.

    Go Bob!!

  41. Bill "Duvafiles" Duvall was spot on when he called it "the Daily Slime"!

  42. Plans to improve and expand the local airport have been discussed for several years by local businessmen and politicians. It's not some new idea that current officials are contemplating.

  43. Bill Duvall was the greatest.

  44. 12:14 - A lot of people need to be let go from the County, but Tanner is certainly not one of them.

  45. I only bought the Times recently because I needed something to put under the crabs - new editor same lousy paper

  46. Bob came out of the gate good but has fallen on his face as of late.I thought i heard him say he was going to do away with the golden supervisor gift of comp time. Some of these so called supervisor clowns are accruing more comp time than vacation time in a year.This is certainly double dipping and a true waste of taxpayer dollars. Several come in late daily and spend the day mobile so they can tend to there personal agenda.I agree in culver speaking out of both sides of his mouth about the take home vehicles.He should practice what he preached in campaigning and what he implemented also.


  47. Several thoughts based on the post, and the comments:

    1) Resort areas can generate good passenger loads to an airport, at least on a seasonal basis. Myrtle Beach is an example. Does require some coordination regarding enough cabs, cars to rent, food service, screening, waiting area, etc. A 737 could easily carry 3 times as many passengers per flight as the ones currently flying in and out of SBY, regardless of its paint job. Not so long ago SBY had service to Washington and larger planes and more flights were added during the summer because the traffic was there.

    2) The recent jet service had a different purpose; getting folks out of the area to other vacation spots so comparisons need to take that important fact into consideration.

    3) If the county is paying the IRS maximum mileage reimbursement there could be situations where a county owned vehicle would be cheaper. Simplest solution: employee drives to/from work in their wheels; only reimbursable for a call-in after hours. During normal work hours they use a vehicle from the pool. Exceptions should be very rare.

    4) Salaried managers, directors, supervisors should not be earning 'comp time'. By virtue of being salaried they are paid to do a job, not watch a time clock. Get it all done early; go play golf. Unfinished projects and reports; burn some midnight oil. The Executive needs to ensure workloads are challenging but attainable to prevent abuse from too little or too much work.

    5) Mr. Culver made needed staff changes early on; personally think he stopped partway down the list. He is entitled to a staff that is personally loyal to him while serving best interests of citizens. Many commenters have expressed doubt that he has that balance in/from his staff. Problem won't get better on its own.

  48. The DT was fired by this household several months ago for being worthless. They kept delivering the paper for 6 weeks. The ads are Sunday were the best reading in the whole paper.

  49. DT goes after Mr. Culver but this weeks Somerset Herald (published by DT) not one word about Crisfield W&S increase.

  50. Total waste of taxpayer dollars because large airlines have come and went here,money must be going for other things like salary and bonuses for county airport employees.

  51. No Morris isn't. Culver had better watch his back. The knife is already in but she will twist it soon.

  52. His son has gotten a new job. IS IT WITH THE COUNTY???

  53. He is doing a great job and I hope he keeps the office election after election. Thank you Bob.

  54. I have read the original DT article about the airport and nowhere does it say Bryant is asking for the $14 million. The editorial that followed said he asked for the money. So which is it?

  55. Most likely won't be any local contractors doing the job look at Bennett athletic fields all out of state contractors as usual.

  56. I have to really wonder why Bryant feels it is so necessary to spend this absurd amount of money for what? So a corporate plane can fly in and out of Salisbury? There is nothing to draw anyone to Salisbury except a bunch of downtown dives, a City Council made up of little people who think they are big fish, and speed cameras everywhere. The larger planes fly into major cities on major routes, not small town cities that are only dots on a map. I wonder about Bryant's managerial ability by requesting such a wasteful thing as this.

  57. Okay 12:39 if Culver has done such a great job, name something he has done to lower taxes, create a more business friendly county, reduce crime, or improve Wicomico.

  58. 8:08, Are you kidding me. Culver has done a LOT to save taxpayers money. Let's see, of the top of my head, no more days off for birthdays. No more take home cars. Attempted to save MILLIONS by having Board of Ed, rebuild Bennett Middle School for their new headquarters. The list goes on and on. Are you Mike Dunn by chance?

  59. Responding to 8:08 Poster

    He attempted to save the taxpayers approximately a half million dollars a year by trying to renovate the Bennett Middle School - but no FAST FREDDY has under-minded the effort and went out and strapped Wicomico's taxpayers to the tune of 20 YEARS!!!!

    I'll tell you something else Culver did - he held the line on a real property tax increase - something that former County Executive Rick Pollitt would not have done. Pollitt had no problem raising the Piggyback tax, nor property taxes.

    Want another - Culver also rescinded the residential impact and one effort alone has helped countless Wicomico Countian young couple to be able to afford a residential home. That alone has helped to save each new homeowner $5,250-

    IMHO - Bob Culver deserves a GOLD METAL!!!

  60. parker is an idiot liberal pos. and bryant needs to go. Been in that job well over 10 years and whats he accomplished? NOTHING! just keeps touting bigger planes and another airline. what a f'n joke he is!

  61. 8:08 and others bashing Bob Culver--

    Don't forget that he got rid of Mackes and Beauchamp and, of course, Pollitt. Not bad for less than a year. It's too bad those things didn't happen much sooner.

    But, as this post puts it plainly: "elections do make a difference, thank goodness!"

  62. That is not a trustworthy face!


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