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Sunday, July 26, 2015


On June 1, 2015, Keyon Smith, age 33, of Salisbury, Maryland, was convicted by a Wicomico County jury of one count of maintaining a common nuisance and one count of possessing cocaine. The charges stemmed from weeks of undercover work by the Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force whereby a search and seizure warrant for Smith’s home and person was issued. When the search and seizure warrant was executed, 39 individually wrapped pieces of crack cocaine were located in Smith’s residence. Smith also had a surveillance system and a safe located within his residence.

Smith was sentenced by the Honorable Leah J. Seaton on Friday, July 17, 2015, to an active period of incarceration of 25 years in the Division of Corrections without the possibility of parole for the common nuisance charge. Judge Seaton sentenced Smith to an additional 4 years for the possession of cocaine. This is Smith’s third felony drug conviction dating back to 2000. He had also been previously convicted of possession of a handgun when prohibited.

The defendant was on parole at the time of the offense for felony drug possession. Smith came to be on parole following a guilty plea in 2009, for which he received a sentence of 10 years active incarceration. He was released in less than 2 years for substance abuse treatment. Smith failed to complete substance abuse treatment and was sentenced to 8 years in December of 2010. He was paroled shortly thereafter.

As a result of the prosecution seeking the mandatory-minimum sentence in this case, Smith is not eligible for parole until 2040.

Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matthew Maciarello commended the members of the Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force and the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office for their work in the investigation and prosecution of this case. Mr. Maciarello also thanked Andrew Illuminati, Assistant State’s Attorney, who prosecuted this case.


  1. Where did he live in Salisbury?---
    Don't want to be in that area!!!!!

  2. 1 out of thousands. Woo hoo.

    We handed them a drug dealer on E Church St on a plate and guess what, he's still there, dealin.

    Really nothing at all to celebrate. All smoke and mirrors. They pick off the easy ones, publish it as if it was a victory, meanwhile 1000's of the are still doing business as usual here in the city.

    Its like taking 1 nickel out of the roll, barely noticeable.

    1. I took two nickles cause I won't drop the dime.

  3. Now, is this an unfair sentence?
    Look at the man's history. Look at how many chances he's had.
    Yet one has to ask.. will this be held up as 'disproportionate'?

    There are MANY cases just like this, both black and white.

    They don't occur in a vacuum, and they can't be taken as isolated incidents, then clumped together as a statistic and labeled 'disproportionate'.

    These guys are locked away because they MESSED UP, not because they're black. This guy has proved he's a menace to society and needs to be incarcerated.

    1. I agree. And I am Black.

    2. I did not look at his record, however in our current society this man wouldn't be able to get a decent job or even an apartment after his first arrest. I think it is blind ignorance claiming that he came out of his first sentance with a clean slate and the world as his oyster.

    3. This man has been in and out of jail so many times over the years, he deserve the sentences. I personally am glad to see him go off to a real jail for an awfully long to time.

  4. He sure seemed happy about the sentence!

    1. You don't get your mug shot at sentencing.

  5. Oh this is just terrible. We have imposed a way too harsh a sentence on another black man. He's probably a really good guy and we should give him another chance. Well, I guess that if he writes to Obama that he can likey get pardoned. We just have too many black men in prison and we all know that "it's just not their fault." Maybe Obama will do the right thing and pardon every last one of them. After all "Black Lives Matter," certainly more than white innocent people.

    1. Black and white drug use is equal, if not greater for Whites, yet Blacks are arrested far more often and receive stiffer sentences when they are arrested. If you pulled this "Stop and Frisk" BS on Wall Street instead of on MLK Blvd you would think that white cokeheads were ruining the country.

  6. "A menace to the community" LOL. He's just become one of the "non-violent" offenders clogging up our prison system, and costing the taxpayers billions. This is the kind of guy that Obama has just pardoned recently. Get real. He's selling drugs to people that want drugs. He is absolutely no danger to me or most of the rest of society. Drug laws need to be revamped, and will. Its happening all over the country. The drug war is over, Richard Nixon. You lost. We need to adjust to reality and quit pursuing the unwinable war. Prohibition was an utter failure, and so is the war on drugs. 25 years without parole for maintaining a common nuisance. Was the prosecutor just desperate to put this guy in prison to come up with a charge and sentence like that? 25 years of taxpayer money....to protect who?

    1. If he was "no danger" to anyone, he would not have been carrying a stolen, illegal handgun.

      What, you want to wait until he blows away another black, before taking him off the streets?

      All he had to, was stay in school and take advantage of the FREE education the taxpayers offered him, graduate and get a JOB. You know, like the majority of us do.

  7. byeeeeeeeee tbug.

  8. "Common Nuisance" really??? They can't come up with a better name, this covers a lot of homes in Slimsbury! This guy is happy because he is going to be very rich selling dope in prison.

    1. Maybe, if we start sending these thugs to the western shore for a long period of time, maybe this will make their drop shout worthless family and friends move to the western shore to be close to him. Maybe they will rent or buy a home there since he is going to be very rich selling dope in prison.

  9. I say give him a one way ticket to some third world hell hole like Haiti or Central Africa and revoke his citizenship so he would never be allow to come back. England did this in colonial times to deal with problems in society.

    1. You must know you old fart! Come back to the 21st century.

  10. He's smiling because Obama just granted 46 pardon for drug related penalties. He will get his lawyer to seek help for his situation.

  11. Bout time some of these trailer hood owners get those charges. Show slum Lord's to keep up with property and not just money. They all know who is dealing and allow it. No difference!

    1. Yep. Worked for one of these slum lords. Bare bones staff, resident issues always ignored. They won't move you in if you have a weed charge, but if you move in and start selling heroin in the community they will ignore it. Slumlord background screenings are not for resident safety, they are for the illusion of safety and plausable deniability for the landlord when $#%& goes down.

  12. Good news here...

  13. Guess what. You can arrest every crack dealer in the world and change nothing. This guy, who was working, is now living off of your taxes. You will now cover his food, clothing, medicine, ect for the next 25 years. How many crack heads do you think said, "My dealer got arrested, guess I will have to quit" ...0. You have disrupted NOTHING in the drug trade. The more people we arrest, and we are #1 in the world, the more the economy gets squeezed. The more the economy gets squeezed the less jobs their are. The less jobs there are, the more people get pushed into illegitimate means of making money. Keep voting for prohibitionists, and blaming Mexicans for border problems. Congratulations idiots. Sure hope reforms of the criminal justice system have the cops harrasing, beating and shooting your pill popping white children, because that's the only way it will sink in to your thick skulls!

    1. I agree with you. To much. All that. One question. Hkw does the economy get squeezed with more incarnations? It would actually help aside from cost. Less people to complete for jobs. Dealers to work to cover for their income. Creates more jobs... Needs officers for more prisons and the people to build them. So many ways I don't understand how that part of your comment is valid.

    2. Because we are paying to put all these people up. The only money the government has is what they took from you. So the gov takes $1 from 45k people and that pays for a year of a guards salary. Is that a +45k to the economy or a break even since the money had to come out of the economy first? Then you tax the 45k AGAIN at 25℅ tax rate! You are paying some of them to have sex with the inmates and probably paying for the bastard children that result. Paying for them to sneek in phones and drugs to the BGF. For the inmates its even worse. Yes at some facilities they have them making coca cola packaging and McDonalds uniforms, but those are sold at far below what a private company could sell them for. That means you are benefiting those companies purchasing from prison factories, and killing private sector jobs that would have to do that work at true cost of business. Same goes for the contractors building the prison. Your just moving money from place to place with the government getting a cut of every transaction along the way and they pretend that it's an economy.
      Now let's imagine another scenario. Drugs are 100℅ and totally legal. This has been done in other countries without increases in use! So suddenly anyone can sell drugs. Now if you want to be a drug dealer you have to compete with big companies. Profits shrink for street drugs because of market saturation. Suddenly you will see either no street sellers, or street sellers that are using it as a means to an end (pay for education, move to a better area, ect.) No more stories about people or dogs being shot in mistaken SWAT raids. Far fewer incidences of Police over-reach, illegal search/seisure and murders of unarmed citizens. No more street gangs in drug sales because they can't compete with legitimate business. No more lives ruined by incarceration or criminal records following them for life. We can look back at alcohol prohibition and realize what happened and why it couldn't work. See any street gangs selling booze today?
      If you really want to understand EVERYTHING go on to YouTube and start watching Ron Paul videos. When it all finally clicks your gonna get real angry.

    3. Never new pistol was working, where was he working? How may chances did you want to give pistol?

    4. Last time I checked performing a service for a profit is work

  14. Thank you Judge Seaton for protecting the Wicomico County citizens !

  15. he has 8 kids with many different women. his street name is shooter. he's not the guy from skateland. just check his name in the md case search and see how far the rabbit hole goes. good riddance.

    1. Quit lying. You know him so well.... You know your gonna miss him. And if your clean.... You'll relapse soon enough.

  16. Let's see...calculating the sentence...the correctional system...the parole/probation system...and taking into account that that POTUS is providing commuted sentences for this very behavior...he will be back with our community in less than 3 years.

    Good job Matt...not your bad.

  17. I thought the sentence was harsh until I saw all his prior convictions. Good grief. That being said 1:55 has a valid point.

  18. Y'all just remember Hon. Seaton was an O'Malley admin. pick.

  19. 5:44 said "Needs officers for more prisons and the people to build them."

    No matter what the government claims government jobs are not productive for the economy. They are a drag on the economy because they use tax dollars that if in the hand of the original owner would be more productive. A tax dollar is only 36% as productive as a private dollar.

  20. He seems to be happy so I'm happy!

  21. that is a crazy sentence.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If he was "no danger" to anyone, he would not have been carrying a stolen, illegal handgun.

    What, you want to wait until he blows away another black, before taking him off the streets?

    All he had to, was stay in school and take advantage of the FREE education the taxpayers offered him, graduate and get a JOB. You know, like the majority of us do.

    July 23, 2015 at 9:24 PM

    Carrying a weapon, whether stolen, illegal or otherwise, does NOT make anyone a threat.

    And, well duh, YES I wanted to wait, not for him to k ill anyone, but to actually have a REASON to take him off the street instead of what he MIGHT do. WE have become a nation of WUSSIES.

    And I got some news for you, the FREE education you mention is not actually free, nor is it much of an education. It trains kids to memorize, to retain and repeat what some teacher has spoken to them. It does NOT teach anyone how to THINK.

    lol I just realized YOU got that free education and you can't think which further proves my point. lol Isn't it ironic?

  23. 10:45 He was committing a crime merely by possessing a stolen firearm, enough reason to take him off the streets. People like that carry weapons not just for self-defense, as law abiding citizens do, but as an instrument of aggression. Don't tell me he isn't capable of it( look at his record.

    As far as his education is not being "free", that's begging the issue as well as missing the point. It's just as "free" to him and his ilk as the three hots and a cot he'll be enjoying for the next 25 years, in that HE will never pay for it. He is a taker, not a taxpayer, and he is unlikely to ever draw w legitimate paycheck, with his share of taxes taken out to pay for his own kids' education (he has 8 of them? By 8 different Babymommas??)

    1. Could not have said it better.

  24. I have not read the comments,but this easily falls into the category that Obama spoke of this week,where less serious offenders should be released from prison early.He'll do 5 years MAX.Obama somehow considers all of this nonsense his "legacy".Is it 2016 yet?

  25. Judge Seaton should send her crazy husband away, Talk about a common nuisance and racist.

  26. Anybody who thinks these drug dealers are nonviolent criminals need to think again.You need to experience the violence drug and alcohol addiction perps on the family and
    and associates of the addict. The addicts themselves are not the only victim.

  27. 642, As a law abiding citizen with a squeaky clean record, it is illegal for me to carry concealed or open any handgun, even though I have a 30 state concealed carry permit.

    The point is, it's the LAWS that make people criminals, not necessarily their actions.

    If it were made legal for me to carry concealed in Maryland, it would not change the fact that I haven't shot anyone in 40 years!

  28. He sounds like a prime candidate for Obie to pardon.

  29. This kind of sentencing just shows you the kind of beast we live under. This judge is a Devil of the worst type .If he were white he could probably plead insanity.


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