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Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Fight Over the Confederate Flag Has Turned Into a Hateful Smear Campaign Against Millions of Southerners

I don’t care about the Confederate flag or the Confederacy. Additionally, I was and continue to be largely indifferent as to whether the Confederate flag flies over government buildings. If I were forced to make a call on it, I’d generally lean toward taking it down just because I do understand how many black Americans could genuinely see the Confederate flag as a symbol of slavery and racism. It isn’t a Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the #blacklivesmatter idiots that are looking for something they can use to get on TV thing; it’s something real that anybody can empathize with, even if they don’t necessarily agree.

Of course, millions of atheists and liberals who hate Christians have adopted the Rainbow flag as a symbol. Because of that, I find the Rainbow flag to be offensive. That’s not an isolated opinion either. Undoubtedly, if you were to do a poll of the American public, there would be millions of Christians who have a negative reaction when they see a Rainbow flag because they see it as a symbol of hatred against them.

However, an intellectually honest and decent person would have to admit that there are also many people, perhaps even a majority of people who fly the Rainbow flag, who don’t view it that way. They look at the Rainbow flag as an expression of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride or as a way to support gay rights.

That being said, any intellectually honest and decent person would also have to admit there are millions of people with a soft spot for the Confederate flag who are serious when they say “Heritage not Hate,” who see it as respect for their non-slave-owning ancestors who fought and died defending their homes or who just appreciate the spirit of rebellion behind it.



  1. Obama's mantra is divide and conquer.

  2. The rainbow first appeared when God told Noah that it was a sign that He would never flood the earth again. So when the gays fly the rainbow flags, I wonder if they know what the rainbow truly represents. They WILL be judged for that someday. God will not be mocked. Galatians 6:7

  3. Hawkins says,"Instead of saying, “We wish you’d have taken the Confederate flag down a long time ago, but it is nice that you’ve done it now,” a vicious hate campaign has been waged against millions of Southerners."

    He forgets to mention the forgiveness offered by the families of the dead church members and he forgets that now that the flag has come down the NAACP has lifted their economic boycott against South Carolina.

    Yes,the Dukes car has come under attack. I am trying to understand some of that but I am not ready to say the attackers are wrong. The removal of hated monuments is something to wonder how to think about. We were there when the statue of Saddam was pulled down. We watched as countries once under soviet control pulled down Lennon and Stalin statues and we watched Berliners attempt to destroy the hated wall by hand.

    The rainbow flag is not the same thing at all. It does not represent hate of Christians. Many Christians have been on the side of Gay rights. If they were not Gay rights would have gone nowhere. I understand there are Christians who believe their Bible tells them gayness is wrong. I am not going to tell them they are right or wrong. I will say that at one time the Bible was used by some Christians to justify slavery.

    We hate change and we hate being wrong most of all.

  4. Pretty sure it is the detraction of light from water vapor, but ok, your explanation is way more believable.

    1. Pretty sure you're right, auto-correct be damned.

  5. What a bunch of gobblety-goop 11:06. There is right and there is wrong. Homosexuality is wrong. That’s what the bible says. That is what nature itself says to anyone who is intellectually honest. Perhaps your last sentence had a strand of truth. That is a good explanation of why people hate God.

  6. 11:06 that’s not exactly accurate. Lenin has a Mausoleum in Moscow. (Red Square I believe) and Stalin is buried at the Kremlin Wall. Also numerous monuments of both men still exist. Yes, Saddam’s image was erased; however, it has not stopped the violence in Iraq. It appears the Russians have lost their communist ways, but still honor these men and the countries history even today. Maybe we should take a page from that book.

  7. You can honor them any way you want but not on public or government property. Put that flag on your truck, lawn, or your body but don't make people who are disgusted by what it stands for have to honor or see it.

    1. People who are too ignorant to learn what it stands for, and too bigoted to respect diversity in heritage and culture.

      It is a two way street. There are many people who are disgusted by the racism the black community proudly flaunts at every opportunity. THAT should not be allowed on government or public property.

      Which means Obama, Holder, Lynch, and the rest of the black supremacists need to be dethroned and deported.

  8. Message from 11:06 to 4:51 I did not mention Russia in my above comment. Yes there continues to be limited monuments in Russia to these men. The tearing down was conducted in many if not all of the countries that were once forced to be part of the old Soviet Union.

    The reason the violence goes on in Iraq is because we mismanaged that whole affair. We should have never removed Saddam whether we liked him or not.

    There continue to be communist in Russia. We can be sure Putin continues to operate as one. Despite some change the people of Russia do not have the freedom we continue to enjoy in the good old USA.

  9. To 4:11 from 11:06.
    There is little anybody can say to your comment. I have long thought about the inequality of people and the defects so many come into this life with. Of course, someone like yourself might blame Satan for the shortcomings of DNA reproduction instead of God who put all this into motion. I am glad he did not burden you with homosexuality. Perhaps you were hiding behind the door and he handed that out to the baby behind you. Even if we believe in free will, free will is not equal for all of us.

  10. 11:06


    You seem to "wonder" about a lot of things. Must be awful having to wait to make a decision. Typical liberal.

    Waiting for the mob to tear into something else and then you can say you were against it all along.

    You are a perfect example of a Sheeple.

    May your chains rest lightly on you.

  11. To 7:36 from 11:06

    Those who are able have a responsibility to think deeply. Not everybody is capable. I am able and I have no reason to attack you personally.

  12. You seem to "wonder" about a lot of things. Must be awful having to wait to make a decision. Typical liberal.

    you call him a liberal and you seem to encourage knee jerk reactions instead of deep thought to come to a sound decision?

    you would make a good candidate for a kop or a politician, if not one already.

  13. 11:06 Homosexual behaviour is a choice. Don't blame it on God or Satan. Don't be a typical liberal. Not every bad choice is somebody else's fault. We will all be blessed or cursed by the choices we make.

  14. "You can honor them any way you want but not on public or government property."

    Did you happen to see the White House lit up like a rainbow the other night?

  15. Did you happen to see the White House lit up like a rainbow the other night?

    July 15, 2015 at 10:13 PM



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