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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Maryland students must now remain in school until age 17

Beginning in the 2015-16 school year, 16-year-old students can no longer drop out of school in Maryland.

A law passed by the state Legislature in 2012 took effect July 1, raising the age of compulsory school attendance to 17. Under the same law, by the 2017-18 school year, only 18-year-old students will be able to drop out.



  1. Hahaha! !!! How about doing away with the teacher union and hire qualified teachers. How about kick the the lose I'm a gangster punks out so the ones who want to learn can. Most ALL MD Schools are just state run welfare babysitter programs with unqualified union reps posing as teachers on my dime.

    1. Yup. Teachers are definitely too dumb to realize the MSEA supports this crap and all the other crap that the democrats have passed that has destroyed public education. But keep paying them $500,000 per year stupid Wicomico teachers to continue to destroy your professions and doing absolutely nothing for you. When you need them they won't be there for you. But they will keep taking your money.

  2. 17 is much too early to be a good drug mule. This seems to be a modern goal.

  3. So, when they drop out at 14, thet get ... ummmm... a "hearing... and ...ummmm what?

    Finger pointing ant a harsh scolding? Ummm... OH! and a STERN WARNING!

    And when we all hear their 678th "FU, Dad!", they will continue to not go to school, ending up with yet another "STERN WARNING!"

    Okay...Problem solved?

  4. That is a well crafted argument.

  5. Those who drop out early should be sent to a military type REFORM school...

    1. Or join the marines

    2. And they ruined the Marines like all the other branches. Walking around hat to the side, holding their junk as if they were back on the block. Disgraceful.

  6. From first hand experience, 835! Thank you for your back up.

  7. They have it backwards. You are hurting the many to wage a crusade thats doomed to begin with. If they dont want to learn keeping them there another year will do nothing but create bigger problems.

    1. Just another way for the state to get more money. Plain and simple. AFSCUME the government union that gets welfare from the government employees.


  8. OK. Show of hands, please.

    When you were a teen and didn't want to do something, how civil were you to your parents? Any drama, slammed doors, raised voices?

    And for those who have teens or who have raised teens, how were things handled based on the paragraph above?

    Thought so.

    So kids who don't want to be in school will have to attend under disciplinary rules from DC and Annapolis that have gutted any progressive discipline until someone gets hurt.

    Thanks, OweMalley.

  9. losing too many from the state sponsored brain washing indoctrination institutions? Gotta keep churning out obedient workers and taxpayers to support the system.

  10. The same legislation that upped the age to 17 also changes in 2017 so that the age will rise from 17 to age 18. Sorry, children. HB373 for your reference no.

  11. No one can fix worthless.


  13. Which one of you is Freddie Gray?

  14. Over the decades the number of grades and the age a student can drop out has increased. It should be obvious very, very, few people are going to make their way in the world with an eight grade education.

    Mr. Blades made his way with a third grade education as a bike fixer and a junk man but that was a very long time ago.

    The military wants their soldiers to be high school grads too. And yes for some young people growing into responsible adulthood is extremely difficult no matter their race.

  15. Ridiculous,

    I had just turned 16 going into my senior year of high school. At 17 I was a college sophomore.

    And they want to mandate "incarceration" psst the "full sentence" served? Hell no!

  16. We need privatized schools and zero tolerance for violence.

  17. "How about doing away with the teacher union and hire qualified teachers."

    And how are you going to get qualified teachers to work in a county with no representation when every other county as a teachers' association? And where are these qualified teachers you speak of? Who are they? Do you honestly think Wicomico has been hiring unqualified teachers on purpose?

    And with what money are you going to hire these teachers? Are you going to raise the salaries of teachers to attract more qualified applicants? Because if you don't, why would a qualified teacher come here to a county where you just stripped away their right to collective bargaining and representation and due process when you took away the teachers' union?

    And save me the laugh of "Well, teachers should just do it for the children and not be worried about money." Funny, my doctor, lawyer and accountant sure don't hunk that way and no one's asking THEM to do it for their love of their patients or clients.

    Sometimes, I just get the feeling y'all don't think things through before posting on here.

    1. No idiot you don't get it. What does the union do for you? Please tell us! Oh they got you a .8% pay raise in Wicomico? They got 32 educational assistants laid off so teachers could have a raise in Worcester? Let's see, they got you a teacher evaluation that ties you to student test scores? They take your money and give it to democrats who want PAARC and everything else that makes education suck. You must be from the WCEA or MSEA. Oh and you think they are actually going to help you when your job is in jeopardy??? HAHA! You must have never needed them. You are you are just another dumb sheeple who believes anything that the union says without thinking for yourself! That's the whole problem with you stupid teachers, you want someone else to think for you and make decisions for you so you don't have to. No one says you shouldn't have collective bargaining, but it's time you dump the MSEA and let Wicomico school teachers take control of the decisions instead of a bunch of sheeple who just do everything the MSEA wants them to including sending them $500,000 per year which is way more dues money than your little local gets to keep. Think of how much you teachers could actually do for the students and school system if you kept all that money here. MSEA is just your safety blanket keeping you safe from nothing.

  18. 17 ? On western shore that's 6th grade.

  19. I am a Wicomico teacher and I thought I would never say this but 11:42 is right. The union only cares about themselves. Last year I dropped my Union membership after 26 years not only because the WCEA is now lead by imbeciles, but also because like the poster says, the union has too many political interests that do little to represent teachers. I do believe teachers don't pay attention to union activity and actions and they just go along with what the union tells them without researching facts and information themselves. Most teachers join the union so they can have legal protection, but what they don't know or refuse to believe is that as a teacher you can purchase this protection on your own a part from the union for hundreds of dollars less than what you are paying in union dues. I joined the Eastern Shore Education Association to get my liability insurance policy ( the same exact coverage offered by MSEA) for $200 per year as opposed to $605 per year in union dues. And with all the laws and changes that teachers have to deal just to do our jobs I would say MSEA's "representation" in Annapolis has been very poor in my opinion. Glad I made the change.

  20. 12:53, well, have fun paying those attorney fees when one of your students alleges you did something wrong. You did read the fine print and found out that "policy" they sold you is for REIMBURSEMENT, right? You pay out of pocket for everything, then fill out the forms and pray they actually pay you back.

    Oh, and if you do get charged and the charges are dropped, you get NOTHING back from that wonderful insurance you bought. It only reimburses you if you go to trial and are found not guilty. If the cops decide the charges are ridiculous and drop the charges, you're on the hook for all attorney's fees you've wrung up so far.

    And you only get representation if charged with a crime. Got a problem with your principal? Received an unfair observation/evaluation? Denied leave? Well, you're on your on.

    1. You are definitely from the union. I am 12:53 and what you are describing is exactly what would happen with MSEA's policy. I took the Eastern Shore Education Association's policy and your MSEA policy to an attorney to compare the policies and found they are both the same so please don't try to insult my intelligence. They are exactly the same. MSEA/NEA policy won't pay if you are found guilty either so please stop coming off like it does. The only differences is that #1 the ESEA policy is a hell of a lot cheaper and #2 I get to have my own attorney represent me, not some doe doe brain MSEA UniServ who has never worked Ina school, who is not a lawyer, and who isn't even an American citizen. The "reimbursement" argument is old and untrue as well as saying you don't get representation. Please accept that your union is slowly fizzing out and your own union actions are helping your organization dig it's own grave. Stop lying to people to make them believe they don't have a choice in protecting themselves when they do! Again, bye bye MSEA so glad I made the change!

    2. I agree with you 10:19. I remember when the MSEA was going around to schools a year or so ago trying to discourage teachers from purchasing this policy offered through the Eastern Shore Education Association. I too took both policies to an attorney who in return told me the policies were the same. Made me realize the MSEA was lying to people to scare them into keeping their union membership. Also made me realize that I had a choice, that the MSEA/NEA professional liability insurance was not the only policy out there. I never cared for their emphasis on playing political party games anyway so like you I dropped my membership in WCEA/MSEA/NEA. For any teachers out there on the fence about the union, drop them and save yourself $400 per year. Don't let them scare you into staying.

  21. It should be like an inmate release....before they are allowed to leave school they have to report a home plan and a work plan.


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