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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fight At The Civic Center (Graphic Violence & Language Warning)


  1. We're they representing county and city?

  2. WTH were they fighting over , another sports event? Sick , sick , sick.

  3. Any word if these two idiots were arrested?


  4. Americans in their finest moment

  5. So were these coaches or fathers from the USSSA tournament that brings $20,000,000 to the county per Mackes formula. Disgusting.

    1. Every year there is fighting and cursing matches. Tired of tournament coming here. The people it brings are snooty and ignorant. They liter everywhere in the neighborhoods where fields are. Block drive ways. Drive like morons. This tournament gets worse N worse every year. I wish it would find another town to thug up. We got enough of them. None of this is worth the lie of $20 million.

  6. Unfortunately there idiots are a few of those sports parents we all know or have seen at nearly every kids sporting events. They need to be banned foever.

  7. I routinely read the CC website for upcoming events.This was not listed.Was it scheduled or did it just randomly occur?

  8. Living their dreams thru their kids. Sad what happened to game being fun instead of a business

  9. When are white community leaders going to step up and condemn this epidemic of thug violence?

  10. Whoever filmed this and didn't try to diffuse this or get a security guard but instead decided that they would be a coward and stand behind the camera is a complete idiot. You are part of a bigger problem across this country where everything has to be on display and only when someone saw blood did they think maybe it was time to seek help or step in. Up until then it was your entertainment for the day. Now you are seeking your 5 minutes of fame by providing it for all to see. A proud moment for you I am sure. We don't need more cowards in the world we need more Hero's and examples of adults who stand up and do the right thing. How do we expect kids to grow up to be any different when we have adults in front of and behind cameras that act like idiots.

    1. Hear his voice? Who else films these fights latley and dosent do anything but instigate.

    2. You are pathetic. Hoe can you blame the camera man. White folks always passing the buck, but steady saying blacks don't know how to act. FOH

    3. 11:32
      Most of the videos seen of fighting is blacks fighting and filming it. And that person is always yelling and laughing, egging it on. And the WORLDSTAR WORLDSTAR always is screamed during the filming. Whites do do this as well. These cases are usually after bars let out or in ghettos and trailer hoods. However this is at the civic center. All the folks there at the time are well to do people traveling with their kids and playing ball. White and black! The guy filming is most likely with one of the tournament teams. He should've broke up the fight not break out a camera. You'd think he wouldn't fulfill the stereotype.

    4. Sure, I'm going to try to break up a fight and risk myself over some out of town strangers acting like fools. Are you crazy?

    5. Why in the the world do you think a kid ir anyone jump in the middle if two grown men acting a fool. Im glad he recorded it and showed we are ALL just a bunch of animals.

  11. If all parents saw to it that their children concentrate as much on academics as they did on sports this country would be better off.
    They all think their kid is going to get a scholarship and play on a college team. This does happen but unfortunately playing college level sports doesn't look good at all on a resume because employers (esp Fortune 500's) look at the degree as being a result of the students sport ability and not their academic abilities.
    This is esp true for those looking to go into the many branches of engineering. It's known that if you have an engineering degree and played sports you end up at the back of the line. Now if you played in a band or are musically inclined that was a plus.

  12. Well now we are national news! Ol man Lewis is gonna have to go to Hollywood to give an interview about this.

  13. This video has gone totally viral, truly disgusting. As usual when it comes to kids sports, the parents are the problem.

  14. 10:50-And how did you know about this? Let me guess,you watched it just like the rest of us,right?

  15. Somehow I just knew that these guys would be from New Jersey.

  16. Both should be kicked out of the county to never return, disgraceful behavior.

  17. Mike Lewis better have these people arrested for assault ,disorderly conduct and any other charges they can. Make sure these people know you can't come here and behave like that. It is easy to find out who they are. But this will probably be swept under the rug. Can't scare that rich white thug money away!

  18. yes they were arrested.

  19. 12:40
    The embedded code has been fixed. Thanks for letting us know there was a problem.

  20. This guy came from New Jersey to fight? Wow he was pissed. He had alot of cool down time. He needs the harshed punishment possible.

  21. 4:12
    The guy that filmed it is from Fruitland. He uses the name Kruddy Yoba on facebook.

    1. I could tell he was kruddy by the video.

  22. Stupid folks from New Jersey welcome to the eastern shore now go home and stay there please. We don't need you or your lack of respect your money or bad attitudes here in our house

  23. I thought these guys were in their 60's not 45...I can't believe somebody won being neither could fight a lick.

  24. As soon as I saw the video footage and before the press release came out, I knew they had to be from New Jersey. That's a long way to drive to get an ass whippin' and even a longer drive back home with his tail between his legs! LOL

  25. Blogger SbyNews_Staff said...
    The embedded code has been fixed. Thanks for letting us know there was a problem.

    July 16, 2015 at 1:17 PM

    You're welcome and thank you for fixing it.

  26. What are the names of these two ghetto, white trash, morons? Anyone able to look them up on casesearch? Send 'em to Naylor Mill Road and then to Cumberland.

  27. I feel that there may be some sanctions issued by USSSA, and there certainly should be a public statement made to the host community and to the players, coaches and families by USSSA officials.
    It's too bad that this one isolated incident is going to give them a little black eye.

    1. It's not the first incident. It's the first in the public's eye and on tape! I see these people fighting every year at different fields.

  28. if there were going to be thousands of people at the salisbury superdome why weren't police there to start with

  29. "When are white community leaders going to step up and condemn this epidemic of thug violence?"

    Get over yourself. Nobody in the white community would ever claim that we don't have our share of trash. The HUGE difference is that white 'leaders' are not rushing to their defense. The white community (mostly) isn't OK with this kind of activity - regardless of skin color. And I've yet to see the media trying to portray either of these losers as misunderstood choirboys. And if they are prosecuted (as I hope they are), I seriously doubt that you will see mobs of white people burning and looting in Salisbury.

  30. Too many criminals carry guns and other weapons, don't expect me to get in between, I will call the police, that is their job.

  31. Prosecuted for what? Two grown men handled it like men. I'm so sick of the candyass Omalley rhetoric. Males fight. Deal with it. Until someone other than the two voluntary participants get hurt its great entertainment.

  32. For those of you hung up on race,I am white and pardon the reverse cliche,but white people like these two combatants make the rest of us look bad.No I am not being satirical,its the truth.They shamed their children who were competing,because of their big alpha male egos.Trust when I say plenty of white people embarrass me.


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