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Sunday, July 26, 2015

A Letter To The Editor 7-20-15

Hello Joe... I am at a frustrated dead end. I am a single woman who owns her own home. I take pride in my home and my yard. I get complements from all my neighbors how great I keep my yard and I do it all myself. I don't hire anyone to cut my grass. I push cut it myself. However there is an house occupied down the street that looks like a haunted house or should be condemned. I have been to several town meetings to complain. I have been told the home owner has been notified by a citation on the door. He is given a certain amount of days. If not cleaned up ..he then gets a certified letter. Then if he doesn't act...the town will hire someone to do the work and it will be added to his county taxes. This all started in May. The bushes have grown to the second story and also cover the entire front door. Grass has only been cut twice. It is a complete eye sore. I pay my taxes! I don't know we're to go from here.



  1. Writer should be proud of what she has and feel for the individual whose personal situation may preclude him from doing that which you want. After all he is making your yard look even better.

  2. Did you ever try going down and knocking on the door and having a civil conversation with the property owner? Maybe they need assistance with keeping their yard up.

  3. Move out of the city.

  4. 3:16
    I don't think they live in the city. They said town meeting.

    Which town is this happening in is the question.

  5. Maybe you and your neighbors can get together and help him keep up with the yard work. You might even make a new friend ! At least go over and start a conversation! Sheesh, does everything have to end up in the govt's. hands?

  6. Just keep this crap to yourself. A lawn is a lawn. Bushes are bushes. Neighbors are neighbors. you don't get to pick them and your problem with anything is exactly that, your problem. Quit crying about other people not living to your standards. It's not that serious. If they are affecting you, then you'd have all of our support, but here you are just being a simpleton expecting everyone to be as perfect as you. I've been dealing with neighbors like you for years. Write your congressman. It'll get all the attention you deserve. None! BTW, put a fence around your pool or take it down. now that is a true neighborhood safety hazard.

  7. How can a H.O.A hire the Town to cut grass? Seems to me that the H.O.A should have to hire a landscaper out of their funds. This lady's story is as cooky as she probably is.

  8. Good for you taking care of your property now stay on it. This is what is wrong with america, what does someone else's property have to do with you. Take care of your own business stay out of others.

  9. Goodness you people are really sympathetic to the citizen who is keeping her yard looking like it should - NOT!!!! When someone tries then there are slobs that could give a crap less, it's very disgusting, I know - at least her's is down the street, mine is right next door.

  10. Bunch of negative nancy's. I totally agree with her. And I am sure if this was your neighbor you would too. Why should she have to mow his lawn just because he is too lazy. We have all had those types of neighbors and disliked the situation as much as she does.

    Why don't one of you lazy unemployed slobby naysayer get up off the couch and go mow it and be charitable. Seems you've got nothing better to do than spread your negativity. Go do something useful.

  11. It makes the value of other homes go down when
    the entire neighborhood doesn't keep their property
    up to par.
    Perhaps they're a Sr Citizen & can't or perhaps
    another legit reason ----rather then being just plain
    lazy & sloppy.
    Check out the circumstances---If they're just plain
    Slobs----City will send someone to cut----has to be
    over 12" high---and add cost to their taxes. I don't
    know what Cunty does-----if anything.

  12. I do understand the writers frustration as not only is it a sight to look at Im sure but also provides places for mice sbakes and bugs. However....I dont understand why you think you need a big congrats because your a woman and you push cut your yard. Its not a big heroic task. Millions of people do it. My ten year old daughter does it.

  13. Keep reporting them to the proper authorities but do it in a nice way.
    If you play your cards correctly so to speak you can have them eating out of your hand and they will act upon your complaints. It's all in the way you present yourself. Don't come across as an angry the b-word, but rather a helpless female at her wits end. This works esp well if it's men you are dealing with but will work with women too. Compliment them compliment them compliment them. It makes a world of difference as they are used to most people being angry about something.
    When everyone told me I was wasting my time trying to get my property assessment lowered I said you want to bet.
    My assessment were lowered to exactly where I felt they should have been.

  14. Part of living in an area where you can do what you want on your own property is allowing others to do the same at their property. Sometimes that means driving by a less landscaped house than you have.

    If you want to live in an area where everybody has perfect landscaping, go live in an area that has an HOA and stringent landscaping standards. Problem solved!

  15. Just relax and let government do it's job,Doh!

  16. if it bothers you that much, go cut it. trying talking to the people there, if no one there Im sure they won't mind you trimming it up. why can't people work things out themselves instead of calling on big brother?

  17. Number one...i don't think I am special because I cut my owns grass...grow up. My point is this is a single man in at least his 30's that inherited this house. He can have enough energy to party but not take care of an eye sore. I can guarantee those of you with your negative comments that I am whining would not put up with the sight I have to look at everyday. It is not a development there is no HOA. I assume those who have posted childish negative comments don't take pride in what they have to pay for....or maybe you are living off the state.

  18. Omg, you got way to much time on ur hands. I know ppl getting treated for terminal cancer, friends taking care of elderly parents, ppl working 3 jobs just to keep food and shelter, and u want to complain about someone else's yard....Wow pick up the newspaper n read, what r u fussing about. Get a real job, u got it good my dear. Please keep ur pitiful yard worries to ur self. Sorry no feeling sorry 4 u here.

  19. Lady you need more to do than worry about someone else's lawn. Maybe they aren't physically able to maintain it as well as you. Go do it yourself. Fresh!

  20. So it seems that the person is able to cut their own grass and is just being lazy. I think a lot of you own this lady an apology. You have a lady here that is working hard to provide for her family and is able to keep her place looking nice and you have a lazy bum that has been given something and he is not taking care of it.

    1. Why should we apologize for here being the blocks crazy lady? I feel sorry for the guy who can't do what he wants with his property!

  21. I agree. If you have to get and pay for a permit for everything you do in wicomico county you should be made to comply with town regulations. This has nothing to do with telling this person to get over it. It the responsibility of a home owner to maintain their property. If they can't themselves. ..there are many resources to rectify the situation.

    1. It's his responsibility to do what he wants with " his" land! To much government over reach telling folks what they can and can't do with what is theirs! What's next? The health nut complaining about the fat guy next door? ..... I work do hard to keep this beautiful body and I gotta see this slob next door! He won't go to the gym or eat right. And all I see is pizza boy after pizza boy!
      Cater to this crazy lady and the rest of the sheeple who cry to big brother. There will be no end to the madness! For the land of the free...... I don't see a damn thing that's free.

  22. Well it seems tou do think tour apecial or you wouldnt of stated it. As far growing up..it seems as though you may need to heed your own advice as you are the ine on a blog whining about how lazy your neighbor is.

  23. Owe her an apology!!! This chick needs to mind her own business. Just take care of her yard, and be thankful hers looks good. Live and let live I say. Take up a craft besides being a busybody. There problem solved.

  24. To 5:43. As a matter of fact...I HAVE CANCER AND A 40 HOUR A WEEK REAL JOB! Think about what you say.

  25. Since when is cutting grass working hard...please...

  26. 6:01
    When you allow your grass to get so high, trash to pile up and the grounds don't get taken care of problems will arise. The last thing someone wants is snakes and rats roaming around their house because their neighbor is lazy. If it is up to the town to do something then something should be done!

    1. Protect yourself from rodents and snakes. Traps and powders that aren't toxic can do this. Again worry bout you!

  27. Wwll dear then it appears you have your hands full and might feel a little better if you would MIND YOUR BUSINESS and not worry about someone else's property. Its not your problem.

  28. Well if u have cancer, 40hrs job, do ur own push cutting and still have time to worry about that ugly yard, u have other issues to deal with,and it's deeper then just ur neighbors yard. I'm glad my family doesn't live near you. And we keep our yard and house very neat. But it doesn't run our life, nor do anyone's yard near us that aren't neat run our lives. Everything going on in this messed up world, sorry u have to worry so bad about this miniature problem.

  29. So would all of you with negative comments agree with having a neighbor who was dealing drugs out of their house? I doubt it. Everyone can have an opinion but do it in a adult way. You all sound like a bunch of bashing adults that have too much time on your hands or you wouldn't be ringing in with such hate.

    1. Oranges and apples. Mute is what you are.

  30. When one knocks,does Lerch come to the door?

  31. If you know about the guy that owns it, that he inherited it, he partys, you must be one of those nosey, know everything that goes on in your little neighborhood. So maybe if u know so much about the guy, you need to March ur self over there and talk to the guy in between his partying and let him know what an eye sore his place is, lol ur just a pain in butt neighbor.

  32. Anonymous, Anonymous, you have no complaint.
    You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't.
    So, listen up closely and listen up good,
    get on with your life like you know that you should.

    Siiiigned, Dear Abbey!

  33. To 6:28. Been there with the neighbors dealing drugs. And yes I took steps to put a stop to it. Some of you need to realize some people cannot be reasoned with in person because they may retaliate by damaging your property. She shouldn't have to. And if we are all suppose to mind our own business then let's take down all the drug free and crime watch signs if we are not allowed to give a crap about our neighbors and our community and bottom line following regulations. Why should it be her problem to solve alone when it seems she has done what one would thought was the right thing to do and go to the town hall and complain.

    1. That's the problem. Done what one thought was right. To much thinking and personal feelings are being contributed to politics and laws. Our country has catered to too many for to long! Think of your yard as your private little country that your the president of. Nice thought isn't it? It's what our forefathers envisioned. It was once a reality. Until people like this lady came along!

  34. How in the heck did all this get to a concerned neighbor being a nosey neighbor to our forefathers. It's pathetic .....there is a hell of alot more our forefathers "envisioned " that surely doesn't happened and your comparing that to a woman with health issues that just does for herself and is scorned for asking for suggestions. Maybe she should trespass. ..and vandalism to make a point.

    1. Oh yes. Let's lead to the black way . Steal stuff and destroy it because you don't like it. I got news for you. Come trespass on my property vandalize. I got some rock salt for you!

  35. Maybe she ahould. It works for other people whos lives matter

  36. Since the world we live in is forcing us all to accept each other as we are, I suggest people accept other people's lawns how they are. As long as it isn't hurting anything that is. Kudos to you for wanting better for others, but that is just wishful thinking. I wish you well. We can't all be winners, some of us have to lose. I'm a loser according to society, but I was medically retired serving my country in the USAF over a decade ago. I do want nice grass, but it is far down on my to-do list these days with the heat being a lot on my body. I say, do what you can to help .... charity can't be forced though. Go live you life.

  37. If everyone is to mind their own business then why did you look this up and make a comment? Uh? Duh.

  38. It's been our experience that the better you keep your property, the more likely you are to be cited for minor infractions. The junky yards just don't get penalized.

  39. I can't figure out why you are single...

    1. Lmao. Me either? Probably the nag that's in her.

  40. You all seem to want this lady to walk over and talk to the guy with the junky yard. Do you really think someone who keeps his property like this is going to take criticism very well? He would probably tell her to f-off and get out of my yard. Or he might start doing more annoying things just to bother her. You can't trust that everyone is going to be civil. That might work in a perfect world, but not this one.

  41. I live right in Salisbury in the Presidents Neighborhood area what you are describing is the way the whole city is going. You have a nice home here and you take care of pay your taxes and try to live as a model citizen. The trouble is absentee landlords, renters, and those that just don't care as long as the rent $ is received, or taxes paid no one cares. I too attend meetings and speak out but unless vital codes are broken and they don't murder anyone they are here to stay.
    I do hope and pray things improve for you, try to band good neighbors together you can do more as a group. Get a copy of the codes, keep a record of violations and use them and I suggest when you have done all that contact Susan Phillips with the Neighborhood Codes, she does care about all your concerns.

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You all seem to want this lady to walk over and talk to the guy with the junky yard. Do you really think someone who keeps his property like this is going to take criticism very well? He would probably tell her to f-off and get out of my yard. Or he might start doing more annoying things just to bother her. You can't trust that everyone is going to be civil. That might work in a perfect world, but not this one.

    July 26, 2015 at 9:22 AM

    talking to whoever owns that property is the best course of action to take. Not bringing it to a blog and subjecting this person to open ridicule, without his even knowing he is the subject of a discussion.

    That man, nor anyone else, is under any obligation to care for his lawn to meet her expectations, nor anyone else's unless he signed an agreement with an HOA type of community.

    And who is to say the man is neglecting anything. Maybe he prefers his yard to look like it does. Not very likely but it is possible. And to tell you the truth, if I was the person with this yard and found out she and others are talking about me on a blog she would have to look at that yard a long, long time.

    This woman seems to think she can impose her will on anyone she chooses. I wold leave the yard just the way it is as a reminder that she cannot.

  43. I had the same issue and minded my own business until the rats, rodents and bugs started showing up on my property and then it WAS my business and had every right to complain!

  44. well i can see her point to a degree...however....its his property and he has a right to do what he wants...if she doesnt like it then dont look in his direction...im all for less govt and the govt for staying out of our private personal lives....she could always go offer to cut the grass for him...maybe there is more to his so called laziness then she knows..just because he parties or so she says doesnt mean that he doesnt have a disability that denies him from doing work like this...if she doesnt like it then talk to him...he may act like a jerk over it or he may not...offer to cut the grass for him...sometimes its all in the presentation...if you go act like a arse then he will act like a arse...if you go act nice and civil then he will most likely respond with the same...bottom line...if you dont go over and try to work it out then stop pissing and moaning and worrying about things that you have no control over....stop being so nosy and get a life...


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