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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Baltimore Mayor Fires Police Commissioner

BALTIMORE – Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Wednesday that she has fired Police Commissioner Anthony Batts, 2 1/2 months after the city broke out into riots following the death of a man who was injured in police custody.

Rawlings-Blake announced her decision in a three-paragraph news release that also noted she has named Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis as interim commissioner.

The mayor scheduled a news conference with Davis for later Wednesday afternoon.

Rawlings did not give a reason, but the move comes amid a spike in the city's homicide rate.


Mayor's press conference on police command

Watch live 


  1. She is being lead by someone else pulling the strings telling her what and who to do what to. She simply doesn't come off being that intelligent. For starters, she was the one who told police to stand down and let the thugs have room to burn and loot. She then back-tracked her statement after good ole Al Sharpton came to town. The person she should have fired first was the racist State Attorney, y, then Batts, then the mayor should have resigned if she truly had any integrity. I won't my breath waiting for her and the States Attorney to have any integrity.

  2. The last thing I want to do is watch her live. She's just like the rest of them lie lie lie and blame blame blame. It wouldn't be a stretch for her to blame the riots on slavery or the Confederate flag.
    This is how these people operate. ZERO sense of any responsibility for anything. This is why the race is such a mess.

  3. Is there any control in that city? It is beginning to look like Salisbury. "da bury"

  4. Just do as you're told, and if my plan backfires, you're fired so I still look good.

    Get it?

  5. I hope Governor HOGAN cans her A$$ too!!!!

  6. If I were him, I'd be glad to be out of there.
    I have an uncle who was a chief of police for a major metropolitan city. One of his officers arrested the fire chief for DUI. The fire chief was best buds with the mayor. The mayor wanted the arrest squashed, and my uncle refused and was fired for it.
    Government = corruption!

  7. This comes just a few hours after the Baltimore FOP released the finding of their investigation into the riots. One thing to note is that the officers were told to allow a level of destruction to occur so it looked like the looters forced the hand of the officers so the truth is the thugs were given space to destroy.
    If the blacks of that city and the NAACP don't start a movement to get her to resign then they will continue to look like the fools that they are especially the NAACP who pretends to be a group focused on the advancement of colored people. Show some guts NAACP instead of being nothing but putrid bottom feeders who allow yourselves to be dragged around and told what to do by the democrat party. They are still slaves being used by the democrats and too stupid to know it.
    This is why they haven't advanced. Why the majority minority areas aren't fit for cockroaches.

  8. I just perused Batts' employment contract and interestingly his contract was up AND if he is fired he receives a 190K severance. If he resigned he got nothing. They are all corrupt.

  9. So true to all the above!!! Trying to blame Police Commissioner for the increase in violence/homicides. Old Trick.... People are smarter than to believe that.

  10. He was probably trying to give her some sound advice and the street hood in her said I got this your fired. That's how incompetent she is but the blacks are as dumb as she is and will vote her back in. Merion Barry anyone??? They wonder why the get NO RESPECT because they take NO RESPONSIBILITY! !!!!!

  11. She fires a black man and replaces him with a white man. How are the rioters going to handle this?

  12. Whitie has to clean up the mess she and hers made.


  13. Pretty fair bet the voters are gonna fire her in the near future. Likely to be replaced by a known thief. Charm City is circling the drain.

  14. The mayor sported a cap promoting a commercial business for this announcement. How much does it cost for other people to buy one of their public messages? I was thinking about Korean heritage advancement. After all, they run great liquor stores.

  15. Anonymous See Ya said...
    I hope Governor HOGAN cans her A$$ too!!!!

    July 8, 2015 at 5:29 PM

    You don't know the first thing about politics do you?? Just like 4:50 with his comment about the Mayor firing the States attorney proves you have no clue about what is going on.

    And they allow you to vote!

  16. Anonymous said...
    So true to all the above!!! Trying to blame Police Commissioner for the increase in violence/homicides. Old Trick.... People are smarter than to believe that.

    July 8, 2015 at 5:37 PM

    That's no different than you idiots giving credit to that illiterate police chief in Pocomoke, Cheef Sewage has nothing to do with crime being down the most in 20 years.

  17. Anonymous said...
    She fires a black man and replaces him with a white man. How are the rioters going to handle this?

    July 8, 2015 at 5:50 PM

    if that's the case then that was a smart move! Get over it!

  18. She's one idiotic broad. The murders aren't going to stop just because Batts is gone. They will only slow down when the cops can be proactive again in getting the illegal firearms off the streets without fear of that other skank Mosby filing charges against them.
    The Baltimore city residents are pathetically ignorant. They want the murders to stop but when the cops try and get the guns off the streets the morons cry harassment and racism. The morons got what they wanted so now they deserve to be wallowing around in their cess pools of crime. They so deserve it.

  19. This is just a smoke screen for her. wow that was quick though. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

  20. Kevin Davis will do a great job. The color of his skin has nothing to do with his ability to lead. Chief Batts has no control of the Black on Black violence in America or Baltimore. The Mayor is solely responsible for the increase in the homicide rate in Baltimore at this time. The Mayor and her liberal platform created this. The F.O.P. has it right and she not Batts should gone.

    Batts is guilty of letting a politician run the police department. He failed his men and the people not standing up for both parties. One can not trust Brass that support Mayor Blake. They are climbers with an agenda.

    It is much like Salisbury City. I think Jake Day and Chief Duncan can clean up this ridiculous liberal agenda Jim Ireton has implemented. It is a failure and if Ireton had any integrity he would acknowledge this and at least try to go out with some dignity.

    I see a curve in the general publics eye. They want law and order. They want to be able to walk the streets at night without fear of the thugs that run our street. Feeding pizza to thugs just lets them rob you on a full stomach. The law of the land should be followed no matter what the color or economic position in life.

    Adios Ireton I would vote for anyone running against you. They could not do any worse. Your liberal b.s. has lead to a major downslide in this city

  21. SRB and Mosby need to go too. These 2 along with Anthony "we are going to be arresting a lot more cops" Batts are Affirmative Action social justice losers. Their plan has backfired and now they are stuck with this embarrassingly high murder rate and the epidemic of shootings.
    SRB has finally grown a brain and is realizing arresting cops is not in her best interest.

  22. Sorry but his hands were tied by her.
    She should go


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