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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Muslim Chief Of Police REFUSING To Salute During Pledge Of Allegiance!

A Muslim Assistant Chief of Police in Miami is under fire for what she chose to do during the pledge of allegiance at a ceremony last week.

As Dom the Conservative reported:

Fraternal Order of Police President Javier Ortiz was livid after he witnessed assistant chief of police Anita Najiy disrespecting the American flag as she refused to put her hand over her heart during the pledge of allegiance.



  1. If you don't like OUR country or OUR flag then GTFO!! I bet she doesn't have any problem cashing that paycheck from the AMERICAN taxpayers. Makes me sick!

  2. Send to back home and good riddance to her

  3. This is not the first time this has happened in Miami. She should be fired. But as usual we have pansies running the show. Don't want to offend one Muslim when your offending millions. I wonder if she raised her right hand on the bible or koran.

    1. She did this last year as well. Can her ass and float her away!

  4. You non believers don't understand. She is pledging allegance with her actions, just not to the United States of America. This action is telling her brothers and sisters from the "homeland" it is their time to take over our country!

  5. Old article. Still disrespectful.

  6. Considering the recent tragedy in TN - it will soon be open season on these Mooslimes!

  7. I have a $50 to contribute to a return to where she came from

  8. Gee, just like Michelle!

  9. You mean Moochelle?

  10. Looks just like the crooked crack smoking ex cop who is the mother of Balto City SA Mosby.

  11. The cop lovers would tell you, that if you didn't break the law, this muslim cop would not have to just stand there and not salute the countries flag....

    So in the cop lovers eyes, anything a cop does is your fault....

  12. Freedom of religion isn't just for Christians.

    1. People who come here are too first and utmost pledge their allegations to the United States period. Regardless of religion and if you were as smart as you thought you are you would know that! !!!!

    2. Respect for the country that has sacrificed so much to ensure that freedom, is hardly an affront to the free practice of her religion. If she will not "pledge allegiance" to this country that has generously given her so much, what country will she pledge allegiance to?

      Or is her allegiance to Islam above all? If so, we know she cannot be trusted, and is a disloyal citizen. She should not be in a position to uphold our laws, when she will uphold the "laws" of her superstitions above the law of the land, as well as "protect and serve" Islam!

      This is a total conflict of interest, she should be removed.

  13. If she doesn't honor the flag, how will she treat American citizens and support the laws of this country?

  14. If she won't pledge allegiance to our flag, how can we possibly expect her to enforce our laws?

  15. she should be fired banned from any governmental jobs until she respects this country and what it stands for she is a disgrace to the police dep't


  16. How did such an individual get hired and promoted?

  17. 8:24 this is more about respect for the country, uniform and the citizens she serves.

  18. It says, "...one nation, under God...".
    They SAY the believe in the same God Christians do, so to me, the issue is pledging allegiance to the United States of America.
    If that's a problem for her, take that uniform off and GTFO.
    It has NOTHING to do with religion.
    Keep cheering.

  19. What are the chances of me being an American Christian getting any job in a foreign country?

    What are the chances of me being an American Christian getting any high ranking promotion in a foreign country?

    In a muslim country I would be immediately beheaded for disrespecting their flag.

    I am sick and tired of our liberal Democrats and our RINO's for allowing this crap to happen in our country. Take them out back and shoot them immediately.

  20. I wonder if she is a foreigner or a Muslim convert?

  21. Anonymous said...
    This is not the first time this has happened in Miami. She should be fired. But as usual we have pansies running the show. Don't want to offend one Muslim when your offending millions. I wonder if she raised her right hand on the bible or koran.

    July 17, 2015 at 6:42 AM

    The police chief is not a white American. Sounds like he is Mexican or Cuban. WTH do you expect in this foreign country.

    When I retire I thought I wanted to move to the Miami area, but I damn sure don't want to be a foreigner in my own country.

  22. Anonymous said...
    The cop lovers would tell you, that if you didn't break the law, this muslim cop would not have to just stand there and not salute the countries flag....

    So in the cop lovers eyes, anything a cop does is your fault....

    July 17, 2015 at 8:18 AM

    WTH are you talking about. I can't wait till you are butt raped by one to these illegals or Muslims. That will be funny especially if a cop watches since you hate them so much. No need to protect someone who hates cops because I doubt you would call one for help anyway. LMAO

  23. Anonymous said...

    How did such an individual get hired and promoted?

    July 17, 2015 at 9:15 AM

    Because she is "black."

  24. Lynn B Parks said...
    If she doesn't honor the flag, how will she treat American citizens and support the laws of this country?

    July 17, 2015 at 8:37 AM


  25. I bet Jim Ireton and Chuck Kook would love to hire her for our police department.

  26. She is creep looking. I thought it was a man.

  27. Fire her muslum butt and send her back where she came from

  28. A terrible example for a public official to set.

  29. Some people's religious beliefs do not have them pledge allegiance to anything but God (regardless of name). They are prohibited from pledging to tangible symbols. Remember the Orthodox Jewish girl in Virginia who was thrown out of school for not saying the Pledge? It took a lawsuit to reverse that. Her family was not disloyal to America in anyway. Something to think about.

  30. A Muslim should never have been placed in any position of authority. They have no respect of love for this country and we shouldn't let them get their foot in the door. Haven't we all seen how that has worked out for Americans over the years????

  31. I would hope that they would fire her. Could even take her to the border and say bye bye...

  32. I'd have her badge.

  33. Quote from the Presidential press conference when he was asked about this incident:

    "If my wife was a chief of police, she'd look a lot like Chief Najiy"


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