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Sunday, July 05, 2015

McDonald's answer to $15/hr pay raise!


  1. Sorry to say, but then your orders might be more accurate. Also, there won't be any more employees joking around at the counter with each other and ignoring customers.

  2. just another form of a disease spreader. Sure I want to touch that thing after a couple of thousand nose pickers have used it. the whole concept is gross. we will be a society of latex glove wearers

  3. A natural response to the wage hike. Be care what you wish for, you may just get it! If they can't outsource your job, they will automate it! I quit going to McDonald's years ago because of the poor quality of their food.

  4. Wash your hands before and after - it's good practice in public places anyway.....

    I would rather interact with a machine than someone that doesn't want to be bothered by me!

    Order accuracy will probably increase - except for the 'person' filling the 'special' order....

  5. McD's sales will go down in stores that are automated. 20% of their customers don't have enough intelligence to use the machine.

    1. 8:38 if your theory is correct then perhaps a higher end clientele will replace the low end clientele. And if more businesses would do it the world would be a better place!

  6. 7:43 yea sure idiot, enter that filthy bathroom to wash your hands. Right, that'll help.

  7. Not anymore accurate since the dude in the kitchen is actually making the food and has nothing to do with the order taking. Oh and hey who ya gonna complain to when its wrong. I am sure the machine does not care either.

  8. Maybe now the low information voter will get it concerning why raising wages for the Hell of it is not necessarily going to be a good thing.

  9. Dont have to provide health insurance either
    Can't blame them

  10. Cool. Just take the picture screen the employee uses and turn it around toward the customer.
    Then the employee has plenty of free time to text all he/she wants.

  11. Give them time and the whole store will be automated with just 2 people in the computer control room!

  12. Burger King at Civic Ave. & Mt. Hermon Rd. has this as an option to order your food.

  13. as long as there are pictures on the ordering pads, everyone should be able to use them until they are torn up by thugs

  14. Love them at BK and Wawa/Royal Farms, so nice not to have to deal with rude customer service people who don't listen or care to get your order right. Now as long as the Mexican in the back can read the screen we're good. (and believe it or not, they always seem to get it right, it's always the American at the front counter that's the problem)

  15. Love these at WAWA. And WAWA still employs plenty of people.

  16. micky deez is poison...
    all fast food chains are.
    avoid at all costs.
    watch as more and more of these places (fast food restaurants) stocks tumble.
    massive closures are imminent...
    it can only help the health of our deteriorating society...

  17. Since cops don't patrol anymore..... I'd say the same thing about speed cameras and cops! Let's save some money!

  18. AT LEAST, the machines are capable of using English..


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