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Sunday, July 26, 2015

KKK Faces Off With New Black Panther Group in Heated, Competing Rallies at South Carolina Statehouse

The Ku Klux Klan faced off with a group affiliated with the New Black Panthers Saturday at the South Carolina Statehouse, as opposing rallies attracting about 2,000 at one point led to a rock-throwing scuffle.

The KKK was there to protest the July 10 removal of the Confederate flag at the Statehouse, which occurred in the wake of a massacre at a black church in Charleston that claimed the lives of nine people in June.



  1. The media is making it seem as though it's only the kkk there. This is the first mention I've seen really of the black panthers being there.

  2. It's about time the black panther hate group faced opposition.

    But I would prefer it to be the average peace-loving American, of any race, to stand up to them, rather than a group with such a nefarious reputation. The KKK has little credibility among whites, while the black panthers have credibity among blacks, despite their overtly hateful ideology.

    1. The KKK is gaining alot of ground thanks to the actions of the black community and the POTUS.

  3. Disgusting people!

  4. I am not a fan of the KKK, but I give them credit for standing up for weak white Americans!

  5. I watched the videos and not one reporter mentioned the hate group the Black Panthers and them waving their racist red, black and green flags. The blacks were the ones starting trouble and they were the ones throwing objects. Not one reporter even mentioned the foul language the blacks were using. It was very hateful language and I am embarrassed they are supposed to be our fellow Americans. Not one reporter even had the integrity to say anything about the hateful racist Black Panthers, not even the Blaze reporters.

  6. Can someone tell me why that racist Red, Black and Green flag of the Black Panthers hasn't been banned yet or will it be?

  7. I watched the news from Charleston and all I saw was a lot of blacks yelling F*** YOU, F*** YOU!!

  8. WOW! A dumb and dumber contest!!

  9. The White Lions are now 3.5 million strong , soon to be the most powerful in the U.S. including all black associations , I don't mean the Lions Club , God Bless them. Our goal is very simple , take our republic back , what ever it takes .

  10. But it is just a symbol of history, yeah sure.

  11. 9:24AM... EXACTLY, smdh

  12. They are BOTH hate groups. The only difference is the liberals will not say that the black panthers are a hate group.

  13. 3:11
    You are exactly right!


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