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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Do You Miss Me Yet?


  1. It's good that YOU have a hero.Everybody needs someone they look up to.

  2. Keep drinking your kool-aid 6:57....

    Folks need to realize that nobody's perfect - but what we have now is the worst ever! Even Jimmy Carter is smiling!

  3. Obama is turning out to be one of the best presidents ever. Look at the facts. The real numbers. What he has accomplished is amazing

  4. It's really pretty simple-hussien is targeting Americans because to a racist muslim commie, white Americans who love their country and freedom are the enemy. The real problems are the idiots like 7:37 who just can't see the forest for the trees when they wear their racial glasses. He (or she) is so elated to have a mutt president (who is HALF black) that they don't care what he does as long as he isn't white. Keep cheering fool.

  5. 7:37, you can't be that stupid. It's just not possible. Get off your parents couch in the basement, get a job and start paying your own way rather than be a leech of society. Best president my arse.

  6. I will agree with part of 7:37's comment "What he has accomplished is amazing". I didn't used to think a president as evil, incompetent and corrupt as this one could bring this country down by himself because there would be counter balance from the Congress and Supreme Court. Wow was I naive.

  7. 8:45 I'm in agreement. Obama has done amazing things. All evil. But he did achieve it. No question. America's transformation has been so sad, dangerous and now we will have another civil war.

    He's certainly achieved much.

  8. Obama only appeals to the lower class of the citizenry. The low class and those who are void of morals, dignity, principles and decency.
    He's not accomplished anything positive in his entire life except to lie well.
    7:37 you are a very very bad person. There is nothing amazing about Obama. People like yourself who can forgive his lies are the worst of the worst. The absolute dregs of society. You do not deserve to even breath the same air as persons with morals. You are beneath them and you and your ilk will only foul the air. Honesty is the foundation of a civil society. What's amazing is that there are people like you whose parents failed you so miserably. I just hope you didn't multiply because you are a piss poor example of a civilized human being and a child should never ever have the misfortune of being born to misfits like yourself.

  9. 7:37-YOu are one stupid SOB. Name one positive thing Obama has done.
    The country is in the worse shape it's ever been in.
    Crime and poverty are the highest it's ever been.
    More people out of work than ever.
    US owes more money than ever.
    Businesses are closing and/or moving off shore at record speeds.
    Oh but Obama has done amazing things. Your standards are so low that you aren't even worth my time anymore.

  10. "Crime and poverty are the highest it's ever been.
    More people out of work than ever"

    All three of those assertions are factually wrong, you know. Violent crime per capita is below what it was in the 1970s, unemployment is lower than it was for most of W's presidency, and the stock market is literally twice as high as it was on Election Day 2008.

    But, you know, don't let facts get in the way of good slogans.

  11. 11:10 Although the unemployment numbers are lower, the actual number of people out of work are at record highs. They are on disability, welfare and other taxpayer funded programs. Numbers can be presented to things look as good, or, as bad as people want you to see.

  12. Because Obama is not an American.

  13. 7:37 Don't be so foolish. It would benefit you low information people to get out and see how it works in the real world.
    Obama is the worst thing to happen to this country and the African American population especially.
    Obama is the house slave for big business. They say jump and Obama being the all obeying slave that he is jumps without question.
    Take his lack immigration policies. Big business is behind this. This guarantees for them a steady stream of workers ready willing and able to do the work for low wages. Obama at the command of big business has flooded the country with unskilled labor. Without these workers the chicken pluckers would be making 25 or 30 bucks an hour, all benefits, paid vacations and on and on. The companies would have to compete with other companies for employees.
    This is the way it should be because it then benefits everyone. More people become homeowners and more disposable income in the local economies.
    I am most likely wasting my time because I've come to realize you low information people are lost causes due to what a mess the US "education" system has become. Thinking skills esp forward thinking is a lost concept to you people.

  14. 11:10 You are incorrect about the crime. Crime is up-don't fool yourself and if you are going to publicly make statements regarding crime it would benefit you immensely to do your research before making claims. You are relying on the Uniform Crime Report put out by the FBI who relies on LE agencies voluntarily turning over their statistics.
    You are only getting reports from major municipalities and other agencies looking for grant money with that report. Crime is up violent and other crime.
    As far as the stock market it is being propped up by the feds in the form of quantitative easing. Kind of like how the housing market was propped up by the feds. This is never ever a good thing. Ask you financial adviser. The stock market consists of mostly day traders as most serious investors have pulled out. This too is never a good sign.
    More people are out of work then ever before. This is not debatable. Just because the unemployment rate may be lower doesn't' mean a thing.

  15. "Violent crime per capita is below what it was in the 1970s"

    You heard Baltimore's crime is getting close to what it was in the 1970's and not the nation's as a whole.
    The violent crime in the 1970's in Baltimore was a result of the Melvin Williams/Nathan Barksdale gangs who were rival heroin and cocaine traffickers.
    When the pressure was put on these very violent undocumented pharmaceutical salespeople the violent crime wave of the 1970's started to drop.

  16. " Although the unemployment numbers are lower, the actual number of people out of work are at record highs. "

    That's because our population has grown, and we have more people in the country?

  17. Part of the 70's violent crime wave was in South FL also, the cocaine wars. In the 70's the crime was more targeted than it is today. Never before has the average person been more likely to become a victim of a crime than today.

    Possible 2:34 and whose fault is that? Obama and his liberal immigration policy. Too much demand and not enough supply. Obama is keeping people in chains especially true of the lower wage earners. Obama is just an all around bad person, not only his policies but his whole being is yes pure unadulterated evil. He takes a perverse pleasure in seeing people divided. It's as if he gets off on it. He is a very evil man and he is doing the devils work on earth.

  18. Obama is a lying coward and should be impeached as he has violated our Constitution and failed to uphold his oath of office by not protecting our borders!


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