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Sunday, July 19, 2015

NAACP: Let's 'Sand Blast' Confederate Carvings Off Georgia Mountain

Another Confederate monument in the South is under fire, but removing it will require more than just an act of Georgia state legislature.

The Atlanta chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People called Monday for the removal of the 90- by 190-foot carving of three Confederate leaders, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, from the side of Stone Mountain, television stationWSB reported Tuesday.

“Those guys need to go. They can be sand-blasted off, or somebody could carefully remove a slab of that and auction it off to the highest bidder," NAACP Atlanta branch President Richard Rose told WSB.

Stone Mountain Park is a state park of Georgia about 30 minutes outside Atlanta and the sculpture in question is part of what's described as the "largest high relief sculpture in the world." The sculpture was dedicated by Vice President Spiro Agnew in 1970 and finished in 1972.



  1. Who's going to pay for it. Not you worthless POS ORGANIZATION.

  2. Everything Putin says about the US is correct.

  3. And remove the NAACP along with it. It's the most racial group ever.

  4. Auction NAACP to highest bidder. This has gotten way out of hand. What's next banning any billboards with White people on them. Keep pushing the racist stuff and the whites will snap. Why don't they try and stop the murder of ten thousand young Black men by young Black men. Seems so funny that when you bring this up to Mary Ashanti and other Black activist they have no response. Even the most ignorant Blacks have no way of blaming this on White America. Stop the agitating good people both Black and White. We all need to work on fixing this country not destroying it.

    Oh yea NAACP why not work on parenting and birth control while you are at. These babies having babies is a tragedy. Children are not a source of income. Black lives matter

  5. Racist pigs!
    To Arms my friends
    Enough is enough

  6. for every monument they want to remove we need to remove 1 of theirs starting with MLK and anything named after him monuments roads schools let,s do away with NAACP and all others i see a new civil war coming if people keep pushing others


  7. I've seen it. It is impressive.

    Question underlying all of this sudden angst is: What motivated the South, Southern states and individuals to take up arms?

    If it was just so they could continue to have slaves, not so good.

    If they were taking a stand for States' Rights, as listed in the Constitution, different argument.

    Undoubtedly some with mixed motivations.

    States like Maryland really wavered about which side to take.

    My point is that it's less clear cut than those with sudden umbrage would have you believe.

    Most spouting off are truly clueless about Republican and Democratic roles leading to the Civil War and its aftermath.

  8. It certainly shows the total ignorance of the NAACP , sandblast? I don't think so , fools of many faces.

  9. More distractions so the NAACP doesn't have to confront the real problems in their communities like the many
    Black Lives Splattering
    that is going on in Baltimore City and all the other majority minority cities in the US.

  10. 1013-The "state's right" for continuing slavery, lol. That was it, and that's why it was in the Confederate Constitution.

    1. Do explain why the north would fight "to free the slaves" in the south, when they did not free their own. And they did not, until AFTER the Civil War ended.

      While you are at it, how about explaining why Lincoln specifically stated that if he thought he could re-unite the union without freeing a single slave, he would do it.

  11. Lets keep the carvings and get rid of NAACP. What a kook. Where do these people come from? Wake up America !! This is embarrassing !

  12. ISIS is doing the same thing in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen.

  13. The NAACP is worthless. They have never accomplished anything.
    You need to look no further than the Asians who have come into this country. They don't have a group like the NAACP and they are progressing and prospering unlike the blacks who are regressing.
    1st generation Asians don't have the high incarceration rates, illegitimacy rates as blacks. The high illiteracy and drop out rate. Asian children are going on to complete a higher education and become professionals where as young black men are more likely to become criminals and young black woman unmarried mothers relying on government handouts to exist.
    There has never been a more useless do nothing group than the NAACP in the history of this country and their communities show it.

  14. Blacks need to quit worrying about slavery and trying to ban everything they think relates to it and move on with life and they will be better people for it.
    You don't see any Jews demanding that the concentration camps which are now believe it or not tourist destinations in Europe shut down because of all the Nazi insignia present.
    This is because Jews are too smart to sit around dwelling on the past. This is why Jews are so far advanced than blacks in everything good.
    I do agree this is nothing but a distraction to keep the focus off what a disgrace the black race has become.

  15. If the NAACP would stop yapping and whining all the time and start doing maybe they would accomplish something. All they do is whine and blame someone else for their situation.

  16. 10:08, Amen. I feel the same. Give them a taste of their own hate. Stop helping them in many and all ways. Then see how they like it. map

  17. let's sandblast the naacp,the black panthers,al sharpton,harry reid,the kk and all the skinhead orginizations into oblivian none will be missed and the country will be better off

  18. WTH is hell is wrong with people? They are worried about flags and other symbols of racism, or whatever the current crisis might be in their minds. Every symbol could be erased from the planet so that all we have is a generic landscape and it would not change one single thing. Whatever is in the heart will stay in the heart. Flags, monuments, whichever symbol you care to name.

    The biggest genocide in the world, even more than the nazi's was committed under which flag? Good ole US of A.

    100 million Indians were killed by this country and other atrocities committed against them. I rarely, if ever, hear any whining, complaining or violence from that people.

    I'm sure in their mind WE are the 'illegals'. We are the slave masters, no matter which color your skin may be.

    Every damn one of you is a hypocrite. WE were the original 'master race', long before Hitler.

    You want to change the world? Start by changing yourselves. Be the change you want to see. Stop all this nonsense and learn to love.

  19. Division, fighting each other, hating each other. People keep doing their masters bidding without even realizing they are doing it. Do any of you realize how scared 'they' are if we ever came together and lived in harmony with each other?

    Their whole system and power would come crashing down around them.

    The many ants who labor for everything they have give it to the grasshoppers who do not work for what they have, instead taking it from the ants and ruling them.

    We are indeed slaves of our own making.

  20. One thing Obama has accomplished, turning Americans against one another. What a worthless human .

  21. 4:54 100 million indians????


    Maybe you should ask those peaceful indians how many indians they all killed and maimed to become the dominant tribes in their regions.

    What a totally bogus statement.

    No wonder you're a lib.

    If you don't like the "good ole US"... leave.

    it's pretty simple really.

  22. Maybe you should ask those peaceful indians how many indians they all killed and maimed to become the dominant tribes in their regions.

    What a totally bogus statement.

    No wonder you're a lib.

    If you don't like the "good ole US"... leave.

    it's pretty simple really.

    July 15, 2015 at 7:45 PM

    I pity people like you. You are literally so stupid you don't know what you don't know. And anyone who says something you don't like, or more obviously don't understand is a liberal?

    Is that the only word you have learned in your short life?

  23. If you don't like the "good ole US"... leave.

    it's pretty simple really.

    July 15, 2015 at 7:45 PM

    why don't YOU try to leave the good ole u.s.? Just on a whim. You don't have to stay gone just pretend you want to immigrate to some other country of your choosing. Just send us all a picture back of your face when you discover that no one wants Americans. Unless they have specialized skills that that country can use.

    Which i highly doubt you possess.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    4:54 100 million indians????


    Maybe you should ask those peaceful indians how many indians they all killed and maimed to become the dominant tribes in their regions.

    What a totally bogus statement.

    Read and learn, or is that too liberal for you?

    By the end of the 19th century, writes David E. Stannard, a historian at the University of Hawaii, native Americans had undergone the"worst human holocaust the world had ever witnessed, roaring across two continents non-stop for four centuries and consuming the lives of countless tens of millions of people." In the judgment of Lenore A. Stiffarm and Phil Lane, Jr.,"there can be no more monumental example of sustained genocide—certainly none involving a 'race' of people as broad and complex as this—anywhere in the annals of human history."


  25. Ya see folks, just like I've said before, you can't give 'em enough, it ain't never gonna end. Until we end it.


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