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Sunday, July 05, 2015



  1. This SOB will need a cop someday, let's pray it's one of those. 100% smart ass!

  2. Cooperation vs. compromise.

  3. I'm not sure why, but I feel like smacking this guy, and I'm not a cop.

  4. Hard to believe he spent the time to buy and install a camera in his car then broke the law to get pulled over. Now he records it and puts on YouTube.... How boring is his life?!

  5. He is not black know one cares.

  6. Yea sheeple, I see you all have been properly brainwashed to give up your rights and submit.

    How blind of you to not see the bigger picture

    He was 100% correct. Every single freaking word he said was 100% correct.

    But the rest of you can bend over, submit and enjoy it.

    1. Your daughter lied to you. Can you grow up.

  7. I don't HAVE to tell the cop who I am and what I'm doing, but I know that I can CHOOSE to do so. It makes the day so much easier for both him/her and me.

    1. If your driving the car YES YOU DO

  8. 17 min. waste of his and of cops time just a smart a$$.

  9. A notable defense attorney here in Salisbury has told me multiple times. "Talking to the police when you have done nothing wrong only increases your chance of being arrested. Not talking to the police and exercising your right to remain silent is the smartest thing you can do."

    I have to disagree with the people on here that think otherwise. They are clearly law abiding citizens who don't think they need to know their rights because the system is set up in their favor. However if you ever find yourselves in the cross hairs you better know how to respond and act. Many an innocent person has spent time behind bars because they thought they had nothing to worry about.

    1. That makes no sense and lawyers are bottom feeders

  10. i think i am with the police, on this one.....

  11. Hey!!!! I'm not the only one loaded with cameras waiting for cops to mess up. Your vehicle description matches and we are investigating . bull shit. This is it. You cannot just randomly pull over vehicles to see if its your criminal etc.... You must know! You see folks..... Fishing is a sport! You cannot detain us to do an investigation. You must already have the probable cause or "facts" to engage. You cannot force us to speak to you.
    We the people still exist. We the people will stand against police like this. Here it is. If you've done nothing wrong you have no worries. What did this man do wrong? Not give up his rights and comply with police? You locals better wake up. Your local deputies are worse than this by far.

    1. If your driving a car it falls under traffic law. Your confused with the "terry stop" that's walking. As a driver you have to tell or be arrested and tell the commissioner.

    2. Idiot cop. I don't have to tell a cop squat! Driving ,walking you name it! And a Terry frisk is for when a suspected crime is about to happen officer. Oh yes, I'm knowledgeable to the case you speak of. He's not pacing outside a bank casing the joint out!

  12. Are you an investigator? I don't answer questions!!!! Then he replies that he's a fraud investigator. what a zero.

    1. Your the zero 12:25
      He made his point. Then decided to talk to the officers as they're humans. He also said he's former law enforcement. That is what made him a zero. Admitting that! Cops can't stand it when you know your rights. Had a princess anne cop named nelms approach me and asked if I had identification. I said yes. He asked to see it. I said nope. He has no reason. Asked if I'm suspected of a crime. He said no and left it alone stating its my right. First time ever a cop just said ok and left it alone. No huffing and puffing. Damn good cop. Yes I encounter police. Happens in my line of work. Dosent make me a criminal. But knowing my rights keeps me out of alot of trouble and still working.

  13. Say NOTHING to cops.

    It can only hurt you. It can never help you.

  14. they have to have a valid reason to pull someone over. random stops are NOT a reason.

  15. So some drug addict whis been up for days can call the law thinking a white SUV is following it and I have to put up with police interrogations and have to prove what I'm doing because I drive a white SUV? Just because a person thinks they're being followed don't mean cops can pull people over. No laws are committed by following people. Photographers chase stars all the time!

  16. There's a whole lot of ignorance and know it alls trolling this blog. Stopping a suspicious vehicle is called a investigatory stop. A Terry frisk is a simple non invasive pat down or frisk for weapons of a person and their clothing. Probable cause for this stop would depend on accuracy, timeliness, & how detailed the description of the suspect and suspect vehicle. Stalking and harassment are crimes in most states and this gentleman could have sped things up a lot if he had just cooperated and been honest.
    You guys and your horror stories of people who went to jail even though they were totally innocent but screwed themselves by talking to the police are full of baloney. You sound like a bunch of jail cell lawyers that have been watching to many reruns of Law and Order.

    Giovanni Jones

    1. Terry frisks are to be utilized in cases as said above. In situations where a business is going to be robbed. Or someones in bushes etc. No just stop anyone a cop sees fit. The cop has to have real reasonable suspicion the person is immediately going to commit a crime .Stopping random people for oh say..... Bad drug neighborhood , this guy maybe a dealer kets check him out, while he sits on the corner all day is no reason to search him. Or your white in a black drug hood. He's imma check him is wrong! The laws have so much crap attached the cops can stretch it like taffy. It needs to stop.

  17. Giovanni...."full of baloney", huh?
    How about the HUNDREDS of people RELEASED from PRISON after DNA proved that they were innocent? Police, prosecutors, lab techs, State Attorneys, etc., lied, presented false evidence and testimony, MANUFACTURED evidence, and proudly put people in jail for what they DID NOT DO! All of those guys talked to the police, too, telling them "I didn't do that!". Prison anyway. Innocent, but prison.
    That ain't no rerun of Law and Order, son.
    Those are headlines from major newspapers.
    For the record, I think he just should have showed them his ID. Also, for the record, its doesn't take 4 cops to question an old man -- it
    takes four of them to try to intimidate him, though.

  18. The guy was 100% right BUT don't try it unless you have cameras running or the cops will up more phoney charges than you can count.


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