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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Comment Worthy Of A Post 7-14-15

Anonymous said...

OC silly council meeting to suspend manager david recor for dwi and leaving scene of accident. OCPD thied to cover up, MSP now investigating. July 14, 2015 at 4:59 PM

Editors Note: Can anyone confirm this information?


  1. Everyone at city hall!

  2. Will he get slapped on the wrist like Ruark was?

  3. 5:31 like everyone else charged with dui

  4. He's been s complete disgrace from day one. I work with David, these rumors are MOSTLY true.

  5. Two sets of laws.
    Right in front of your very eyes.
    You or I leave the scene of an accident (and drinking, too!), the police will come to our job to arrest us (the more they can embarrass and humiliate, the better).
    Every cop associated with ANY part of the cover-up (if there was one) should be terminated. Obstruction (the police LOVE that one...see if they apply it to themselves....), conspiracy to obstruct, falsifying reports (?),and possible evidence tampering.
    We'd be IN JAIL RIGHT NOW.
    He's at home, worrying. Beats being in jail, huh?
    TWO sets of laws.....
    Keep cheering.

  6. David left the scene of a property damage accident last Friday, speculation little intoxicated, refused a risk manager directive to test, drank gallons of water, then complied late in the day. The last 4 staff meetings have been abruptly cancelled, everyone knows he's a walking time bomb. Bets are he won't get through the week without OCPD at his house, with another domestic or worse. Prayers for you David.

  7. He's part of the good ole Rick club, your about to witness another grand coverup.

  8. Look at the man's history, and this is a big surprise? He actually made Dennis look good, that's saying something. Anyone else refuse a alcohol or drug test, they are dismissed.

  9. I heard shortly after being hired he had some kind of domestic incident. More often than not these domestic cases are the result of one or both of the parties being drunks.

  10. From what I understand he and the Baltimore City transplant police chief are tight so maybe the cover up is a fair assumption.

  11. Just imagine what OC could be like if it was run by a group of people that were half way intelligent. Instead of the current crop of buffoons and the idiots that were voted out last election that hired the current town manager. I guess Dennis can always step back in. LOL glad I left.

    Should have listened to me when I said on here numerous times he was a disaster in the making and they only person for the job was Hal Adkins.
    One of these days the silly council will listen to me because I am correct on things 99.9 percent of the time. The only thing I ever get wrong are birthdays and names.

  13. Yes, Hal can do the job, he's just to smart for the political BS he would have to endure. Good riddance Recor, as before, not one person or friend will defend him. He's been having serious responsibility problems for a long time. He shoplifted when in Alaska, lied in Fla, brought his drunk best friend margotta to town, domestic violence, etc. This is the top leader in OC?

  14. Hey 8:13 me too,the only time I wrong was the time I thought I made a mistake.

  15. Recor, guess who dropped the dime on you this time? Hint, thier in your office. There is no honor among thieves.

  16. "cover up" lol yeah sure. keep you tinfoil hat on

  17. Looks like a couple of employees David fired are enjoying the moment. Better yet, you should hear the "hen house" on the 2nd floor. There isn't a female "assistant" that isn't having a ball right now. Wonder if tomorrows staff meeting will be cancelled for the 5th time, or if the Mayor appears in David's shoes. Word spread like wild fire about this, with everyone asking, why did he leave the accident, and then refuse the test? Matt Margotta was fired for less, David's BFF.

  18. Ain't the internet great? You can find out any lies or dirty laundry. Hold their feet to the fire. A lot harder these days to bullsh!! your way out.

    1. 10:44 isn't that the truth! Can't beat your wife, steal, lie, and be above the law with hit and run like you used to. Recor has stated many times his hatred for media, then dies by the sword. He has failed miserably, seldom does anything but cover his butt anymore, and its caught up to him. This is the 4th time his new Tahoe has been damaged, ask anyone at city yard. Not including the gas all over the back seat. In the end, Recor has cost thousands, not just by damages, but lost productivity and output of all the staff he manages.

  19. If he left the scene of an accident he needs to be immediately terminated. As a public servant he has more of an ethical duty and a moral duty to obey the law than someone in the private sector.

  20. I'll tell you how stupid David is, he not only can't see who is friends should be, he surrounds himself with enemies, look no further than his office. In their defence, they know the real David

  21. Some is on MD Judiciary case search. Happened on July 10th at 2:30pm in a 2014 chevy. Location of stop was at Rt 50 and Golf Course Rd.

    Only negligent driving. No leaving scene.

    The question of the day isn't this but why is Recor the defendant in a foreclosure along with some people from Mt Airy AND the city's other bumbling idiot Guy Ayres.

  22. If he were driving a city vehicle then the city must surely have a policy in place, that addressed this.
    These policies usually state that when someone is involved in damage to a city owned vehicle when they are driving it, they the driver is obligated to prove they weren't under the influence of any substance that can potentially impair driving.
    This involves a simple blood test that can be done 24/7 at either the ER or an Urgent Care Center.

  23. Some one told me along time ago keep your mouth shut and let people wonder how stupid you are, dont open it and show everyone.
    Anonymous 3:27 PM should have heeded those words. Number 1-Mr. Ayers is probably the smartest man in this town, 2-Any lawsuit against the city would include Mr. Ayers, Recor, City Council President, and the Mayor as defendents or plaintifs.
    Anonymous 6:11 PM The former Council including the majority that fired Dennis Dare are the ones who HIRED RECOR!
    As someone who follows what goes on with City politics I agree that something has to be done with Recor no one is above the law and he certainly seems to have had his issues.
    However I dont believe that the Towns new Police Chief could be persuaded to darken his reputation to cover up for anyone.
    So those of you that want to speculate ANONYMOUSLY step up and sign your name to these statements that are wildly off target , if you haven't got the balls to sign your name don't post

  24. 5:11 said:

    "Robert McNamara said...
    Some one told me along time ago keep your mouth shut and let people wonder how stupid you are, dont open it and show everyone."


    "Anonymous 6:11 PM The former Council including the majority that fired Dennis Dare are the ones who HIRED RECOR!"

    I guess you should have followed your own advice before you posted a comment.
    What part of "idiots that were voted out last election that hired the current town manager..." didn't you understand. and it was 8:11 not 6:11. Oh well open mouth and insert foot.

    1. Poor eyesight is not a symptom of stupidity
      Still not big enough to sign post I see

  25. For the record, the vote to fire Dennis Dare was 4 to 3 with Jim Hall, Joe hall, Margaret Pillas and Brent Ashley in favor; 3 opposed Doug Cymek, Lloyd Martin and Mary Knight. The vote to hire David Recor was 4 to 3 with Jim Hall, Joe Hall, Margaret Pillas and Brent Ashley in favor; Cymek, Martin and Knight opposed. Currently Martin, Cymek and Knight still serve as Councilmembers the other four do not.

    1. Dare needed and deserved to go. Your statement proves OC has a bunch of idiots running the asylum.

  26. Guess I misunderstood no one was voted out in last election
    Pikas and Ashley retired Mitrecic left to go to county it was two elections ago that the Hall brothers were thrown out

  27. The old council hired this fool, the current one has kept him. Dumb and dumber.

  28. The lemmings must have run out of comments to destroy Salisbury officials so are now gang banging OC. IMO same old, same old vilifying comments being made with change in name and city

    1. When public officials forget thier brains, it makes it easy.

  29. It was Pillas, Hall, Hall and Ashley who wanted to give the postion to Hal Adkins which would have been perfect.
    The other 3 clowns, were the ones who lacked so much confidence in themselves they wanted to hire a company to do their job!
    Those 3 should not be allowed to be a part of any hiring process at all. They have showed the public once their insecurities in the matter and so should be disqualified.

  30. To 11:44,
    If those 4 had wanted Mr Adkins they certainly had the needed votes, but they brought in Mr Recor and all his baggage by a 4-3 majority. The clowns voted against Recor.

  31. 5:36 As I recall the word was Adkins turned down the job. Probably because he knew the headaches it would entail in a town with dysfunctional leadership.

  32. I just can't fathom why these idiots we elect pay for an expensive search to hire dirtbags like this from out of town. Pocomoke is doing the same thing as we speak. It would be prudent for you the tax payers to vote these clowns out of office the next election. Why are we bringing these dirtbag out of towners as our department heads or to run our towns. This is an attack on our values and these clowns we elected have no scruples. I will not vote for anyone that votes to hire someone from the outside. I believe we have enough locals to fill these positions and they aren't going anywhere. This is a slap in the face to all of our employees that make a career out of their jobs knowing that they have a glass ceiling. This is a form of discrimination in my opinion.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Dare needed and deserved to go. Your statement proves OC has a bunch of idiots running the asylum.

    July 15, 2015 at 7:53 PM

    And you idiots hired Dare to run the city in another capacity. What a F*n JOKE!!

  34. he will walk. good old boys club.

  35. Well I guess all of the Anonymous's got their pound of flesh. And I guess the City Council are not the idiots you all thought they were.bi still say put on your big girl or boy pants and sign your posts.


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