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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Jeb Bush: ‘People need to work longer hours’

According to ABC News, Bush was asked a question about tax reform during an interview live streamed on Periscope, and said he believes the U.S. can achieve 4 percent growth.

“Which means we have to be a lot more productive, workforce participation has to rise from its all-time modern lows,” Bush continued. “It means that people need to work longer hours.”

The Democratic National Committee said Bush’s remarks were “easily one of the most out-of-touch comments we’ve heard so far this cycle,” according to ABC.


  1. Wow, we have the least vacation of any industrial nation and he thinks we don't work long enough hours. Talk about a silver spoon kid.

  2. Get him out of the race...Tired of Bushes and Clintons....

  3. When has he actually worked?!

  4. "easily one of the most out-of-touch comments we’ve heard.."
    What else would you expect from the Bush family? And he didn't even finish what he really meant, "..work longer hours., serving us."

  5. And they said W was an idiot. I want, before I die, to see an election for president that does not have the names Clinton and Bush in it.

  6. Good bye...Go Walker !

  7. Longer hours? People are working two or three part time jobs because so many full time positions have been eliminated.

    And the icing on the crapcake is W's gutting of the traditional 40 hour workweek overtime laws. Work longer hours, spend less time with your family, pay more in taxes, take home less, and die sooner.

    Some endeth the American Dream.

  8. DNC right for once. Bush family has been out of touch for generations.

  9. Can you say "Lead balloon?" Boy is he OUT OF TOUCH!!

  10. When will they get , we are now working 2 jobs to support the entitlement people. 45% of Americans don't work and can.
    So you want me to work more hours , not gonna happen.

    1. No but the 45% need to work more hours and add to the productivity. Which is part of what he was saying.

  11. So you leave the DONALD?
    HAHAHA, you make it too easy

  12. Hopefully some people on this site will start to realize that the Republicans do not have their best interest at heart.

  13. Neither do the democrats.

  14. Let's see, I worked an 18-hr. day yesterday, not including 2 hrs. of driving time, & I need to work longer days? Hmmm, how clueless can you be? But then again, when the silver spoon is involved, this is what you can expect. I do believe Ben Carson is better able to understand the everyday people & their struggles, which now include not being able to afford insurance due to the fiasco known as Obamacare.

  15. Every hour has sixty minutes. If you become president, will you make hours longer so that this dream of yours can come true?

  16. 4:36PM
    Do a little research on Walker and the 'keep-it-a-secret' language he tried to slip through in Wisconsin's new budget. Walker is most assuredly NOT the guy we want in the WH., he's a lot like the one that's there now.

  17. To understand what Bush was talking about you must pay attention to the phrase "workforce participation" and not to Dumbocrat talking points designed to pervert peoples words and rile up the uninformed.

  18. I could not understand a word he said that great big silver spoon in his mouth garbled his speech. He is not his old man by any means.

  19. "Hopefully some people on this site will start to realize that the Republicans do not have their best interest at heart."

    Probably correct, but let's not be misleading. While the republicans won't do much FOR you, they won't do much against you, either. The democrats, on the other hand, are about gutting this country and destroying self-initiative and independent thought. Just look how they've used the IRS to destroy people who don't adhere to the correct agenda. (Yeah - I know that Nixon tried to use the IRS as a bludgeon, but there is no comparison.) Don't be fooled.

  20. I am by no means a fan of Jeb Bush but what he actually said was there are too many people employed in part time positions that would love to be working in full time positions.
    I know of several people who are in this category.

  21. Him in the number one spot over Trump should be a chrystal clear indication that forces unknown to us are at work.Knock on 100 doors today and ask each person who they plan to vote for & why.At least 80 if not all will say they'll vote for Trump,and almost all will cite immigration as a reason.A mystery poll of unknown origin put a guy on top because of what?


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