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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Judge upholds cancellation of Redskins trademark

WASHINGTON – A federal judge on Wednesday upheld the cancellation of the trademark of the Washington Redskins, which Native American groups and others have long argued is offensive.

U.S. District Court Judge Gerald Bruce Lee upheld an earlier ruling by the federal Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, which ruled last year that the name is offensive and therefore ineligible for a federal trademark.

The cancellation won’t go into effect immediately and the Redskins intend to appeal the ruling, said team President Bruce Allen, in a statement.



  1. More proof that this country is doomed. Courts ruling on people's feelings instead of the law. America is going to be one big free for all pretty soon.

  2. Everyone's feelings matter except for Christians apparently.

  3. Can anyone guess who did the blackmailing of the courts???

  4. The skins suck, who cares.

  5. World gone crazy!

  6. "Offensive" is an individual opinion, not a point of law.

    Get real.


    those guys breaths running around contribute to Climate Change

  8. 5:32 Not only that but Al Gore was eaten by a polar bear about an hour ago. That happen in Florida.


  9. What are the chances the team name predates the law?

  10. I told you the Confederate Flag issue would lead to this.

  11. Skins may suck but so does this judges ruling.
    Sad day in Mudville.

  12. I think at this point there are very few 100% native Americans left in this country, but almost all of us have a small amount of native American blood in our ancestry. I have not found one person who thinks that it is offensive.
    I'm offended by how often the holocost is drilled into our heads, genocide, genocide, genocide. Yet in history class they will only mention the small pox blankets and you learn about "manifest destiny". They should be teaching - Yes America committed genocide against the American Indians killing 90% of their population, yes America used biological warfare for genocidal purposes, yes America cheated and stole land forcing the natives onto desert wasteland and old nuclear testing grounds. Then the perk is, we aren't going to tax you. I find that far more offensive.
    Same as the rebel flag. I find the symbol itself less offensive than the lies I was taught in public school about the civil war and about slavery itself. They teach, oh the south lost and everyone was free, but they don't talk about the slavery after slavery. They never taught me in school that the US government, even after WWII was handing out information during census taking, on how to write community code on how to keep Black families out of traditional white communities. They don't teach you that even up to WWII Black enlisted men were being used as scientific experiments. So a piece of cloth does not offend me. I don't think it has a place on public grounds and if you disagree, realize that the way they have framed the argument, if you win, you open the door to ANYTHING with "historical" significance being planted in public spaces.
    The conservatives need to get ahead of the liberals on some issues because their reactionary tactics are allowing liberals to put them into lose/lose situations.

  13. PETA says Miami has to change their name or start playing better. They are offending the actual dolphins.

  14. I hope the skins pull out of DC and go to another state and change their names. It would serve the liberal nuts right to lose a team that brings so much money into that area.

  15. I guess the Wicomico County flag is next.

  16. I am offended by the name yankees. Please remove ot NY.


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