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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Group calls for police reform in Maryland

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Activists gathered outside the Maryland state capital Thursday afternoon calling for police reform. It came ahead of a meeting of a general assembly work group tasked with examining police policies in the state.

“We want to see changes made to the way police are policing our community,” said Gerald Stansbury, Maryland State Conference NAACP President.

There were calls for more transparency at police departments, more civilian involvement in the recruitment and oversight of police officers, and changes to the Maryland Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights.



  1. Police in Md need to whoop ass with frequency.

  2. WHICH ONE? Maryland has SO MANY.

  3. More community involvement in the recruitment and oversight of police officers-really?? And what does the average person and the NAACP know anything about recruitment and oversight of policing policies??

    This is just another way the NAACP worms their way into getting involved in something they know nothing at all about.

    Why doesn't the NAACP let the general assembly work group do their job and submit their findings before their start their chanting and yelling about this issue? Just another case of engaging mouth before using mind.

  4. How about a culture reform in Maryland with just one proposal which would be this: No matter your race, gender, nationality or religion just obey the law and all lawful orders given. Easy to do but does require proper upbringing, education and common sense. I'm sure we ALL can do this!

    1. That's the "elephant in the room" they will not even acknowledge, if they even have enough self-awareness to recognize it...

      They need a total "cultural reboot," Thr problem is the lack of real patenting,

  5. Change the law that protects police? I bet they do and might get it. Being black has its privileges. Fact

  6. I'm with 823, but really, this is such a outer space concept to a certain demographic in our society, I truly doubt they would make that decision, as they are just incapable of doing so.

    The NAACP needs to go.

  7. 8:23 pm don't be so Damn OBTUSE...

    No all orders the cops give are lawful....

  8. That's what the courts, Legal Aid and the NAACP are for if all orders given by police are not lawful. Obey the law and after all is said done then question the law in court......that's the American way of dealing with perceived injustice!

  9. Maybe they should try some thug reform. Clean your own house NAACP

  10. Of course they are black because blacks are arrested the most! Arrested the most because they commit the most crimes.

  11. Anonymous said...
    More community involvement in the recruitment and oversight of police officers-really?? And what does the average person and the NAACP know anything about recruitment and oversight of policing policies??

    This is just another way the NAACP worms their way into getting involved in something they know nothing at all about.

    Why doesn't the NAACP let the general assembly work group do their job and submit their findings before their start their chanting and yelling about this issue? Just another case of engaging mouth before using mind.

    July 25, 2015 at 8:00 PM

    Why doesn't the NAACP worry about black on black crime in Baltimore and Salisbury... What do you say Mary Ashanti!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    More community involvement in the recruitment and oversight of police officers-really?? And what does the average person and the NAACP know anything about recruitment and oversight of policing policies??

    This is just another way the NAACP worms their way into getting involved in something they know nothing at all about.

    Why doesn't the NAACP let the general assembly work group do their job and submit their findings before their start their chanting and yelling about this issue? Just another case of engaging mouth before using mind.

    July 25, 2015 at 8:00 PM

    Here we go again with this stubborn BS that will not go away. Everyone is soo stupid when it comes to any aspect of the demi-gods called police. Never mind that if anyone scores above a certain pre=-determinded score they will NOT become cops.

    Wingnuts such as yourself believe that if you keep repeating the lies SOMEDAY they will be believed. Wrong junior. That crap will NEVER fly as long as I am alive. Just as the "no quotas" bs lie, this will be shot down every time it raises its fictious head.

    I can understand how you peons would like to exalt yourselves to a higher status than you deserve and are able to obtain with your limited intellect. But it's just NOT going to happen.

    Trying to make yourselves a part of a "secret society" that no one knows the ins and outs of besides the police themselves is just another lie that the police are so good at doing, and ALLOWED to do.

    I could go on for hours but I will not. Most informed people have heard this crap before and the many ways it has been debunked in the past. I will not bore them with the details, as they know them themselves.

    So go back and sit down on your couch and think of your next stratagem to attempt to fool the citizenry that is doomed to fail yet again.

    Maybe you could try the old decoder ring ploy. But you goofs are not capable of being original or above average intelligence. ...oh enough already, I am beginning to bore myself with this stuff. But it is good for a brief chuckle at first.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Police in Md need to whoop ass with frequency.

    July 25, 2015 at 7:43 PM

    IF only they could. lmao. Just like another segment of our society which is only able to fight as a mob and dogpiles on a single victim, while handcuffed.

    And when they start to get their butts handed to them, they whip out their firearms and murder their victims. Then a paid vacation until they are eventually cleared of any wrongdoing.

    And your next move is to call me a cop hater and try to dismiss the whole argument. WE all know your playbook. And yet again, that falls back to your limited intellect.

    I think I have wasted enough of my time with this crap. Untill next time sweet cheeks.....

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Change the law that protects police? I bet they do and might get it. Being black has its privileges. Fact

    July 25, 2015 at 8:32 PM

    I have to laugh every time I see that self-proclaimed "fact". More often than not, it turns out not to be a fact at all. People tend to do that nonsense when they know they are full of it and try to distract the readers with that crap hoping they will just accept it at face value and not challenge it, as it will easily fall apart.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How about a culture reform in Maryland with just one proposal which would be this: No matter your race, gender, nationality or religion just obey the law and all lawful orders given. Easy to do but does require proper upbringing, education and common sense. I'm sure we ALL can do this!

    July 25, 2015 at 8:23 PM

    Laws can be lawful/legal but that does not automatically guarantee that it is just or fair. And who gets to determine orders given by a cop are lawful? The cop. Guaranteed abuse in the making. But it's all okay if you are the one giving the orders, right?

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That's the "elephant in the room" they will not even acknowledge, if they even have enough self-awareness to recognize it...

    They need a total "cultural reboot," Thr problem is the lack of real patenting,

    July 26, 2015 at 12:57 AM

    People who think as you do are doomed to failure as you put all blame on one side of the equation while ignoring the flaws on the other side. That is usually the case of the ruling majority which issues the laws, oftentimes exempting themselves of having to follow said laws.

  17. Why don't these racist idiots police their own people 13% of the population committing 70% of the crime.

  18. "Anonymous said...

    Why don't these racist idiots police their own people 13% of the population committing 70% of the crime.

    July 26, 2015 at 12:37 PM"

    Because their isn't an honest one in the whole damn bunch. Most (as we've witnessed right here locally) have the criminals right in their own immediate families. They have no business ever telling others what they should be doing. If they were any good themselves their own family members would all be neurosurgeons and rocket scientists instead of criminals and thugs.

  19. REALLY FOR REAL..They want reform or freedom to do whatever they want. ?? If I was the Police and any type of Law Enforcement with anything to do with the City of BeMoreBlood I would walk away and all quit tomorrow and let them have the Bloodymore and allow them to have it all and do what they want with it and think they got something and when it fails leave it and let them deal with it all..JUST WALK AWAY ...and QUIT and let them reform ...


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