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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Rumors And Lies

It has come to my attention that another Blogger has pasted information making the claim that County Executive Bob Culver is allowing his Son to use his County Vehicle to go to work. This is a plain and utter lie and that EBT Blogger has been informed by the Son that this is not true, yet the EBT Blogger refuses to correct himself.

Bob Culver has been allowing his Son to use his personal truck the past few days. Yesterday Bob had an emergency in which he needed his truck so he went to his Son's work, dropped off his county vehicle there for a few hours while he made use of his personal truck.

His Son never had access to the keys to the county vehicle and never drove the vehicle. As we have seen for many years, if Joe Albero like or supports someone, this EBT Blogger immediately hates them. If I support someone, he attacks them. It's clearly a mental condition from a man who is filled with such hatred. 

Nevertheless, you have a great County Executive who has done more for the taxpayers in six months then you ever experienced with the former County Executive in 8 years. Yes, I do in fact disagree with Bob Culver on some issues, just as I have with Governor Larry Hogan. Heck, just like any marriage, we learn to agree to disagree. I've said this for many years. If you disagree with someone like that EBT Blogger, he acts like you just killed his Mother. It's a very sad way to live your life. 

Then again, it must be difficult to live your entire adult life knowing you'll never be a proud American by buying your own home. Their lives will always remain the same and there's absolutely nothing to look forward to or be proud of. I guess if we were in their shoes we'd be miserable too. 


  1. Joe
    He has updated his ebt blog saying that Bob's son sent him a message letting him know why Bob's vehicle was parked in front of his work. So the dumb@ss knew why the vehicle was there and LIED to people. I sent this comment on his blog. I doubt he will post it so as promised I am posting it here

    So you knew the reason why Mr Culvers vehicle was in the parking lot and you n ever let the truth be know? Im done with this blog. This just proves you are a liar and I know you won't post this but it's ok I will be posting in elsewhere!

  2. Poor liar won't buy a home and I am certain he drives a demo car also .He does not post the truth unless it fits his agenda.

  3. That blubber boy blogger has been after those who are trying to save Salisbury and Wicomico County by cutting wasteful spending and reducing taxes. He is a product of the welfare state, and the lies he posted about her were a major factor in Debbie Campbell's defeat by Day, along with the slumlords and Daily Slime.

    He will post anything he thinks will hurt those who threaten his governmental entitlements and attempt to make him have to get a job.

    There is a term that fits him to a T - white trash.

  4. Sue the fat blogger. It's up to him to prove that the son was actually driving the vehicle and it wasn't just sitting parked. That's the fun thing about libel/slander. The defendant has the burden to prove what they claim is true.
    Just because he has a disclaimer saying he isn't responsible for comments means nothing since any comment that sees the light of day has to have his approval.

  5. I'm told he has now updated his Blog stating what I have published was confirmed by Bob's son. He owes Mr. Culver an apology, seriously. His hatred towards anyone I support drives him to instantly say what he's been told as a rumor and then tries to cover it up or simply remove the article. I love popping stuff up about him once in a while so he'll continue blogging. By the way JT, how's Ryan doing? Not good, I hear. That's a shame.

  6. " Anonymous said...

    Poor liar won't buy a home and I am certain he drives a demo car also .He does not post the truth unless it fits his agenda.

    July 19, 2015 at 3:15 PM"

    Not only that, the white trash Taylor Family couldn't even pay for the father/husband's funeral and had to ask the public in the obit to pay for it! Talk about white trash.


  7. He maliciously approves and publishes false and defamatory information about others over the internet. He's made himself responsible because he moderates the comments.

  8. That is typical common white trash behavior to have your hand out to pay for a funeral especially in this case where there are several grown children in the family and the father was old so it shouldn't have come as any surprise that he was going to die.
    They should have been saving up some money and if they couldn't then you use only the services of the funeral home that are dictated by law. You don't have a viewing or any of the other things people with money do. It's okay to have a gathering at a private home, but you don't ask people to come to the funeral home and then want them to pay for the use of it! It's beyond good taste and is tacky, crass and quite vulgar to say the least.
    It doesn't surprise me though, because I know people who know that family and they think they whole family is a joke. The funny thing is, Jonathan Taylor thinks these people like him and he defends them, and all the while they are making fun of him behind his back.

  9. Drives a demo??? He mostly drives an electric cart cause he's too fat to walk!

  10. I know this for a fact because they took care of my brother, if you don't have the money, Holloway's will cremate for nothing!! My niece was going to start a payment plan to take care of it but the bill from Holloway's was sent and it posted a balance of $.00. We didn't ask for that, that's because they are good people, and knew my niece and the rest of the family was strapped for cash. I have no agenda here if you think I'm advertising for them and I don't know a soul that works there.

  11. I know the people at the Blubber Bloggers apartment complex. He used to stay at Foxfield Apartments through a federal housing voucher. He complained so much that they upgraded him to the Runaway Bay Apartments. He still gets the housing voucher. Oh... He still gets the EBT Card.

  12. 3:45 he's a public figure and is open to public comments, otherwise Obama would be suing FOX network. Crawl back under your rock.

  13. Wrong 7:26! Don't bother getting into a pissing contest with me peon, because you will never ever match wits with me-do you understand. I have forgotten more about the law then you will ever know and don't you dare ever, forget it.

    FYI Einstein-the county executive's son is NOT a public figure-moron.
    Now go and crawl back under your rock because you are dismissed. I don't do ignoramuses.

  14. "Anonymous said...

    3:45 he's a public figure and is open to public comments, otherwise Obama would be suing FOX network. Crawl back under your rock.

    July 19, 2015 at 7:26 PM"

    You are incorrect. First of all it was accusations that were made against Bob Culver son, who is NOT a public figure. These weren't just comments or opinions but falsehoods.
    Secondly, public figure or not, when an accusation is blatantly false, in other words a lie the public figure defense goes out the window.
    You can offer up an opinion, you can call them names but you can not make accusations that aren't true.
    We see celebrities sue tabloids from time to time for this and they always win.

  15. Anonymous said...
    I know the people at the Blubber Bloggers apartment complex. He used to stay at Foxfield Apartments through a federal housing voucher. He complained so much that they upgraded him to the Runaway Bay Apartments. He still gets the housing voucher. Oh... He still gets the EBT Card.

    July 19, 2015 at 5:20 PM

    LMAO! He just told someone on his EBT Blog that he is a renter because of his disability because his fat a$$ can't cut the grass. The lying slob said he pays over $1,000 per month in rent. He is a liar because I also know for a fact that he gets public assistance to pay his rent.`

  16. Joe his blog is shutdown!!!!!!

  17. I have noticed that anything or anybody that is supported on this site is automatically trashed on the other site. That is really ridiculous and causes him to lose all credibility.

  18. He really is pathetic. How anyone puts up with him is amazing. I guess some people are just desperate. Get a job and become productive you gelatinous blob! FUJOTA

  19. What exactly is the fat boy's "disability" that he claims to have. Whatever, it does not seem to prevent him from feeding his face around town.

  20. As he lifts the fork,
    So will the fork lift him.

  21. He's disabled because he is morbidly obese from sitting around on his butt, waiting to post some Gotha Moment about someone the readers of this blog admire. Doing yard maintenance would only do him good.
    He's not fooling anyone. He can't afford a home of his own because he's wasted his life away.
    His only purpose in life is being someone's useful idiot.
    They had a pic posted once of "homemade" Chicken Chesapeake she had made. It was gross. It was globbed in cheese and bacon-just what they both need more of-LOL. It was accompanied by no not a salad or even a vegetable but a pile of steak fries.
    You took a look at the pic and then a pic of both of them and you had to laugh.

  22. He was going to WorWic and taking some kind of law classes. That lasted all of one semester.
    he was going to ride a stationary bike. That lasted maybe a month.
    Now he's writing a book. That won't happen.
    His only purpose in life is worrying about what is going on with this blog and then to do and say the opposite or to try and destroy anyone this blog likes. He is ugly both inside and out.

  23. Some of the people on here seem to have little idea how defamation law works. In this case, while the other blogger apparently has said that Culver's son was using the county truck, that wouldn't seem to be an accusation against the son, as there wouldn't be impropriety on his part. The impropriety would be on the part of Culver. Thus, I'm lost as to why they think the son could bring an action for defamation, as he couldn't really prove damages from this, let alone that it was a knowing falsehood.

    Thus, it would fall to Culver here to bring the action. This is where I got really confused, because whoever commented at 8:04 displays a disturbing lack of knowledge on "public figure" laws concerning defamation. Culver is a public figure as a political official. Thus, he'd have to prove "Actual Malice," meaning that the other blogger absolutely knew this information was false at the time it was published, and did it with an express purpose to harm Culver. As NY Times v. Sullivan established, this is an incredibly high standard to meet, which is why in fact tabloids can say a lot of the stuff they do, and why celebrities and public officials rarely ever win. It's why blogs (including this one) can say some of the things they do about Ireton, Obama, and the like. Whoever said here they have "forgotten more about the law" than the person they disagreed with could ever know has clearly forgotten TOO MUCH about the law, for them to be as wrong as they were on this count.

  24. 10:49, how did an inmate get a computer in jail? Darn jailhouse lawyers.

  25. 10:49-knowledge that the information was false


    that it was published with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.

  26. 7:55: true, but "reckless disregard" as it applies to public officials is MUCH higher than "reckless" in almost any other form it's used in the law. It's very close to knowledge.

  27. Poor POS Jonathan Taylor's taking a few days off. Fat slob can dish it out but when he gets it back, like the coward he is he runs and hides.
    He can hide all he wants but if he thinks people are going to sit back and do nothing while he tries and destroys good people he is grossly mistaken.


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